These are cards I remember off the top of my head, there are probably more.
Early game Mindrender is bad
Snipe doesnt counter druid at all. There isnt even any 4 hp minions.
Counterspell-One spell. Even braindead druid players would know to uses a 0 cost/low cost spell to test for counterspell.
Glide and Star Student are not only one class but even in that that class they ave to be outcast.
I've read comments from at least 3 people(2 preadolescent trolls) who don't seem to understand the game at all. It's like you didn't even read the first post.
Because of the ez ramp even hyper aggro can be easily halted by Rush/Cleave guardians. The idea classes to be are control warrrior/priest (shaman/mage have devolving missiles and secret rogue has some kickback tactics)but turn 4 popoff isnt easy to deal with. It's not just a flimsy or emotional complaint. It's a fact. It's Barnes-level bad.
These are cards I remember off the top of my head, there are probably more.
Early game Mindrender is bad
Snipe doesnt counter druid at all. There isnt even any 4 hp minions.
Counterspell-One spell. Even braindead druid players would know to uses a 0 cost/low cost spell to test for counterspell.
Glide and Star Student are not only one class but even in that that class they ave to be outcast.
I've read comments from at least 3 people(2 preadolescent trolls) who don't seem to understand the game at all. It's like you didn't even read the first post.
Because of the ez ramp even hyper aggro can be easily halted by Rush/Cleave guardians. The idea classes to be are control warrrior/priest (shaman/mage have devolving missiles and secret rogue has some kickback tactics)but turn 4 popoff isnt easy to deal with. It's not just a flimsy or emotional complaint. It's a fact. It's Barnes-level bad.
The 5/4 that drew 2 have 4 hp but if you play it with the spell it not count anyways
I'm actually surprised that I don't see more Cult Neophyte being played. It's got standard 2 mana stats (3/2), but basically wrecks librams, Lightning Bloom, and Innervate, and makes it useless to play Kael that turn. And you can put two of them in your deck.
Because you can't complain about "no counterplay" when you are actually playing the counterplay cards.
Comments like this are so brainddead.
1) its 2/30 cards
2) It's a BC, not onboard effect. That means it only stalls one turn.
3)For clarity, I have literally played that card twice in a row into an albatross only to have them POPoff on what should be a turn 4.
It's like youre trying be an asshole and trash people that dont like obviously obnoxious unfair advantages but don't even understand what the counters are and how effective they can be yourself. Bet you thought you being sarcastic and cool. You weren't. Keep it positive or just don't post when you dont have an actual solution.
Wow, nice arrogant attitude. Maybe, just maybe, other people DON'T think it's as big a deal as all the nonstop whiners do. It's called a difference of opinion, and believe it or not, he and I are entitled to express it, whether you agree with it or not. Of course it's a onetime effect: it's a tech card. If it were a permanent effect, it would be the most broken card in HS history. But it does buy you an additional turn to finish off your opponent. You seem to think tech cards should give you an autowin against your opponent. They almost never do. Dirty Rat can pull the wrong card. That doesn't mean it's not a great option against combo decks. It just means it's not perfect.
You want to beat Druid?
1) Play an aggro deck with a couple of neophytes: should boost your winrate substantially.
2) Play a heavy control deck (control Priest appears to be very effective against Druid).
But you don't want to do that: you just want to complain so that Blizzard does your work for you. I've said a dozen times: it's too early to know whether or how to nerf this deck. In all likelihood, it's Kael that will need to be nerfed (again). Not that it matters: people will just find a new "broken" deck to whine about.
I'm actually surprised that I don't see more Cult Neophyte being played. It's got standard 2 mana stats (3/2), but basically wrecks librams, Lightning Bloom, and Innervate, and makes it useless to play Kael that turn. And you can put two of them in your deck.
Because you can't complain about "no counterplay" when you are actually playing the counterplay cards.
You're not implying that people here at Hearthpwn would rather complain about "broken" decks than actually counter them, are you? Where's the fun in that?
Again there was no counter play. he drew everything he needed by turn 6 none of those cards could counter it was a fking moonfire otk
Why post something so ignorant? Everyone knows that's a wild card.
Not all know, like me. Only reason I know some card is "Wild" is because HS keeps asking me "this is wild card, are you sure?" When I am crafting cards.
Yes I'm sure fcker now craft me the card. Stop asking me every time ,,!,,
Why post something so ignorant? Everyone knows that's a wild card.
Not all know, like me. Only reason I know some card is "Wild" is because HS keeps asking me "this is wild card, are you sure?" When I am crafting cards.
Yes I'm sure fcker now craft me the card. Stop asking me every time ,,!,,
However, it's common thing I've seen is people putting "WILD" comments in "Standard" threads.
There should be a warning that there's big priests, odd pals, and cancerwocks in wild.
I'm actually surprised that I don't see more Cult Neophyte being played. It's got standard 2 mana stats (3/2), but basically wrecks librams, Lightning Bloom, and Innervate, and makes it useless to play Kael that turn. And you can put two of them in your deck.
Because you can't complain about "no counterplay" when you are actually playing the counterplay cards.
You're not implying that people here at Hearthpwn would rather complain about "broken" decks than actually counter them, are you? Where's the fun in that?
Again there was no counter play. he drew everything he needed by turn 6 none of those cards could counter it was a fking moonfire otk
Actually, Cult Neophyte probably would have prevented your turn 6 OTK: your opponent could not have played any 0 cost spells like moonfire (at least not for free) that turn.
That said, of course, you'd have died the next turn. He got an insane draw, arguably the best possible one. And the odds of getting that draw are tiny. I get it: it sucks. But again, if you were playing a control deck, you were highly likely to lose to a combo deck anyway.
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Early game Mindrender is bad
Snipe doesnt counter druid at all. There isnt even any 4 hp minions.
Counterspell-One spell. Even braindead druid players would know to uses a 0 cost/low cost spell to test for counterspell.
Glide and Star Student are not only one class but even in that that class they ave to be outcast.
I've read comments from at least 3 people(2 preadolescent trolls) who don't seem to understand the game at all. It's like you didn't even read the first post.
Because of the ez ramp even hyper aggro can be easily halted by Rush/Cleave guardians. The idea classes to be are control warrrior/priest (shaman/mage have devolving missiles and secret rogue has some kickback tactics)but turn 4 popoff isnt easy to deal with. It's not just a flimsy or emotional complaint. It's a fact. It's Barnes-level bad.
Fun > Meta
The 5/4 that drew 2 have 4 hp but if you play it with the spell it not count anyways
Wow, nice arrogant attitude. Maybe, just maybe, other people DON'T think it's as big a deal as all the nonstop whiners do. It's called a difference of opinion, and believe it or not, he and I are entitled to express it, whether you agree with it or not. Of course it's a onetime effect: it's a tech card. If it were a permanent effect, it would be the most broken card in HS history. But it does buy you an additional turn to finish off your opponent. You seem to think tech cards should give you an autowin against your opponent. They almost never do. Dirty Rat can pull the wrong card. That doesn't mean it's not a great option against combo decks. It just means it's not perfect.
You want to beat Druid?
1) Play an aggro deck with a couple of neophytes: should boost your winrate substantially.
2) Play a heavy control deck (control Priest appears to be very effective against Druid).
But you don't want to do that: you just want to complain so that Blizzard does your work for you. I've said a dozen times: it's too early to know whether or how to nerf this deck. In all likelihood, it's Kael that will need to be nerfed (again). Not that it matters: people will just find a new "broken" deck to whine about.
Enough with the personal attacks. Stay on topic.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
Again there was no counter play. he drew everything he needed by turn 6 none of those cards could counter it was a fking moonfire otk
Keymaster Alabaster come faster
Counter spell= combo breaker
Not all know, like me. Only reason I know some card is "Wild" is because HS keeps asking me "this is wild card, are you sure?" When I am crafting cards.
Yes I'm sure fcker now craft me the card. Stop asking me every time ,,!,,
However, it's common thing I've seen is people putting "WILD" comments in "Standard" threads.
There should be a warning that there's big priests, odd pals, and cancerwocks in wild.
Fun > Meta
Why is he a clown? Because he called out someone for jumping on to a thread to say "use a card you can't use"?
Actually, Cult Neophyte probably would have prevented your turn 6 OTK: your opponent could not have played any 0 cost spells like moonfire (at least not for free) that turn.
That said, of course, you'd have died the next turn. He got an insane draw, arguably the best possible one. And the odds of getting that draw are tiny. I get it: it sucks. But again, if you were playing a control deck, you were highly likely to lose to a combo deck anyway.