[F2P] KaC Legend Zoolock
- Last updated Dec 23, 2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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- 27 Minions
- 3 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Zoolock
- Crafting Cost: 1400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/8/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
- JrsJams
- Registered User
- 1
- 12
- 36
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Total Deck Rating
Zoolock has been a deck since the beggining of time but it hasn't been tier 1 for a while. Thanks to the new 1 drop Kobold Librarian and 2 drop Vulgar Homunculus from KaC I think it is going to be a very cheap and tier 1 aggro deck that focuses more on overstated demons and demon synergy rather than turn 2 Prince Keleseth draws making the deck much more consistant.
The mulligan is going to be almost the same against all classes, keep everything that costs 1 mana and Vulgar Homunculus. If you have a 1-cost demon that you think will survive keeping Demonfire is usually a good idea also. Against rogue keeping Flame Imp can be bad if you have other one drops but otherwise you always keep it.
This version of zoo is very aggressive and can easily win games by turn 5. Push as much damage as possible early game and only make trades you think are necessary. Rely on Doomguard and Soulfire to finish the game. Don't worry about your health total dealing 10+ damage to yourself is fine even if it looks scary you should still make the play that puts the most stats on the board. Make sure to play around enemy board clears (ex: don't make your entire board have 5 health against priest on turn 6).
Remember this deck is not fully optimized so any changes you think you should make you should probably make, maybe even leave a comment of what you changed. Have fun with this deck and good luck on ladder.
Non-budget upgrades/changes:
Upgrade - Bonemare + Corridor Creeper
VS pirates - Demonfire + Golakka Crawler
VS control warlock -1 Despicable Dreadlord +1 Spellbreaker
VS tempo decks - Darkshire Councilman + Bloodfury Potion
Here's a video of Kadak playing the deck:
Now that bonemare is more costly, what can they be replaced with ???
TY 4 this deck! Cheap and powerful!
Perfect !
Very good deck, thanks a lot !
Both together would not be a good combo since if SKull pulls Lord jaraxxus out of your hand his battlecry is wasted.
I think is exactly that the aim of the suggestion: [card]Lord Jaraxxus[/card] on board is powerfull.
What’s best replacement for imo? I don’t have kara but crafted all upgrades for this deck already
Fantastic deck with great upgrade opportunities.
Any other zoo one drops, you should save up for karazhan, its worth it.
Maybe not anymore since it's rotating very soon, unless you also play Wild.
Well the dust value alone is better or at least the same as buying packs with the same amount of gold, even though it rotates soon I would save up for it
This deck is outstanding. Had a pretty easy climb to rank 7, and I think it'll get me to 5 with some patience. I dropped the Darkshire Councilman in favor of a couple of Bloodfury Potion and the Demonfire for a Golakka Crawler, and it's helped with tempo matchups.
Nice job putting this together. I just don't have the cards to play many competitive decks in this meta so it's been nice to be able to actually compete.
Also, Kobold Librarian is amazing. Having another 1 drop with card draw just adds so much consistency to this deck.
Nice deck. Rank 18 -> 13 with 13-2 record so far. Lost to two Shamans (aggro/evolve). I'll try to reach rank 10 or maybe 5 with this deck.
After losing 3 games in a row, I've decided to make some minor changes in the deck:
Hooked Reaver helps a lot beign one more bigger threat and synergizes well with the deck.
Rank 10 with 20-5 record (80% WR).
Thank you bro. This is a budget deck that really worth to craft!
yea Corridor Creeper is super strong and is definitely a really good replacement for Bonemare even without patches but without Spellbreaker have you found it hard to beat warlocks? The turn 6 Voidlord is just an instant win for them unless I draw my Spellbreaker.
Oh you're right! But I've faced just one control warlock in 32 games, and managed to win in turn 5 lul. Probably it's just good luck hehe
too many priest to win, this suck
Priest is not that bad of a matchup for this deck how are you loosing?
I was gonna say... This is the first deck I've played since KOTFT where I actually feel competitive against Priest. There are multiple options to shutdown an early Northshire Cleric and the cards hedge against Potion of Madness better than any aggro deck I've played. You can even get out of Duskbreaker range with Crystalweaver or any of the demon buff potions. Worst case scenario, you should have a lot of reload, and lots of reach with Doomguard and Soulfire if they do make it to the Dragonfire Potion.
Don't get me wrong; they still have an answer to everything. But this deck handles it as well as any.