[K&C] RDU Midrange Hunter
- Last updated Feb 7, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 20 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 1840
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/7/2017 (Kobolds Patch)

- Rdu
- Pro Player
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[K&C] RDU Midrange Hunter
+55 : Mulligan ✓
You want a [card]Alleycat[/card] or [card]Dire Mole[/card] in order to have a target for [card]Crackling Razormaw[/card] (or eventually kill your cute cats for the glory of your [card]Scavenging Hyena [/card])
If you already have a strong hand (or the coin), you could keep [card]Bearshark[/card] and [card]Animal Companion [/card].
Against aggro/tempo, keep [card]Eaglehorn Bow [/card] and [card]Unleash the Hounds [/card]. corridor creeper
+110 : Complete Guide
You have lots of early game which will generate pressure on your opponent. Then you can easily snowball with a [card]Dire Wolf Alpha [/card], a [card]Scavenging Hyena [/card] or even a Corridor Creeper which can come for free T4/T5.
Of course, you have a powerfull midgame with [card]Bittertide Hydra [/card] follow by [card]Savannah Highmane [/card]. It's pretty hard to control them... Most of the time, it will be enough to finish the game T7/T8.
+555 : Tonight, we hunt !
♥ I hope you'll enjoy the gameplay! Gl&Hf ♥
Would be appreciated ! 
French guides/ Guides en français: ici
I replaced [card]Bittertide Hydra[/card] with Volcanosaur
It works so far. Had a problem with that Warlock Taunt Deck, lost 1 time against that. But win streak is high. Changed the deck since I don't have the other cards—
1Bittertide Hydra to Bonemare
1 Bittertide Hydra to Leeroy Jenkins
1 Scavenging Hyena to Hunter's Mark
Thanks for the deck, returning player after a year of no play at all.
Fun deck. Thank you.
lol i hope you're joking
Decent value, but dumping the Hydras for Bonemares improves the winrate andmakes it cheaper.
This deck:
Swapping the Hydras for Bonemares:
Barely 50% oh boy
But yeah this deck is total shit, literally any hunter deck is better
My comment was from back before the Patches nerf. Absolutely nothing written about Hearthstone before the patch, including my comment, is relevant anymore, lol
Replacements for Bittertide Hydra ?
Fel Reaver5 mana 8/8 beast, there is no replacement for that card.Bonemare
I replaced Bittertide Hydra with Volcanosaur
worst hunter in this expac by far the pirate version is far more solid
Very surprising there is no corridor creeper in this deck considering it's one of the top cards from the expansion, and fits in many decks that don't use beast synergy or have large minion killers like unleash the hounds. I would put that in there.
ugh i like this deck lol but might need to take out a hydra for spellbreaker.. idk few games where i almost had lethal but those damn warlock taunts
corridor creepers
I would go with Fledgling since it's more aggressive as this deck is intended for.
This guy posts someone else's deck and then begs for upvotes in return for a mulligan/strategy guide...
where would you squeeze in a Deathstalker Rexxar?
Deck seems good, guide is bad... well, non-existant, actually :P
Even the provided link points to a site which doesn't host this list (there's another Hunter deck, with same cost but different cards).
Not that it's hard to pilot, it's just another MR hunter and most players can figure that out by themselves, but still...