Big spells Mage
- Last updated Dec 13, 2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Mage
- Crafting Cost: 13400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/1/2017 (Marin's Treasure)
- user-100204687
- Registered User
- 7
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I would consider dropping 1 iceblock for an early game defense against aggro. As aggro is the decks biggest threat.
That being said, you could add another secret or alternatively remove 1 arcanologist as well.
I would probably put 2 tarcreepers in as a replacement for early game.
What do you think?
is there a suitable replacement for valanar? I dusted him as was getting no use from the card.
Have you considered Deck of Wonders? Everyone acting like it is a meme card but, like yogg, I see this being op af after the release
it is winning me games tbh, I love this deck but it is not this good, if your mulligan isn't good you have no early game and get screwd so bad by everyone
Well, I agree with you at some point, but you're not totally right...
lmao, poor guy, I also got pyroblasted by it, but it is so funny I can't take it out from my deck
Have you considered cutting the Mistress of Mixtures for Acolyte of Pain?
Your gonna need card draw
I quite liked the Valanar. And I think Acolyte of pain is almost as good as arcane intellect as it makes your opponent answer it with a card. And late game you can definitely clear their minions before playing acolyte of pain. And it wont mess up dragon's fury.
What do you think of bloodmage thalnos?
My thought process vs aggro is a turn 5 dragon's fury that does at least 5 to all minions will clear any aggro board. So as long as you don't take too much damage before then you can just keep clearing board and win turn 9. Adding 3 cost spells can mess you up and decrease winrate vs aggro over the course of many games, hence in my deck I am only running 1 ice block and 1 arcanologist. All other spells are 5 or more.
Between mistress of mixtures, 2 cost minions, tar creeper, doomsayer and valanar that should be enough anti-aggro to drop a turn 5 DF and win.
I also am going to play 2 acolytes of pain but after testing I might put in novice engineer since as long as I draw my board clears I win.