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KaC Overload Crusher Shaman (Standard)

  • Last updated Dec 4, 2017 (Marin's Treasure)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Control Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 5980
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/6/2017 (Triggered)
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This deck started out as standard version of my wild crusher shaman but has ended up being a bit less combo reliant. I'll provide a link to my wild deck later in the description but here are some of the key points of this version.

Guild Recruiter: I got the idea from RevenantSC but this card works fantastically with our low cost/high overload cards and IBM.

Ancestral Healing: This was a traditional staple of crusher shaman but was dropped later. With the re-addition of IBM, I've added this card back in. It has nice synergy with IBM but also works well with Snowfury Giant or Flamewreathed Faceless to provide a wall to hide behind. It combos as well with The Black Knight for hard removal.

Drakkari Defender: Although it can seem overcosted, it can stop aggro in its tracks and provides overload for Snowfury and Lesser Sapphire Spellstone. In dire situations, it's an excellent spellstone target as well.

Snowfury Giant: With all the overload, this is a wonderful addition. It combos amazingly with spellstone and can be given taunt with ancestral healing.

Lesser Sapphire Spellstone: A cool new card added in the new expansion. It's awesome if you can drop this on a minion that's lived for a turn and/or has Ancestral Spirit.

The rest of the cards are fairly standard crusher shaman cards so I won't get into detail with them but feel free to interchange some cards if you wish. This setup is a bit more anti-aggro/midrange than anti-control so to get some value plays, you may want to make some substitutions. Here are some additional cards you could include that wouldn't hurt the playstyle.

Hallazeal the Ascended to counter burn decks.

White Eyes for more value.

Maelstrom Portal or a second Volcano for further clears.

Dirty Rat for combo decks and Razakus.

Jinyu Waterspeaker can block Guild Recruiter pulls but is a fairly nice pull anyway and a nice heal source.

Here's my wild version

KaC Overload Crusher Shaman
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