[TB: Spellbook Duel] Control Jade Rogue
- Last updated Oct 15, 2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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- 4 Minions
- 5 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Rogue
- Brawl: Spellbook Duel
- Crafting Cost: 540
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 10/16/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)

- Sinti
- Registered User
- 26
- 67
- 300
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This is a very slow variation of a Jade Rogue deck for this brawl, but so much more fun, since there r RNG cards that allow u to have different experience every game (if u want to).
I know it doesnt rly look like a control deck with such a low curve, but most of the cards in the deck provide value far beyond their cost and the deck has no shortage of card draw and card generation, so u will be easilly playing multiple cards per turn and trigger your combos with ease.
- Hallucination: value generator, removal/aoe generator, DK Hero generator ... just pure madness and craziness, this card makes the deck fresh every game
- Eviscerate: good dmg/removal, u can use it for clears or for face dmg
- Jade Shuriken: main "removal" and Jade Golem generator, usually paired with Fan of Knives or other Jade Shurikens, works wonders
- Jade Swarmer: rogue doesnt have many options to generate Jade Golems, so this card is here basically just for that purpose, but it's also a very cheap card that activates your combos, so u will definitely find uses for this often, and so we have some tempo T2 play, since we dont rly want to hero power in this deck, if we can avoid it
- Fan of Knives: aoe/card draw/cycle. Usually used with Eviscerate orJade Shuriken to "Swipe" the board or to cycle itself to get another discover options
- Mimic Pod: literally Arcane Intellect, this deck has a very good card draw with Mimic Pod and Fan of Knives
- Shadowblade: removal tool, battlecry helps u to not lose too much HP and is a good T3 play vs a lot of decks out there to take back the board fast and efficiently
- Stonehill Defender: good stalling card, if u need to buy time to get an extra removal to have combo clear or to get to higher max mana so u can play more cards in one turn or just to fill your curve and spamm some garbage on the board to force response from your opponent
- Jade Spirit: another Jade Golem generator, like i said before, rogue doesnt have that many choices
- Antique Healbot or Reno Jackson: this is here obviously for the heals ... this deck is a very slow control deck and u will find yourself low on health often vs more aggresive decks, this shuts them down completely, when u establish board control, they cannot kill u with one card per turn
How to play:
vs Aggro: no problem, plenty of removals and (soft) aoe that helps to close those dmg gaps, plenty of minions that generate extra minions so u will eventually take board control, and taunt that generates taunts. U will lose only if ur super unlucky with discover options.
vs Burst: this one is not very easy, focus on developing your Jade Golems more than anything and take Antique Healbot when offered (2 or 3 in reserve should be fine most of the time). Try to figure out their cards and dmg potential and just try to stay alive while developing Jade Golems, so they either have to use AOE/removal every turn (which they will not be able to keep up with in the long run anyway) or die.
vs Control: u have Jade Golems and if they play slow, u can just Hallucination the crap out of them and there is no way they will outvalue u. Stonehill Defender is bound to get The Lich King.
Card Options:
Kazakus is an option, probably instead of Stonehill Defender, i dont rly see what other card to cut, if u want to still be control. One might argue Hallucination provides kinda similar value as kazakus on average, but that 1-cost spell is SO important, to help u kill dangerous enemies like Mana Wyrm behind taunt wall on T3 with Eviscerate or just to trigger combos in general ... and the cards u get are not bad either :)
If u want to be more agressive, u can switch our Stonehill Defender or Antique Healbot for Aya Blackpaw, but i dont think she is needed here, in the games where she would be good, ur gonna win anyway and in other games u will miss those taunts or heals that would help u stay in the game, but like i said, u can try it and mby it will work for u :)
If u r vs a lot of Reno decks, tech in Beneath the Grounds and basically nulify their Reno and GG :)
Well, have fun! .)