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Legend Control Warrior [WILD]

  • Last updated Feb 9, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 13600
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/29/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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Aggro- this is usually a favored matchup, with so much taunts, removals and armor gaining most aggro decks get shattered by your superiority. In this matchup cards like Revenge, Ghoul, Deathlord and Sludge Belcher are really good.


Try not to use Coldlight Oracles unless it is absolutely necessary- refueling your opponent with card draw is really shitty in this matchup, after all the aggro deck's greatest weakness is running out of cards very quickly.

KaC- the new card- Drywhisker Armorer provides us with an extremely powerful extra defense tool.


Midrange- This is a bad matchup, you should play them just like aggro and hope they will lose fuel quickly enough. At-least here you get to hide behind Sludge Belchers and try to use Sylvanas+Jasicar Trueheart.

Brawls and Shield Slams are powerful in this matchup.


Control- Here it changes drastically depending on your opponent's deck:

Reno Priest- try to control the board with taunts so he will get as little face damage as possible, spam hero power and pray to high roll Jasicar Trueheart. Armor= he cannot combo you. He cannot combo you= you win.

Try to burn their key cards with Coldlight Oracles (Raza/Shadowreaper, Reno, Kazakus).

In late game just destroy them with Fatigue+Mine/s and Grommash Hellscream.

Jade Druid: here you get deleted in late game, so there in only one solution- go SMOrc, get early board control and crush your opponent's face as quickly as possible, try to shuffle your mine with Iron Juggernaut before they use Ultimate Infestation and shuffle lots of Jade Idols so they will not be able to draw so much/ take 10 free damage (you also get the 6/5 anyways to SMOrc). Use cards like Grommash and Death's Bite to crush his face quickly. Beware cards like Ultimate Infestation and remember Druids have no "big boardclears".


OTK- The OTK decks should be separated into two different groups:

1)Ones that cannot oneshot you after you gain to much armor.


In the 1st case you should just armor up easily and defeat them.

In the 2nd case you should SMOrc them before they get the combo, and in case their decks are finished try to combo them 1st and use fatigue to play around Ice Blocks (most of the time they are going to be Mages).

In both cases use Coldlight Oracles ONLY to burn their cards (unless already in Fatigue of-course) in an attempt to burn a key card and win the game immediately (when you burn an Exodia Mage's Archmage Antonidas they tend to concede).

In the separation to two different decks there is only 1 exception- that is not an actual Exodia but still obviously belongs in group 2, the Exodias.                                                          That deck is OTK Aviana Kun Malygos Druid- although it is really not popular in legend ranks there are always people playing weird decks, and with INSANE amounts of OTK damage they can deal even 80 damage in a single turn and more.


Against aggro:

Revenge, King's Defender, Shield Block, Deathlord.


Midrange: Shield Slam, Deathlord, King's Defender, Brawl, sometimes even Sludge Belcher.

VS Rogues Executes can play around early Edwins.


Control: Acolyte Of Pain, Coldlight Oracle, Execute, Brann when you have Coldlight Oracle in hand.


OTK: Acolyte Of Pain, Coldlight Oracle, Brann Bronzebeard.

Exodias: Early game cards that can help you SMOrc.



In my opinion, if you are not sure if your opponent is Aggro/Control (a good example is warrior), then you should mulligan for Aggro because there the early game cards matter most. so against:

 Druid- mulligan Aggro

Hunter- Aggro (midhunter=aggro kappa)

Mage- OTK

Paladin- Aggro (midpala is very aggressive)

Priest- Control

Rogue- Midrange (this class is outstanding, even when aggro   Midrange mulligan is better)


Warlock- Midrange (demonlock)

Warrior-AGGRO (Yarr yarr yarr imma pirate).     

Endgame combos and finishers explanation:

1st you Dead Man's Hand while you have both Brann and Iron Juggernaut in hand you your opponent is in/close to Fatigue (no cards in deck).

Then you Brann-Juggernaut to shuffle two mines into your opponent's deck, deal 20 damage (2 times- 40 damage). If he is healing like crazy and even that is not enough, then you have two more finishers- you have fatigue to kills him slowly, and this one more option-

Death's Bite/ Revenge+Grommash Hellscream-

you can use Grommash before or after shuffling mines, and he is 10 more damage(20 with Dead Man's Hand). If you Grommash to force your opponent to Reno, then he cannot heal after your mines anymore and will die.


you can use N'zoth up to two times! so even if your opponent Polymorphs your minions in the 1st time you still get your insane value, the minions that are spawned from N'zoth's battlecry with both protect you from your opponent's minion's attacks, provide after death-value to play around boardclears and give you the option to deal big amounts of damage to your opponent's face.

Kobolds And Catacombs 

Edit 10/12/17 

Removed: x1 King's Defender x1 Shield Block

Added: +2 Drywhisker Armorer 

The Upcoming Changes:

I am thrilled to experiment with the new cards, and see which will be fitting to join our Control Warrior deck- two have already joined the crew- the Drywhisker Armorers. I believe that many other changes might come, due to cards that I will find powerful in this archetype (like, for an example, Geosculptor Yip, a new Warrior Legendary that I am about to experiment with soon, or due to meta changes that will effect our gameplan.

I am happy to say that I'v found this deck successful lately, and after a streak of 6-0 I decided these changes were ready to be posted here, on Hearthpwn.

If you have any suggestions for the deck I'll be glad to hear them! comment below and I'll try to answer as soon as possible.

I haven't made a card replacements guide, do you want me to make one/a budget list?

Do you think I should make a part in the guide that explains card choices?

If there is anything else you want to know, or any questions you want to ask please comment below, I'll try to answer as quickly as possible.