Legend 151 Astral Druid 68% WR [Rank 5-Legend]
- Last updated Aug 31, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 17 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Astral Druid
- Crafting Cost: 14000
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/28/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- Rich_Piana
- Registered User
- 9
- 24
- 65
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Total Deck Rating
My name is theorycrafter Knockout. I created this deck for Woepsie#2249 who piloted this deck. We’re all about making the most out of shitty decks. Beast priest, mill hunter, pirate warlock, miracle mage, you name it. Todays topic, Astral Druid!
Pics or didn’t happen
Legend proof
Deck progression from rank 5 to rank 2.
Deck progression from rank 2 to legend rank 151.
This time it was with 2x Stonehill Defender
First things first, the druid basics. As a druid you can “cheat” your mana curve. Cards such as Innervate and Nourish can manipulate your curve. It’s necessary to think 3/4/5 turns ahead.
Example 1; On turn 3, you The Coin + Innervate to play a Dark Arakkoa, because on turn 4 you have Bright-Eyed Scout and turn 5 followed by the card pulled from Bright-eyed. Chances are big you’ll eventually get a turn 6 play from the draws.
Example 2; On turn 2, you can The Coin + Innervate to play your Nourish in order to have a turn 3 with 5 mana crystals. However, you don’t have a turn 5 play. You play vs control, so there’s no hurry to play your cards fast. It would have been better to use turn 2 to use your hero power -> turn 3: Innervate + Nourish in order to have a turn 4 with 6 mana crystals to play Master Jouster and on turn 7; The Coin + The Lich King, because the turn after (on the actual turn 8) you have a Charged Devilsaur to play. This way you get the most out of each turn.
There are 2 kinds of mulligan.
Mulligan vs Aggro:
-Wild Growth
-Stonehill Defender
-Astral Communion
Mulligan vs Control:
-Wild Growth
-Astral Communion
-Bright-Eyed Scout
-Nourish (only keep against slow decks or with innervate in hand)
Deck history
-2x Raven Idol
-2x Giant Mastodon
-1x Onyxia
-1x Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
+2x Stonehill Defender
+1x Malfurion the Pestilent
+1x Charged Devilsaur
+1x The Lich King
+1x North Sea Kraken
Note: The cards that have been replaced can be considered as alternative cards to replace cards you don’t have yet. However, the core mulligan cards CANNOT be replaced. Beneath are some tech cards that can have a good amount of value in this deck.
With every new Hearthstone set, i always try to make the Ancestral Communion dream work, but i always have some trouble, i heard Giants were a thing in Wild now because of that naga card so i went looking for a giant druid deck because Druid is my favorite class in Hearthstone. I found this deck and i love it! This deck is so great and fun to play! that i created a hearthpwn account just to upvote and comment! thank you for the fun list! i went from rank 16 to rank 10 today! thank you! and i am a big fan of this deck! i really hope Blizzard rethinks their Innervate Nerf. Also, sorry for the wall of text.
Thank you! It is indeed a really fun deck to play. I hope Blizzard rethinks their innervate nerf, but I don't have much faith in that...
As the most populair wild druid deck of this moment, I want to note that I can not say whether the deck will be playable or not after the innervate nerf hits in. It will mean that the coin innervate combo astral will be playable ONE turn later than normal, which will have a big impact especially against aggro decks. However, while innervate and also win axe get nerfed, two of the top tier aggro decks will be played less. A control meta may be ahead of us which is a good thing for who wants to play this deck.
Only time will tell, I will do testing after the nerfs kick in and update here. This deck did weakest against aggro druid, murloc paladin and pirate warrior, so I hope 'THE DREAM' will survive.
Replacement for Y'Shaarj?
Kun the forgotten King
I doubt I'd ever be able to play this deck, but I upvote due to very good writeup. GL!
Thanks! Because of the dust required to craft it? You can always give Astral or Ramp druid a try with a few core cards 😁
If you don't use C'Thun why not just add Bog Creeper instead of Dark Arakkoa?
That's possible but the 1 mana difference means the whole world. It happens many times that you innervate into a nourish on turn 3 (and end up with 6 mana the next turn). This is especially so if you don't draw astral in the beginning of the game. The +1/1 stats for 1 more mana is not worth it imo. In my opinion Dark Arakkoa is a core card in this deck.
Any room for Aviana?
I would say no because the deck is based on a good comeback after astral. You have no value getting Aviana after astral. Getting Aviana after astral is like getting innervate, but slightly better...
If you want to try it, maybe take out one kraken.
Is the charged devilsaur required/good? i replaced it with +1 Kun the Forgotten King and it works well.
Charged Devilsaur is not required but it is a really good removal in some cases. Also really good if you face quest mages alot for the doomsayer frostnova combo. It has synergy with The Curator as a beast. Icehowl is a good replacement or another North Sea Kraken, but they also cost 1 more mana (which means you can't play them if you draw them after a wrath or wild growth.
Charged Devilsaur is just a removal tool, but I believe it suits great in a deck like this (i also think the only deck who runs it? Haha).
Kun the Forgotten king is a tech card and can have immediate impact on the game, same as with Y'Shaarj as you will have 2 big guys on board. However Kun has to little value for me personally after drawing it after Astral Communion. If I run a 10 mana card in this deck it better have insane value (like Deathwing has or Y'Shaar or Ultimate Infestation).
I believe North Sea Kraken and maybe even Soggoth the Slitherer will be replaced by a 8 or 10 mana card next expansion (if good/synergy ofcourse). Just because it happens to much drawing them after wrath or wild growth card draw and you can't play them. If you draw Deathwing or Y'Shaarj after wild growth or wrath card draw, you are confident the one turn wait will be worth it. With Kraken and Soggoth this is usually not the case.
Damn, i tried the devilsaur and it is a doomsayer killer lol thanks a lot!
Gave this deck a whirl on ladder last night. I've always wanted to play astral druid and only needed to craft one Master Jouster to make this version. First game at rank 4 was a WIN against a capable legend cardback. Felt so good. I drew Astral Communion on turn 4. I got a "Wow!" from my opponent. It wasn't the first incredulous emote. Every turn I played a big threat. I was lucky enough to draw Ultimate Infestation on turn 7. Lich King on 8. Even though my opponent was winning the board early, my big threats depleted his card advantage and eventually led to a concede on turn 12 or 13. It sure does feel good when the stars align!
After my first super-satisfying win with the deck, i got bad draws (or normal draws?) and fell back to rank 5 floor. It really sucks to get your first Astral on turn 8 or 9. It sucks to discard your Y'shaarj, UI or Nourish. It really sucks to draw Innervate, Wrath or Wild Growth after playing Astral.
This deck felt a too high-rolly for me, but it might just be me and my inexperience with it. I'm glad I gave it a shot, but I like Wild Big Priest now for what feels like a MUCH MORE consistent way to cheat big minions and steamroll games.
Glad you gave the deck a try! It's not needed to always play astral though as you also have other stuff to ramp up with. Sometimes you have the choice of casting astral on turn 4 or play Bright-Eyed scout, and it really depends on the situation and what you are up against which you choose.
If you play more often with the deck you'll get that 'dream hand' more times than you might think and become more familiair with the deck. As stated it is possible to reach legend with this deck, it's for people who like playing something else than the 99% same decks on the ladder.
What the hell am i supposed to do against Jade Druid or massive-cheap-minions Druid? Just go face and hope for the best?
I don't know about you, but Jade Druid was one of my best matchups. You can only lose if you don't ramp up quick enough with astral, wild growth or nourish. Only make value trades (like Fandral Staghelm) and drop as many as you can on board. Your high drops Y'shaarj, Soggoth and Deathwing are also good win conditions here.
Against aggro druid, keep Stonehill Defender and wrath in your mulligan for Vicious Fledgling. If you can't kill this minion fast and you don't have any taunts to play, well, GL.
Lost 3 games against meme decks, won 3 games against pirate warrior afterwards. Best feeling.
Meme VS Meme is all about who has the best start (RNG :D)
And yes the deck does fairly well against pirate warrior, damn them pirates! Arrrr!!!