paladin lich king easy way
- Last updated Aug 26, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Control Paladin
- Boss: Lich King
- Crafting Cost: 4200
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/26/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- brushmyhair
- Registered User
- 5
- 32
- 45
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i beat the lich king in 1 try using the playing trion on the second phase strategie . here is how i did it , i keep clearing the board with doomsayer explosive sheep and other 1 damage to all minions , minions until phase 2 , at turn 6 i played a minion with more than 5 health to withstand the frostmourne attack , after he attacked and past the turn in phase 2 ,i played trion and pass the turn , if you dont play any taunt minions or equip a weapon lich king will not kill the trion. from that point i played shade of naxxramas and waited until i can one shot him with blessed champion , when shade reached one shot level i equality consecrated his board and one shotted him. it was pretty easy to do and requires no effort to beat him this way ( also it is really free to play friendly just need tirion) . play the 3 mana 2 2 paladin card that draws a divine shield minion from your deck to always draw tirion on time
This is so terrible. He attacks tirion nevertheless, no matter what you do. Get your facts straight