CHEAP mage vs LICH KING (only Standard Cards)
- Last updated Aug 26, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 12 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Aggro Mage
- Boss: Lich King
- Crafting Cost: 2520
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/25/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- user-22229176
- Registered User
- 2
- 3
- 13
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Total Deck Rating
If You dont have 2x Molten Giant and 2x Primordial glyph you can replace them with 2x Flame Geyser and 2x Water Elemental.
So, I was trying to defeat Lich king with mage like 30-40 mins with decks like Reno Mage, Medivh mage, first turn Kabal Lackey + Counterspell, and so many tactics and decks which didn't work to me... And Then I got idea.. What if I just play in first turn Kabal Lackey + Mana Bind and then Just kill him by zero mana deal 29 damage and aggresive cards in this deck. But be carefull you have only 1 hp :D But he can kill u just with minions and turn 7 weapon, but in turn 7 I hope u already win. I takes me like 7 games to Mulligan these 2 cards and then I killed him on first try. SO DON'T PLAY IF YOU WILL NOT PLAY Kabal Lackey + Mana Bind ON FIRST TURN. So if u don't have it on hand in first turn just Restart.
Like I can write just how to kill him but it is not that hard so I just let it on you :D
so GL HF in killing Lich King :D
Got 2 molten giants on turn 2 on my first try and killed him on turn 6. didnt need kabal lackey + mana bind
Holy crap, this is genius. Thank you so much!
I didn't want to upvote this deck because it's not any fun to play but... After maybe 7-8 mulligans it did work on the 2nd try. You really need to pick up Mana Wyrm as well or you won't have the damage. Then some freeze/mirror images to stall for a couple turns... Top decked a fireball to put it away but a frostbolt would've done it too.
finally got it. surprisingly i didn't even use the secret kabal trick for stealing the 1hp spell because i did not successfully draw it. also never got to draw the molten giants either.
but the wyrms and other cheap cards managed to win the game for me o_O: and probably lucky no blizzard strikes helped as well. well kabal and mana did help, but only by stealing the enemies buff spell rather than the 1hp spell. also prior to this turn i had the apprentice discounting my spells especially arene intellect which luckily drew the blizzard aoe which saved me from the tortured souls phase.
the tricky part is this. because i had ample defenders, and the tortured soul was frozen, i was praying no blizzard. and luckily for me there wasn't. also fortunately the boss too was frozen earlier. so i triggered the respawn next turn when my whole team can attack. it's not worth triggering respawn when you only got 1 attacker left without doing a kill blow.
then the kill blow next turn :}
profit :p
PERFECT BUILD, took me 5-6 resets, got the combo and i pulled 1 giant, finished him on round 5 :)
ty for the build.
I have repeated this shit cycle more than 38495762897 times... It's 2 AM and i started around 6 pm today ... I memorized EVERYTHING lichking says to the mage already .. good deck but seriously ... this luck shit is retarded am giving up .. I don't even like playing as a paladin anyways .. giving up on this shit and don't you dare say OH I DID IT ON MY FIRST TRY .. THAT'S A PILE OF SHIT *click another try*
I did it... I got sick of it and went to a murloc's deck ... finished it on the 7th try until i got used to it ...
30+ restarts I'm going insane.....cant even get Kabal and Mana for opening hand....grrrrr!
I'm not sure why some people are hating on this deck. I had to do several restarts until I got the right starting hand and the first attempt didn't go so well, but after a few more restarts to get the right cards, I destroyed him on the second try.
I wish I have read your message 9 hours ago... I did a murloc's deck and finished it on the 7th try maybe .. and he had 6 mana he didn't even got the chance to put his weapon on... bless your soul
Are there any replacements even for the 2 Babbling Book?
I didn't have Molten Giants, but I got the mulligan and beat him with double Mana Wyrms on the first try. Great deck!
All those eye hurting fonts and colors just to tell us what we already know from all the other Mage vs Lich King decks that rely on the Kabal + mana bind or counterspell combo.
I got lucky on my fifth restart and pulled that combo only to be slaughtered on Turn 8
Change the boss. Its not prologue
first try worked perfectly thank you :D
not a good deck for me cuz it got so many flaws with it mulligan kabal + bind and bad rng
I've been at it for 2 hours with this deck without the molten giants because I can't afford them and used what you suggested. Even with the kabal mana mulligan, I still lose because I can't kill him before 7. Struggle is really hard.
Can't win with this deck. 40 tries with the kabal mana mulligan. Saronite chain gang and sludge belcher ruins this deck.
FUcking shit.
Best deck ever ! thanks win it from first try !! it's should be +400 ! on PVE
WOW dude ty!
i was very skeptical bout your deck after REALLY many tries (coz mage was my last class i didnt beat him)
but it actually worked on the first try with the mana bind combo and i didnt even had much luck... just 1 [card]Sorcerer's Apprentice[/card] and the Kabal Lackey 1 Fireball and thats it... turn 5 dead
i just have 1 Molten Giant but i didnt even needed it
didnt expect that!!! ty