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CHEAP mage vs LICH KING (only Standard Cards)

  • Last updated Aug 26, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 18 Spells
  • Deck Type: PvE Adventure
  • Deck Archetype: Aggro Mage
  • Boss: Lich King
  • Crafting Cost: 2520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/25/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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If You dont have 2x Molten Giant and 2x Primordial glyph you can replace them with 2x Flame Geyser and 2x Water Elemental.

So, I was trying to defeat Lich king with mage like 30-40 mins with decks like
Reno Mage, Medivh mage, first turn Kabal Lackey + Counterspell, and so many tactics and decks which didn't work to me... And Then I got idea.. What if I just play in first turn Kabal Lackey + Mana Bind and then Just kill him by zero mana deal 29 damage and aggresive cards in this deck. But be carefull you have only 1 hp :D But he can kill u just with minions and turn 7 weapon, but in turn 7 I hope u already win. I takes me like 7 games to Mulligan these 2 cards and then I killed him on first try. SO DON'T PLAY IF YOU WILL NOT PLAY Kabal Lackey + Mana Bind ON FIRST TURN. So if u don't have it on hand in first turn just Restart.

Like I can write just how to kill him but it is not that hard so I just let it on you :D

 so GL HF in killing Lich King :D