[Lich King] Easy Win with Patron Warrior
- Last updated Aug 26, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 15 Minions
- 10 Spells
- 5 Weapons
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: Patron Warrior
- Boss: Lich King
- Crafting Cost: 2180
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/25/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- Danaidh
- Registered User
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[Lich King] Easy Win with Patron Warrior by Danaidh
This is the deck with which I managed to beat the Lich King on the second attempt.
The Lich King's turn one card against Warrior is The True King, which gives him another 100 armor. So the only challenge is to deal 160 damage to his face before he kills us and this damage will mainly be dealt with the Frothing Berserker and the Siege Engine.
You just need to get the Grim Patron early and trade wisely. Luckily all the minions from the Lich King only have 2 or less attack, except for Coldwraith(3), Water Elemental(2), Sludge Belcher(2), Bonemare(2) and The Black Knight. So for those cards you better trade with your weapons or only if you have enough Grim Patrons on board.
IMPORTANT! Keep your Armorsmiths both for the late game phase, because you will need enough armor to survive the third Hero Power Remorseless Winter and to buff your Siege Engine.
So all you need to do, is to gain board control and trade wisely. If you do so, you'll always have at least one Grim Patron on the board and not even need the second card.
I hope this guide helps you, have fun! :)
Deck Spotlight
My match against the Lich King. Sadly I first started recording during the last phase ...
Card Replacements
Another user recommended to put Justicar Trueheart in the deck for extra armor. He replaced Direhorn Hatchling.
And if you don't have Blood Warriors, you can maybe replace it by Sudden Genesis, if you own this card instead or leave it out entirely.
[Update] *Replaced Grommash Hellscream by Shield Block*
You have to get the best rng i swear. no matter how perfect i play on my part my health is always too low by the time i can do anything.
couple times i got 3 grims out by end of turn 5 and only 1 or 2, 1 or 2 attack minions facing them. magic shield or obliterate wipes them out. then, frosty comes out and it's concede time. 1 stat you have to have to win with this deck. luck. GOOD luck.
i got luck but it's all bad.
It's no wonder the game featured as a sample of this deck doesn't show the beginning; This deck is completely useless. You have zero early game. You have zero minions to keep control, once you hit turn 5 and IF you happen to have a Grim Patron, the Lich King has a full board with plenty of 2-3 dmg minions, meaning the damage is enough to keep you from multiplying the patron. Grinded this deck for two hours straight and got plenty of different combinations, none of which was viable. You could be the worst player in the world or the best player in the world, this deck won't work. Don't waste your dust or time for this deck, go for something that actually works.
This is by far the best archetype for the boss. I killed it on my first attempt. Had a 73/1 frothing berzerker and an even bigger siege engine. It's so easy if you were an OG patron player and actually know how to play the deck.
Sorry ur dogshit rank 20
"Worked for me on the first try so it must be amazing!", solid logic you got there. Your "first try" rng luck is irrelevant, I gave this specific deck hours until I moved on and guess what - with a better deck the boss was easy as pie. Sorry if you're mentally challenged to a point where you think "first try" actually gives you any insight to how good a deck is.
You're doing something wrong.
I only recorded the last few minutes, because the program I used only captures the last 10 minutes after activated,
If you look at other comments, it worked well for almost everybody.
But yes, the beginning is the hardest part about it.
going with the troll on this. almost 2 hours in and rarely get past frostmourne. when i do the anti magic shell destroys me. yeah. i must be doing something wrong. no $hit sherlock. maybe if you showed or explained some early game tactics you could get a little credibility. as is, you just suck. i am tweaking a bit now. but gotta say. this thing sucks.
Fantastic deck!
Thanks for your guide, other decks don't say anything about mulligan or trade.
Thanks, great deck, first try win
Thanks for this deck! I had been trying a different Patron variant that was a little more reliant on draw and I got close, but always got snubbed in the end. I subbed Fierce Monkey for the Stonehill Defender and Ornery Direhorn for the Direhorn Hatchling. I also added KT for kicks, and it seems the AI tries to remove it at all cost if anyone is looking for something to keep LK away from your Berserkers or Sieges. Having enough taunts and controlling the board seem to be the name of the game. Oh, I also used the Kvaldir Raider which synergizes nicely since we plan to use the hero power so much. Also great to play during or around the Frostmourne stage as he can't kill it with one swing if you're able to Inspire it once. Gorehowl was definitely a game changer for me. Luckily I didn't have to craft it.
On to my last class...mage. Ugh.
I tried this deck and got to about 60 health in the first run. I do not ever play warrior, so this deck is legit af. Just need to get grim patron early because it will carry the entire game.
Grim Patron, Siege Tank and armorsmith is the key cards to play.
1. Play Grim Patron early as possible.
2. Wait with armorsmith and siege tank after Frost Mourne phase
got to @ 60 health. how did you do that with this deck? do you mean armor? or are you talking about a different deck? or are you just a moron?
This is clearly the easiest way to win with warrior against lich king. However the variant where you Brawl during his second phase, then summon a Obsidian Destroyer, and summon another one and a Frothing Berserker, is a much cheaper variant. Also you can heal the last trapped soul with a battlecry heal minion and also gain many armor while you at it with an Ironsmith. Just saying :)
Thanks for the deck, mate. I got it on the first try. I dont have 1 more Acolyte, Hatchling and Blood Warrior. Luckily I have Scourgelord Garrosh so I replaced Hatchling with Scourgelord Garrosh, 1 Acolyte with Alley Armorsmith, and Blood Warrior with Lesser Mithril Spellstone.
FYI, I faced 2 Blizzard, 1 Obliterate.
Worked awesomely, was fun to play as well.
Funcionou. Para dar certo precisei colocar o Fregues na sétima rodada com um provocar. A partir dali, as espadas que causam dano começaram a multiplicar os fregueses. Depois, lancei o Berserker que começou crescer, com a Ferreira aumentando o escudo. Por garantia, fiz cópia de todos com o Guerreiros sangrentos e gg.
How are you getting to that stage, I know I'm probably doing something wrong but dang. What is the ideal opener and early cards. What do you to easily get through the Soul phase. Been banging my head against this all day with these cards and it's not clicking.
This decklist did it for me (and warrior was the last one). Thanks a lot for sharing it!