Lich King Win - Molten Giant Mage
- Last updated Aug 25, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 12 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: PvE Adventure
- Deck Archetype: TTK Mage
- Boss: Lich King
- Crafting Cost: 3140
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/24/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- Whoisneo
- Registered User
- 5
- 25
- 37
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Just keep Molten Giant in your hand at the beginning of the game.
You must use Sunfury Protector + Molten Giant. Use the Flamewaker to keep the board clean whenever possible. Ice Block to save.
Another option is to use the Kabal Lackey + Mana Bind and steal the spell that leaves the opponent with 1 life.
Are you having problems with Obliterate? I have some options to add on the deck: Counterspell, Duplicate or Spellbender.
Can not get past turn 7? Try to use Doomsayer.
Is LK filling the field? Flamewaker + spells.
See this deck on action:
Very thanks to kiwiinbacon
Good luck! Up if it helps you.
Awesome Deck!
I was missing 5 cards and made some changes. Won second try.
first try, thx
This is quite frustrating ...he always seem to have the correct answer but when the card rngsus is on your side you can do it.
Got both giants in t2 but he just froze them with glacial shards (at that point I was about to bite my keyboard because this was the 50th restart), lucky me drew an ice block and he traded one shard after activating the block.
Then lucky me drew sunfury and later flamewaker and the rest was easy going, no more taunts and obliterate.
This deck is trash! Why do so many of the Hearthpwn recommended decks rely so much on getting the perfect draw? There are ways to beat these bosses without such shenanigans!
Here’s what I came up with. Won on the first try.
This deck worked like a charm on the first try. I got both molten giants in my mulligan'd opening hand.
The real challenge is hitting restart enough times before you get carpal tunnel syndrome.
First try: 3 Molten Giants in Play :D
Did it first try, Kabal Lacky + Mana Bind + Double Molten Giant = GG EZ
My first try mulligan was 1 lackey, 1 mana bind and 1 molten giant, how lucky is that lol
lol 1st try!!!! also with molten giant drop on turn 5, so he only hit 1 time! But i had kabal lakey + manabind and flameweaker on opening hand
First try lmao
Tried your idea and I have diminished the RNG dependency. Worked for me
Good stuff 👍
Great deck! won on 5th try! most just strait rematch from opening hand. Molten Giant opening is the key!
So you might think to yourself "Turn 1 kabal lackey, counterspell and that will take the wind out of his sails..."
Nope. Just makes you lose longer.
Got lucky with double Molten and a Sunfury protector in opening hand, he had no Obliterate (but Froze twice)
dead by turn 6
Ez win 1st TRY
This deck does everything except working! Dont waste your time with this! Even with Molten Giant out you cant race him down. Obliterate, Blizzard, Sludge Belcher... 0 Chance