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Razakus Priest

  • Last updated Aug 28, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Combo Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 10820
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/21/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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Based on Monsanto's decklist.

Given the added AoE described below, I've take out Doomsayer too, as outside of the very early game it may just be a heal for 7 (we are no Frost nova Mage..), and the risk of resurrecting it with Kazakus potion is awful too.

Talonpriest was removed too, as it's often hard to keep a minion on the board for its buff to matter, and after all what this deck wants are either draws or strong board effects.

Added the Wild Pyromancer - Circle of Healing - Embrace the Shadow package. Pyromancer is awesome against aggro, druids and their Living Mana in particular. It also works wonderful with both Acolyte and Cleric + Circle/Nova.

Circle may draw a lot with Cleric (especially together with Pyromancer or Spirit Lash), is a zero mana spell for Anduin/Lyra/Auctioneer, but mostly is a great AoE with Embrace. Embrace was chosen over Auchenai because outside of the combo with Circle, it works as a cheap spell with Pyromancer/Lyra/Auctioneer, been far more lightweight compared to Auchenai. It works also a sort of second holy smite with Raza out, before we get Anduin too. It's true that on its own it's underwhelming, but Circle is so strong, even on its own, to grant its inclusion for the incredibly powerful AoE. Outside of this use, it's more synergic with the deck compared to Auchenai.

It's true that being both 1-of, the chance of having them together may seem slim, and that's for sure in the early game, but the improved draw engine (compared to other versions) gives you a fair chance to have both as an additional board clear option later in the game.

Finally added an  Auctioneer TOGETHER with Lyra. I feel like Monsanto's list is stronger than those others running big endgame minions, but if it fails to draw both Raza and Anduin it struggles a LOT. Lyra is usually better (especially with Radiant Elemental) when you have your combo out, since you get additional resources, but I feel like Auctioneer is way better to help you draw INTO your vital cards.

For the same reason, Novice Engineer was chosen over glimmeroot, as drawing from your deck is what we really prefer over random cards from our opponent.