- Last updated Aug 31, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 17 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 9480
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/20/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- user-17736817
- Registered User
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Just made it to legend using this deck!
This is the first time I'm posting my deck on Hearthpwn but I found it so useful with the meta atm..
I noticed from rank 5-1 there's a lot of jade druids and exodia mages. Therefore Dirty Rat and Skulking Geist. You might remove your own evolve but I experienced that's better than him getting his jades bigger and you can easy kill him with fatigue now if it gets to that (often I could use 1 or even both evolves before drawing skulking).
A very fun deck and ppl might be surprised since the shamans nowadays are tokens. You can Moat Lurker his big minions like The Lich King and then evolve Moat Lurker = 7 minion on board and his big minion is gone! Same goes with Barnes with evolve combo if you get your Bonemare you can get a 8 minion in turn 5 or combo in 4 with coin. Or if you're lucky you get your Lich King which you will you a DK card.
Volcano is a great clear for aggro decks since most of them nowadays are using Bittertide Hydra = 24 dmg. Bloodmage Thalnos so you don't have to risk getting a spellpower totem with maelstrom and storm and an extra card.
For some card swappings:
Recently changed a Lightning Storm to Spirit Echo since I found more value in Echo with many combos. You can get some insane cards from your evolve and then Echo your board. Seems better in the long run against priest etc. Instead of storm and the overload.
Sick combo below vs priest
When it comes to swapping cards there are actually a lot of cards you can choose between to find your playstyle.
Bloodmage Thalnos can be replaced with Tainted Zealot
The Lich King is a great card have can save you many times but if you don't have him you can try with a Bomb Squad or second Bonemare
Dirty Rat to pull their Archmage Antonidas / Sorcerer's Apprentice. Otherwise with cards like second Devolve / Saronite Chain Gang or even one more Tidal Surge if facing lots of aggro for the heals :)
Grim Necromancer is a very good tempo card with Evolve if you're lacking some cards.
Only deck I had problems against was Murloc Paladin. But faced more control palas and lots of jades / mages / aggros.
Best of luck on ladder.
Can't win against Aggro Token Druid with this.
Will x2 hex still be worthwhile on this deck after the nerf?
great deck man :))
Ive faced sth very similar on the ladder. Pretty strong actually and more suitable for those who love control decks, with more legendaries than in token decks.
I personally think there are too many removals (giving the fact now you have moat lurker) + it might use a jade package, since shamans jade cards are just a strong addition to any kind of deck.
Thoughts on maybe trying Doomsayer since the deck has some trouble with it's early game vs. aggro decks?
if you want 2 devolves then you should prolly cut 1 hex.
The deck lacks so much early consistency ...
With a shitty draw, you can look your hand without playing for the first 2-3 turns, even while having the fucking coin
against aggro, you're forced to pray for thalnos + maelstrom ...
Just lost 3 games in a row against murloc paladins, because i didn't draw a freaking lightning storm....
And even with that, the overload makes the next turn pretty shit as well, allowing him to proceed on filling the board again ...
The deck works only against slow as fuck decks, as sad as it seems ... I'm gonna tweak a few thing, but i realluy feel like shaman this extention is the black sheep ...
What can i use instead of Skulking Geist?
What do you generally want in your starting hand?
i really love this deck, went from rank 16 to 7 with this within 2 days of playing. Thanks for giving me a reason not to play jade druid. 4Head
Love this deck. As a shaman main, I've been hanging around rank 15 this whole season unable to rank up, trying all kinds of versions of shaman. I absolutely love this version. Have gone to rank 12 in a couple of games Moat Lurker is a game changer and Skulking Geist completely destroys all the jades on the ladder. Mage seems to be a little tricky right now but drawing Eater of Secrets will help
Is it a good idea to run Geist with double evolve in your deck?
3 games vs jades. result-it is a really bad idea
the point is to evolve the minion, that you pull. It is likely to be with high mana cost
rank 15 to 12 nice job man but -1 skulking gheist +1 cairne bloodhoof and -1 eater of secrets +1 saronite chain gang makes it better
A different Shammy, A funny one. Quite solid, too. Gj man!
Crazy! Just tried this, went 8-1 at rank 4 :O