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[WILD] FastMage (Naxx Budget)

  • Last updated Aug 26, 2016 (Karazhan)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/17/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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Naxx Budget Version - The deck has been reworked to help players with a small collection and think they would simply like to grind out The Curse of Naxxramas for a starter collection. That being said, this is a BUDGET decklist.

More valuable cards such as Sylvanas Windrunner, Dr. Boom and Piloted Sky Golems can replace the budget Polymorph, or Arcane Intellects / Azure Drakes. Note that Polymorph and Flamestrike are interchangeable.

The Deck:

This deck aims to start strong with deathrattle synergy from cards like Undertaker. Mad Scientist is very strong when drawn early and the free Mirror Entity helps maintain board presence tempo. Make value trades by fueling crazy Knife Jugglers and slinging your spells to help maintain a threatening board.


1) FrostboltSimply put, the best cheap removal in the game besides slam, execute etc.

2) Arcane Intellect: This card provides you with the mid-game to late-game boost you need to stabilize board control or finish off your opponent. I always mulligan this card from my opening hand as it is too slow in the early game.

3) CounterspellThis is the best mage secret in the game. It is a true value card that completely trumps an opponents spell (similar to sap, and freezing trap value-wise). The most efficient counter that punishes this secret is The Coin.

4) Mirror EntityThis secret improves slower matchups that play big minions and acts as a tempo play with Mad Scientist to spawn board presence.

5) Polymorph: This utility spell is extremely useful in this Sludge Belcher heavy meta game. It is extremely useful against heavy taunt minions to help make favourable trades and maintain board control. It is also useful against big late game threats such as Ragnaros.

6) Fireball: This is the most expensive spell in the deck and that's a testament to the speed of the deck. The current version runs two fireballs to increase removal and finisher potential. This card serves mainly as a finisher through taunts or removal.


1) UndertakerI love this card. It sparked the idea of this deck and just opened a myriad of new aggro deck opportunities. Similar synergistic style as Wyrm but utilizes the strong value death rattles the deck uses. Like Mana Wyrm this is big early game threat that you should try to protect.

2) Haunted Creeper: Mainly used to buff undertakers, but if you can seek a value trade with this minion while Knife Jugglers are on the board you can get your juggles going. Since this deck is lacking speed in some matches I am testing Loot Hoarders in place of one or two Creepers.

3) Loot Hoarder: Another deathrattle minion to buff Undertaker and also provides cycling when its deathrattle triggers. A 2-1 body that usually trades favourably and that provides the deck with the card draw it requires and is sorely lacking.

4) Knife JugglerA wonderful card. With all of the cheap one drop minions and Mirror Images this card sees a lot of value turns. Similar plays as with Zoo, Vanilla Kanker Mage etc. Weak opener? Harvest images for a full board presence of turn 6 or 7 and lock it with a counterspell or Loatheb to hide behind a ton of images with big Wyrms, Undertakers and various other minions in the deck.

5) Mad ScientistAnother strong minion in this deck is Mad Scientist. Along with Undertaker, this  sparked the idea of the deck. It just gives you such a tempo advantage when in your opening hand, that you should never replaced it. Even both in your starting hand is strong. In fact, game breaking. Obvious synergies exist with undertaker and secrets to counter your opponents early clear attempts.

6)Piloted Shredder: Another sticky deathrattle card minion can get trigger juggles from Knife Juggler. Arguably the strongest 4 drop in the game. Beware, the odd Doomsayer drop may foil your plans ...

8) Water Elemental: Arguably the strongest mage minion because of the its stats for 4 mana, and easily the best against weapon decks.

9) Azure Drake: A valuable 5 drop that replaces itself and provides spell power to boost Frostbolts and Fireballs.

10) Sludge Belcher: A strong 5 drop taunt minion that is annoying to deal with for the opponent. It often soaks a lot of damage and resources and preserves other friendly minions.

11) Loatheb: A very strong tech card that comes with the Naxx adventure. It's battlecry is super obstructive against spells and is the perfect drop to extend a turn with a strong board on going into turn 6. Basically, it acts as another counter spell and often times it secures winning boards. 


If you want to get in touch my Real ID is MrThreePik#1517. Add me on NA or EU to discuss the deck and provide feedback! You can also comment on this page.

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