Burst DK Rogue
- Last updated Aug 15, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 14 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 12800
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/15/2017 (Frozen Throne)

- Marvol4Ever
- Registered User
- 5
- 29
- 70
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So... this is my take on how to best utilise the DK ability of Valeera the Hollow - of course I may be wrong but it's different, at least.
Roughly, the DK ability is uniquely suited for burst from hand and near-OTK combo play. Pretty much like the good old days of Miracle Rogue with Leeroy and Cold Blood.
From there on I tried to be as consistent as possible towards this goal - lots of cycle, lots of cheap spells, and removal. The core package is therefore just "the usual" Rogue set (from Backstab through Eviscerate to Fan of Knives and Gadgetzan Auctioneer).
Some of the choices explained:
Xaril, Poisoned Mind but no Shaku, Sherazin or Questing Adventurers? - The latter are all Value cards that a) require you to play more cards to get value from them and b) are sensitive to removal. Xaril you want removed to get the 2 1-mana spells from. All 5 have their use, some more than others (return minion to hand -> Vilespine Slayer).
Mimic Pod - fairly standard for Rogue and can backfire, but at least it's another spell to count down your Arcane Giants and potentially gives you a killer hand (Cold Blood, Evis, Arcane Giant)
Vanish? - I am unsure about this one but it can help you clear several expensive Taunts one turn before you want to burst. This is the one card I think can go (for 2nd SI:7 Agent or second Cold Blood).
Only 1 Cold Blood - Cold Blood is a liability as it's really a dead card alsomt always until you are ready for your combo. The deck relies on the Passive hero ability of Valeera the Hollow to give you the second copy instead.
Play is pretty standard Miracle Rogue as in the days of the Leeroy combo decks. You get in as much chip damage as you can (so use your weapon when you can, you're not saving it up for control-y play), not be too concerned about your life total (especially if you have Valeera in hand).
Once you get a Gadgetzan in hand, dump your more expensive cards so you have room for a Gadgetzan turn, then play Valeera (hopefully alongside 2 free Arcane Giants) while you have Leeroy, Cold Blood, Eviscerate, any useful Xaril Toxins (the +3 attack and the Stealth), and/or a Sap or so in hand.
One more small advantage that you have is that this is an - as far as I can tell - at the moment unique way of playing Rogue, so nobody "expects the Spanish Inquisition" of a Leeroy combo. A few times I was able to burst down an unsupecting opponent (who left some small minions on the board) from 20+ health even without needing Valeera. Your opponent is often going to sit the thinking you've had the worst draw ever, not getting either your Questing Adventurers nor Sherazin out. Double Sap is also not as common giving you a 4th removal card they may not be suspecting.