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Midrange Hunter for Frozen Throne

  • Last updated Aug 13, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 2720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/13/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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This deck is an adaption of Makabi's Midrange Hunter deck that was so popular in the Un'Goro seasons.  There are a few powerful new hunter cards that address some of the weakpoints of the deck (1. Lack of card draw, 2. Lack of AOE, 3. Lack of late-game), that I think make this well-balanced deck even better.

Bearshark x2 replaces Rat Pack x2.  Bearshark is a much better 3-drop.  I find there are lots of 3 or 4 mana removal spells that can wreck your tempo at turn 3, and Bearshark is immune to those.  Plus if you can combo it with Houndmaster on turn 4, it is a really solid taunt minion that's hard to remove.

Exploding Bloatbat x1 replaces one copy of Eaglehorn Bow x1.  I'd rather have an AOE removal option here than a second weapon.  And if you can Houndmaster or Crackling Razormaw (tanut) the Bloatbat, your opponent has no choice but to remove it and potentially take out their board control.  Plus, 3 mana for a 3/2 weapon isn't amazing value if the deck has no secrets to prolong its durability.

Stitched Tracker x1 is a great addition to increase card draw, and give you options by discovering (i.e. choosing) a card, rather than just drawing a random one.  Downside is it's not a beast, so I'm only including 1 to not mess with the beast synergy.  I removed Stampeding Kodo x1 to compensate for this one, because I feel card draw is more valuable than removing a small minion at this point.

Bloodworm x1is replacing one copy of Nesting Roc x1.  Both taunt and lifesteal help you survive into late game, and Hunter lacks healing, so this trade is helpful.  Downside is you can't hide minions behind it.  Plus side is it's valuable when you don't have 2 other minions.  But you can Houndmaster it, you can easily get 12 extra life while your opponent tries to deal with it.  Crackling Razormaw to increase its attack can also up its lifesteal value.

Deathstalker Rexxar x1 replaces Deadly Shot x1.  At the surface level, this essentially is trading spot removal for more AOE, which is needed.  But also key to this deck is if you can get Deathstalker Rexxar out in a reasonable timeframe, you have excellent late-game!  Just remember to count your mana while doing Build-A-Beast, and you can put a minion custom to your situation on the board every turn going forwards!

Deathstalker Rexxar Substitution

If you don't have Deathstalker Rexxar, you might not be able to hit the same late-game strides.  But a good substitution would be

Deathstalker Rexxar -1, Exploding Bloatbat +1

which would give you that nice AOE the hero card normally gives you.  Should still be a viable deck this way, just know that the late game might not be strong.