[TOP50] KFT ULDARIUS Ez Big Ez Priest (K&C upda...
- Last updated Feb 23, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 6 Minions
- 23 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Resurrect Priest
- Crafting Cost: 12440
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/12/2017 (Frozen Throne)

- Uldarius
- Registered User
- 8
- 40
- 38
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Total Deck Rating
Hey Guys and welcome to another Guide by me, Uldarius!
Today i want to bring to you the Deck i went Legend with, the Ez Big Ez Priest! What actually started as a Meme turned out to be really effective in the current state of Meta.
So what it's about?
This Deck uses Eternal Servitude to bring back the big minions with full stats you got out earlier with Barnes or Shadow Essence. The cool thing about this deck is that the bunch of spells you have in this deck like Spirit Lash and all the shadow words make this deck pretty good vs AGGRO (i had 100% winrate vs token druid and token shaman due to Shadow Word: Horror) while you can create a lot of pressure vs CTRL too.
Usually, you hard mulligan for Barnes. If you get him out on the early turnes and resurrect the outcome, its usually autowin. Anyways, vs. Warrior and Shaman you can keep a Potion of Madness, Spirit Lash and Shadow Word: Pain. I didn't meet a lot of hunters but i think you can do this for them, too.
Early Game:
You usually don't play anything until you find Barnes or Shadow Essence vs. control and keep removing the board vs. aggro. You will have to think good about when to use Shadow Word: Pain as for example vs. Paladin, you might have to keep if to remove a Murloc Warleader or vs. druid for Vicious Fledgling. Anyways, usually the early game is just healing up yourself and wait for Barnes or Shadow Essence. You can play Shadow Visions to find it but i recommend to wait with it until the turn before you are actually able to play the Shadow Essence. The reason for that is if you draw it until then, it's better trying to find another Eternal Servitude with it.
Mid Game:
Time to get some big Minions out! You usually just start resurrecting with Eternal Servitude whatever you got out of Barnes or Shadow Essence. Sometimes, vs. priest for example, you don't want to many The Lich King but should wait for Ysera to resurrect her as often as possible. Same counts for other hard control decks like Paladin or Warrior, as you can get more Minions out of her.
End Game:
If your big Minions are not enough, you still have the Shadowreaper Anduin. The heropower can actually deal a lot of damage in the control matchups as you usually keep a lot of the cheap spells you need vs. aggro.
Important Cards and Combos:
Pint-Size Potion : Good card to combo out with Shadow Word: Horror to clear the board or Potion of Madness to get a good deathrattle or something. I often get Aya with it and play Shadow Word: Horror then, also it can be used to get rid of 4 attack minions.
Potion of Madness : This card can be your key to success in mirror matchups. If he plays Barnes you can get his outcome, but you should also consider getting his 4 Attack Minions (or 5 Attack with Shadow Essence ) and let them die on your side.
Shadow Visions : If you don't need any removal, you usually want another Eternal Servitude out of it. If you don't find your Shadow Essence you can also get this out but i would wait until the turn before you can play it, because if you draw it (or Barnes ), another Eternal Servitude is just way better.
There is actually some spot in the deck for tech cards. If you face a lot of aggro, double Spirit Lash should be good, versus control you can put in double Free From Amber. I found a good card in Silence versus cards like Doomsayer (Freeze / Quest Mage), Gadgetzan Auctioneer or Obsidian Statue. You can also take out Smite or even put a second copy of Smite in your deck (could be good vs. the Murloc Tidecaller as you want to keep your Shadow Word: Pain for the Murloc Warleader)
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I put a lot of efford in this guide, so i would really appreciate an upvote! Thanks for reading and have fun with this awesome deck!
PS: Don't be mad at me if you get your 5/5 Barnes out NotLikeThis
-1 Holy Fire / +1 Pint-Size Potion
-2 Spirit Lash / +2 Free From Amber
-1 Free From Amber / +1 Silence
Sadly this is my best deck. Rank 15 is the highest i can get with this, then it's all secret mages and weapon rogues. I really need a deck that can counter my insanely bad draws. This is not it. But it's effective nevertheless.
Ysera is far superior to The Lich King. Her cards are mostly upside whereas The Lich King has board clears that mill you for every minion killed, these often become dead cards in hand. Deathwing, Dragonlord has good synergy with Ysera as a 1/1 Deathwing death rattle can put her in play if in hand. Hell, I would take an Alarm-o-Bot over Arthas.
I have all the cards except Ysera and I don't have the dust to craft her right now. What should I put in the deck instead of her?
its great versusing priest
I saw people making this deck with only Barnes and Obsidian Statue, is that really viable? because I don't have Ysera nor Y'Shaarj (I could craft one in a couple of days though.
It is nowhere near as good. I replaced Y'Shaarj with Deathwing Dragonlord, and that has been a suitable replacement. Ysera's card generation is key. Y'Shaarj really can help you cheese out games, however.
Yeah, I saw a barnes>YShaarj>Yshaarj win games in turn 3, just as many as the ones won by the ridiculous cost/stats minions of Ysera and her boardclear...but as you said, the old god (Screw it, I can't spell his name without checking it) is a beet cheese, and not a sure one. We're not talking Toast deck where Barnes and the Old God were all the minions on the deck after all.
Fun but very inconsistent.
Can't tell you how many times Shadow Essence pulls Barnes. You're basically waiting for 3 cards in your entire deck if you want to play before turn 9.
I've gotten as high as rank 2 with this deck so far.
i made it to 11 using it, i could get farther but i just dont really try hard on ladder
Super fun deck but SUPER inconsistent.
MVC is Shadowreaper Anduin ; it saved my ass many times against jade druid and miracle rogue.GD
This deck seems to have so many answers to so many threats. Really enjoying playing it so far!
With priest being the dominant classafter the patch I recommend ysera cause she got 4 attack.
I'm no expert but Ysera's dream cards are way better than LIch King's DK cards in general and don't have many harmful effects (damage yourself, discard part of your deck and so on.) not to mention Ysera can survive way longer.
EDIT: Note I said "In general". I personally think Frostmourne is the best card of all Dream and DK, and the one that steals 1 card from your opponent can ruin whole strategies, but still...
unfortunately for you do need Anduin as he becomes a board clearer for all 5+ attack minions and and with his ability he also can finish if your low on minions
I have only HAD to use Anduin once out of 5 wins (so far,) and it definitely helps to have but isn't a must (not always anyway.)
the deck is Good but the only problem is it revolves around one card Barnes, my hearthstone deck tracker says that i played 46 games in ranked and I won 23 and lost 23...I only won a handful of games when Barnes didnt show thanks to the spells I was able to keep aggro decks at bay but if Barnes doesn't show early versus control decks your screwed
Also I played another priest virtually the same deck but he had N'Zoth, the Corruptor and he brought back his Obsidian Statue he actually had 4 up....What about swapping Free From Amber for Nzoth?
Yeah, if you don't get Barnes early you are done. I've played about 30 games with this deck and have won maybe 5 games. While waiting around for the perfect setup, you find yourself in bad situations fighting to keep the board cleared. You also run into situations where you have cards you can't do anything with then up with a full hand.
If you have only an even winrate with this deck you are probably mulliganing or playing wrong. I have no idea how it's possible to go 25 losses and 5 wins with big priest. You should only be waiting around if your opponent is waiting around. There are so many anti-aggro tools that can be used to control the board early and your mid-late game should overwhelm even jade druid. Your entire deck does not hinge on barnes, that is simply wrong. The strategy is twofold - control the board and then overwhelm your opponent with a flurry of big dudes.
As for N'Zoth, he is simply not needed in this deck. If your opponent somehow has enough tools for you to need N'Zoth you will have lost already.
Sure big priest is not the most consistent deck in the world, but I am playing it without Y'Shaarj and have come from rank 10 to 5 in one afternoon, just 2-3 hours of play. My replacement is deathwing dragonlord.