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ShatteR's KOFT Mill rogue

  • Last updated Sep 11, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mill Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 9840
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/11/2017 (Frozen Throne)
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Knights of the frozen throne mill rogue

 Death has came for our favourite rogue, Valeera Sanguinar, so she can come back stronger than ever!!

The Lich King created Valeera the Hollow out of pure hatred, milling potential,salt and most importantly,thick tights.He also armed her up with the amazing Shadowblade.

Valeera the Hollow:

She is the best thing that happened to mill rogue since N'Zoth, the Corruptor.She offers soo much against any matchup.Extra armor, an extra turn, extra cards, extra value.You can create a full wall with N'Zoth, the Corruptor even the first time you play him!

How to use her

  • Use her in an aggro/midrange meatchups when your HP is in an immediate danger, and you can start stabilizing next turn.
  • Use her in a control matchup basically any time.
  • Use her in a combo matchup when you fear you'll get comboed next turn!

Playing Valeera, stabilizing:

Notable uses:

 Win condition overview: 

  1. Fatigue burst:-Fatigue damage eats even the thickest control warriors very quickly, and our primary win-condition is using that to our advantage.To help this we use Gang Up on Coldlight Oracle to make our decksize bigger while bringing the opponent closer to fatigue.With this gameplan the deck works like a combo deck:Your entire plan is to stall and play your own game until you can combo down the enemy.It's used mostly in control/slower midrange matchups, but usally a finisher against combo and sometimes aggro too.
  2. Grinder gameplan:-Many people don’t think of this, but mill rogue is a very good deck that’s only aim to grind the opponent out of all of his/her resources.You usally use this method if you don’t draw your Coldlight Oracle soon enough or against aggro/fast midrange decks.You play your taunts(Sludge Belcher/Deathlord) in the early stages of the game, then in the late-game you grind him/her out with N'Zoth, the Corruptor and/or Valeera the Hollow. Your plan is to create an unpenetratable wall of taunts with constantly repeated N'Zoth, the Corruptor.You want to Gang Up and play N’Zoth as many times as possible(you can gang him up with Preparation or by playing him previous turn with Shadowstep).
  3. Milling:-Milling(burning cards) is most imporant in the combo matchups(like freeze mage/maly rogue etc.).You want to burn as many cards of them as possible to maximalize the chance of burning an important combo piece/win condition.

-You need to decide which method you use based on the matchup, your hand, and cards that your oppponent played/could play.

-If your opponent played(or very likely has in the deck), some card that lets him beat you in fatigue,like Dead Man's Hand/Jade Idol/Archbishop Benedictus you should stick to the "grinder" gameplay(or try to mill the certain cards) and pump out as many N'Zoth, the Corruptor as possible.No deck can react to a double(or 4x) ganged up N'Zoth.

Card usage and tips(also,toughts on some not-run cards):

Currently run card tips & tricks:


Toughts on some cards that could make the cut or good as tech:


  • Fan of Knives:-Some early AOE,good against token-based decks,I could definietly see myself run this card in the near-future
  • Vilespine Slayer:-Very good tempo removal, good with Shadowstep, could make the cut if I'd tech against slower deck like "big" priest or druid.
  • Dark Iron Skulker:-Used to run this card, really good against token-based decks, could find his way back in in the near future.
  • Skulking Geist:-Tech against jade druid/inner fire priest/freeze mage/secret pally, also brings most decks closer to fatigue by 1-2 cards.Neither of thoose decks are too popular but I can see why we'd run this.
  • Azure Drake:-My dear drake is not currently run, but he's really good.Some cycle is always good, even in mill, the 4/4 and the spell damage are not neglectable.
  • Reno Jackson:-Good ol' Reno is really nice in mill rogue, he's a nice end-game healing after you've drawn most of your deck.
  • Shadow Strike:-Nice,cheap removal
  • Bloodmage Thalnos: I really don't like Thalnos in mill rogue(especially not in this list with few spells), because he's a bad N'Zoth summon and can loose you games where fatigue really matters for both players.But some lists run him, he's a good card regardless if I like him or not.
  • Basically any healing:-More healing is really good in some matchups,mostly mages, aggro shaman, but nice against any aggro deck, but i find double Antique Healbot enough currently.
  • Acidic Swamp Ooze/Gluttonous Ooze:-Some nice pirate warrior tech if they become more popular.
  • King Mukla/Nat, the Darkfisher:-They are a tech s against control decks.I don't think mill rogue needs any teching against control decks.But if you want for some reason, go on then :D

Some cards that might look good but they are not working out:


  • Beneath the Grounds:-I get the question from time to time if it's good or not.It doesn't work out is all i can say.It's 3 mana do-nothing on the turn you play it(death sentence against aggro, and we want as few cards that are bad against aggro as possible).Also, if you mill/burn an "ambush" card it doesn't activate, thus you just made them harder to fatigue.
  • Violet Illusionist:-Right now we also have Shadowblade, making her not even close to a consederation.Not like the effect is really needed anyways, most of the time we're ahead in fatigue by 6+cards in the end game.
  • Daring Reporter/Twilight Drake/Mountain Giant/Clockwork Giant:-We  don't need any minions that does not protect/heal us or brings us closer to the win-condition in some way.And they don't.

If you have any question of a card's usage or replacements,feel free to ask!

Matchup guide:


Jade(55-45, favored): Maybe the most-questionabe matchup of all.Mill rogue beginners think this matchup is "unwinnable"(because of Jade Idol), while experienced players say this is a favored matchup.I'll take side with the later as the matchup is indeed favored if played right.How to win?:The plan is simple, you play your Sludge Belcher/Deathlord on the course of the game.Then you play N'Zoth, the Corruptor with as many Gang Up as possible(up to 4 with Dk Valeera).Jade druid can't deal with the insane tempo of a N'Zoth wall provides you every turn.Vanish and Sap are both very good in the matchup,you have plenty of ways to stall until you can play out the win-condition.

Faster type druids(40-60 on average,unfavored): There are a lots of faster druids running around from murlocs and eggs to the taunt-type faster-midrane druids.Your general stragegy is to stay on-tempo as much as you can, while removing their minions and protecting yourself with taunts. Shadowblade, Backstab,Doomsayer,Deathlord,Prince Valanar are the MVPs in the matchups.Vanish can work as well(best with Doomsayer), either to nullify the opponent's board-buffs or to insta-win against Living Mana.Your win-condition most of the time is N'Zoth, the Corruptor.

Ramp(70-30,favored): This deck can punish ramp druid many different ways.Sap and Vanish are obviously busted in the matchup, as N'Zoth, the Corruptor too.They just let you mill themselves, sometimes play some big stuff that either gets blocked by your taunts or gets sent back to hand.You can loose the matchup either if they draw the nuts in the early game or if your Coldlight Oracle and N'Zoth, the Corruptor are decided to hide on the botton of your deck.


Big priest(70-30,favored):-The matchup is really similar to ramp druid's.They play really big, slow stuff, very vurnelable to Sap and Vanish.They can't ramp out quickly like druid can, but they have much more answers to your Deathlord and Doomsayer.Speaking of Deathlord, you shouldn't play it early if you don't have a Sap in hand as well.

Slower priest variants(65-35 on average): Slowerl priests can come in various different shells and forms, from dragons to duplicate/highlander quest variants.They all have 1 in common tho:They all loose to mill rogue very badly.They are just too slow and get out-grinded our bursted down with fatigue.

HoweverArchbishop Benedictus can make you cry if you're not prepared for it.You can counterplay him 3 ways: 1st is using Gang Up on him.Many people don't think of this but you should do it if you have a Gang Up spared(especially with Valeera).2nd is just playing for the "grinder" plan from the beginning, using your Gang Up(s) on N'Zoth, the Corruptor.3rd is if you already got Benedicted and you have no Gang Up left for either Benedictus or N'Zoth.Then you play for fatigue.You're planning to take both players into fatigue, then use Shadowblade to burst down the opponent while protecting yourself(1 mana Coldlight Oracle is really valuable for this, keep them if you can).

Combo priest variants(60-40 on average): If you're suspect an inner fire variant, your taunts and Sap/Vanish are your best friends to nullify buffs.Inner fire matchup is really mulligan/draw dependent from both player's side.The spell/hero power centric combo versions are a mich better matchup, they usally function very much like the control variants with a burst finisher.Burning cards are very valuable here, so is Valeera the Hollow.


Freeze mage(65-35,favored): This matchup became very favored with the arrival of Valeera the Hollow.Very skill-intensive matchup from both players side.Don't rush out Valeera the Hollow, wait, after he drops Alexstrasza or when you think he is planning to burst you down,then play double Antique Healbot the following turn.You also want to burn/mill as many cards as you can.Basically this matchup really punishes  rushed out coldlights/Valeera the Hollow/healbots, but if you play right, you should win it a lot.

Reno mage(70-30,favored):Reno mages became even slower with KOFT,making it an even better matchup than it was before,usally playing the mage DK and/or slow cards like The Lich King.Be careful with their burn(12-15 max.) and you should be fine.

Tempo/secret mage(40-60,unfavored): Flamewaker style tempo mage is not really that popular, secret mage has taken their place.They have a decent amount of burst, decent minion pressure, at least they are not that fast.You want to play on-tempo as much as possible to make them spend burn on your minions instead of your face.Generally, the fatigue plan is very dangerous as theese decks can do a lots of disgusting things with a big handsize, you should probably stick to the N'Zoth plan if possible.Playing around secrets comes with experience, but be VERY careful with Counterspell and test Mirror Entity with Doomsayer if you're behind on-board.

Quest mage(70-30,favored): This is the matchup where you want to burn/mill the maximum amount of cards possible.Burning Archmage Antonidas is game winning, so is Sorcerer's Apprentice/Molten Reflection most of the time.They usally support a big hand size, so burning cards should not be really hard.Valeera the Hollow is also really big in this matchup as it allows you to stall their combo for another turn, maybe securing you the victory.


Pirate warrior(30-70, unfavored): Maybe our worst matchup,the whole reason why Golakka Crawler is in the deck.You need a good hand and more importantly, the opponent to not have a good one.You play solely on survival.Laying down taunts, removing minions, healing, basically stalling until they run out of cards or you can play N'Zoth, the Corruptor.Playing Coldlight Oracle is very dangerous and should only be done if you have literally zero other options.Tips:Shadowstep:Golakka Crawler, Antique Healbot,damaged Deathlord.Gang Up:Golakka Crawler, Antique Healbot,Sludge Belcher.

Control warrior(80-20,favored): Control warrior is traditionally one of the best matchups for mill rogue(too bad they are very rare).They are just soo slow, basically asking to get milled out.

However: Dead Man's Hand can make our life a nightmare.If you suspect that your opponent is running it, you should stick to the "grinder" gameplan and play 17 N'Zoth, the Corruptor on them for the win.Yeaaah, that should do it.


Renolock(70-30): Good old renolock is a tipical breakfast for mill rogue.They like to keep a big handsize, they play slow stuff.Most renolock you see on ladder are the demon-DK variant.You have to be careful with them, don't waste Vanish if you don't have to.Regardless, they are very slow, don't have any ways to escape fatigue and should be a piece of cake.

Demonlock(65-35): Demonlocks are becoming popular since The knights of the frozen throne hit, because the arrival of the warlock DK.Basically they play 2 of every demon that the singleton/Reno variant plays.Prepare for the DK swing-turn, spare a Vanish for it.They are a little faster than the Reno variant, but still an easy matchup.


Midrange hunter(40-60, unfavored): The hunter matchup really comes down if you can handle the early agression or not.So cards like Backstab,Shadowblade,Doomsayer,Deathlord,Prince Valanar,Sludge Belcher,Eviscerate are all really good.If you have stabilized you are afraid of getting bursted down, so Antique Healbot and Valeera the Hollow are the MVPs in the late-game. SapSavannah Highmane every time :D


Miracle rogue(50-50,even): Miracle rogue is not popular at all nowadays(as pretty much any rogue feelsbadman).You are never worried that you can't fatigue out the enemy, but rather if you can survive untill then.Sap and Vanish are good to break Conceal or to send back a big Edwin or Questing Adventurer into the hand.Basically remove all of their minions,stay on tempo if you can and try to stay out of burst range.

Mill rogue(50-50,even):  

The mirror match comes down to a lots of factors.The most obvious one are the pilots' ability to play the deck.The second is RNG:If a Gang Up gets milled the game is basically decided unless the opposing player gets his milled too.

Tips: -Wait with your Gang Up(to double it up) until you played Valeera the Hollow(if you have them in your hand).

-Try to keep as small handsize as you can,throw out useless cards like Backstab,Eviscerate,Preparation if needed.

-Every card matters in fatigue, don't play The Curator!

-If you suspect you're going up against a mill rogue, keep Gang Up in the mulligan as it's the most important card in the matchup.

-Sap the opponent's Deathlord, as it's the only good target for it in the deck.

 -Shadowblade is a really good card in the mirrormatch!, use it to close out the game with Coldlights.Fatigue damage doesn't matter if you don't get any.

Jade rogue(65-35,favored): Jade rogue is a midrange deck, it shouldn't be too hard.Basically you got to stay on tempo, use your Vanish visely and should be good.


Murloc paladin(35-65, unfavored): Typical aggro-ish board flood deck.Keep the board clear as much as you can, play on tempo.You typically win with N'Zoth, the Corruptor

Midrange/"dude" and secret paladin(50-50, even): Very popular deck(s), you fight this matchups a lot.Very skill-dependent matchups, any error can cost you the game.Vanish management is REALLY important here. Valeera the Hollow made this matchups much better than it was before KOTF, doubling up taunts helps a ton.

Control paladin(80-20,favored): They are on the same page as control warrior.They just loose to mill unless you draw terribble,terribble.


Token/evolve shaman(40-60, unfavored): The most popular shaman variant, unfortunately not a good matchup. Early removals are really good here, so is your taunts. Vanish is key here too, don'T waste it if you don't have to. Try to deny the board from them, because Bloodlust hurts.

Midrange  shaman variations(60-40,favored): They are tipically slower than te token variant, helping us a ton.The most popular varians is jade, howerer midrange type shamans are not popular nowadays. All I can say is Vanish management, still. I know i am telling that too much, but it's really crucial in midrange matchups.

Control shaman(70-30,favored): Typical control matchup, very easy. Sap and Vanish are very strong because of the high cost of their minions and Ancestral Spirit.Kill White Eyes if not Ancestral Spirit-ed, try to send back to the hand if it is.

Aggro shaman(35-65,unfavored): One of the worse matchups, they can output a lots of pressure,has decent burn to close out the game. Mulligan for early removal and taunts.If you defent back the early push, a few Antique Healbot into N'Zoth, the Corruptor can lead you victory.


If I missed any matchup or you have questions, feel free to ask! :)

 Mulligan guide

Aggro:-Basically Backstab,Doomsayer,Deathlord ,Prince Valanar,Shadowblade

-Sludge Belcher and Eviscerate on coin, and if you have something other early game.

-Golakka Crawler against pirate warrior,you could keep against most aggro decks because of Bloodsail Corsair played in most or as early tempo.


Midrage: Coldlight Oracle (don't keep 2), you can keep Shadowstep too on coin if you got a Coldlight.

Backstab,Doomsayer,Deathlord ,Prince Valanar,Shadowblade are decent keeps too.


ControlColdlight Oracle is the most important here. 

-Basically mulligan everything that's not Coldlight Oracle/Deathlord/Doomsayer/Prince Valanar or Sludge Belcher if you have the coin.

-If you have some early game cards and you're on coin you can keep The Curator


Expections: -You can keep Sap against a "big" deck what can cheat out big minions early like miracle rogue,big priest, big druid, control shaman.

 Tech cards: 

-If you want to tech against a certain deck, or a type of deck you can always change some cards. I'll give you some tips.

Bonus: -Any card + Yogg-Saron, Hope's End to tech against everything.

Edits(and why i made them, conclusions):

2017.08.05:-Preparation,-Azure Drake,-Dark Iron Skulker  +Golakka Crawler, +The Curator +Prince Valanar

-After discussions, testings people convinced me to craft Prince Valanar.He performed really well is what i can say(also fills 4 drop slot), the change for skulker is good.Also, played some games against pirate warriors(seems that they are coming back  slowly :/) and made the -prep +crawler change, that also led to the -drake +Curator change.Taunt and drawing the crawler if it has not been already drawn is nice.We also have enough 5 drops.

-This changes makes the deck a little bit more curve-oriented, having more on-curve good minions(mostly taunts), what is a good thing in terms of tempo.

Some stats :D

 "Run away. Hide in your precious keeps, behind your walls and your bodyguards. Night always falls, and shadows will fill your hallowed halls. One day, one of those shadows will be me."

Happy milling everyone,ShatteR