DisguisedToast's Frost Lich Jaina Midrange Mage
- Last updated Aug 10, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 15 Minions
- 14 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Burn Mage
- Crafting Cost: 5800
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/11/2017 (Frozen Throne)
- DisguisedToast
- Pro Player
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I've been using this deck for 2 weeks now, but can't do better than lvl 15, any subs that I can use to improve my current win ratio? lot's of jade druids and other aggro decks.
I think Arcanologist can be switched for better cards.
any upgrades suggestions for the current meta?
my thoughts:
-2 Arcanologist
+2 Shimmering Tempest
Remember that part about Pyros not being worth crafting?... it's not true.
If you replace pyros you're missing on about half the elemental synergy with Servant of Kalimos. You don't have enough elementals to use Servant properly without the extra 3 elementals Pyros provides, and for whatever reason pulling a turn 4 Water elemental -> turn 5 Servant is quite uncommon.
Took out babbling books and added a polymorph and a flamestrike because there arent any late game AoEs and polymorph fits the current meta against priest druid and warluck
Maybe replace Pyros with Skulking Geist for jade druid reasons?
Ill try that since I dont have Pyros
Where would you guys sub in Polymorph here? I feel like it's needed to counter Warlock (Guldan rez) and Big Priest. Can obviously get them from babbling book and glyph, but I feel like it'd good to have at least one in the deck
I took out the Firelands Portals and put in polymorphs. Doesn't do much against Priest fatiguing you but at least it's something to use against the seemingly endless OD's you'll see from priest.
Primordial Glyph × 2 2
Pyros × 1
i went shimmering tempest and lich king anything better I could sub?
Any replacements for babbling book?
You could try Fire Fly or Glacial Shard. Not a direct replacement, but they're 1-drops and elementals, so they should at least fit in the deck.
wow... this deck does not fight the ladder well, its not mid range its clunky, i guess if you put a streamer/tubers name on it then its magic or something
This deck was added on August 11th, which if I recall correctly is the day after Frozen Throne launched. So I expect it didn't receive much tuning.
Correct, and regardless of that fact its sitting top of its respective charts thanks to the affixed name
Funny, because it's going great for me, guess its just not meant for everyone.
Ok the strategy for this deck just spam elemnatls and do Jaina for 9 turn?Cuz Guldan DK just win the game when he got he's own DK
The deck miss AOE spells, no Flamestrike, Meteor, or Blizzard. Only 1 Volcanic Potion Doesn't do the job against aggro decks.
That's where Primordial Glyph comes in, although I do think an extra volcanic potion or blizzard would be a good addition.
I havent Pyros and 2x Ice block any replacement?
Skulking Geist Eater of Secrets or Medivh the Guardian