Ramp Druid
- Last updated Feb 7, 2018 (Patches Nerf)
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- 13 Minions
- 15 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Ramp Druid
- Crafting Cost: 10340
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/10/2017 (Frozen Throne)

- CastorOrange
- Registered User
- 9
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Deck created by Tars on stream: https://www.twitch.tv/armatvhs
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Does this still work? Worth to craft Twig of the world tree for it?
Hey, I'm testing out this deck and I put in Hadronox as well. A lot of fun. Thanks
Should skulking geist work against jade druid?
any replacement for the twig?
Have you had any luck with/actually tried the changes?
Is it possible to just throw it 1 jade idol for security for fatigue games?
Yes! But as a miracle, if you play correctly, when you play with 30 cards and your opponent only with 15-20 cards, it's win.
Innervate is still a good card.. wtf
Just lol at ramp w/o innervate. Someone just wanted all their decks at the top.
i dont feel good about to giving cards to the enemy... IDK, Jade druid is much better.
Hey guys!
I finally had the chance to try out the new expansion and I started off with this deck because I got the DK druid from the pack and I have to say it is pretty entertaining deck do play!
First matchup is versus some kind of value mage which did not have any chance. Second one was against purify priest, which went smooth as well. Check out the video bellow for more details! :)
Hope you will enjoy it :) I am happy for any feedback
this deck sucks brah
What about putting Yogg here ? the deck would be more fun, and it could be ur last resource against OTK Mages, Mill/Miracle rogues, or even priest, u use many spells to put the mountains on the board, so it does make sense.
I don't know what other games you had, but you just said an 8/8 in turn one, that can obliterate prety much every deck, it was a lucky game for the guy.
very competitive deck :) love it. use this deck a lot
here my game vs warlock and warlock, enjoy :)
Losing hand over hand to other druids and hunters at rank 13/14. This deck is not good in the meta right now.
In fact, this deck often loses to straight up Jade Druid and Jade Shaman. Don't believe the hype.
I rode this deck from 25-10 but I am currently stuck at 10. Not really sure what happened. I am looking for some advice because right now it seems like either:
A.) Opening hand has no ramp or not enough ramp (even after mulligan), opponent overwhelms me.
B.) Opening hand has a little bit of ramp, but either my opponent is also a druid who gets his UI out before me or its a mid-range deck that tends to tip the balance in the mid-game
C.) I take over the early game, but stall out because I don't draw any of the draw cards (this happens surprisingly more often than not) and I can no longer take care of big threats.
Again, this is at Rank 10-9. Does anyone have any tips/modifications for this deck for this rank?
Even though Ultimate Infestation is worth it. For the lower ranks [20-14] I'd say its better to run in faster. For a more explosive approach to Ramp Druid see HERE.
for that reason is an epic card, no rare, no common.
A card overloaded like this can never be fair, its either too good and overpowered or bad and nerfed to the ground... if you go back a recalculate the cost of it, it would be more than 17 mana, considering its 4 effects require drawing/using one single cards not 4 as it should be!
Some can claim the card has its own downsides like overdraws and fatigue, this applies to some decks but not to the Jade druid which makes the card even more stronger in this archtype.
Edit: Not hating on the card or on the Jade archtype, I'm having lot of fun lately and druids still struggle against an aggressive opener...
A better comparison would be Starfire + Shieldbearer + Sprint