Play Dead Combo Hunter!
- Last updated Aug 7, 2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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- 10 Minions
- 16 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 11480
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/7/2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
- AIM7Sparrow
- Registered User
- 8
- 31
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Do you ever feel like Hunter isn't cancer enough? No? Well too bad, because it just got worse! Introducing, Play Dead Combo Hunter! How does it work?
- Summon and kill off King Krush however you like
- Alex -> 15 HP
- Abominable bowman + 2 Play Dead = 2 King Krush to da face for 16
What's that you say? Too many pieces to pull off? Well not only do we have the OG Curator to instantly fetch us 2 of our combo pieces (Alex and Krush), the new addition of Stitched Tracker will boost consistency so much that you'll be completing your combo faster than you can say, "Face is the place!"
Explanations for Inclusions:
- Thalnos: Staple in any spell-heavy control deck
- Flare: Cycler/deck thinner
- Coldlight: See above + synergy with Curator
- Prince Valanar: Only 4 drop worth considering otherwise is Multi-shot. Let's give this a go instead, potentially healing 8 (lifesteal and block 4 dmg to face) could be a life saver
- Deathstalker Rexxar: 6 mana: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions and gain 5 armor. Good enough. Hunter lacks AoE and we don't need our starting hero power anyways unless it's vs. armor classes. Could be taken out for explosive shot or something though to be honest.
- Gladiator's Longbow: Helps with control late game while protecting our face.
- Curator: Duh
Explanations for Omissions:
- Professor what's his face new legendary: Don't want to accidentally play a hat trick and screw up your combo
- Cloaked Huntress: Maybe, but currently not enough secrets to justify
- Tracking: If you discover 2 of your combo pieces together you insta-lose, not worth the risk
- Snipe/Misdirection: No reason, could be viable, testing would determine
- Multishot: Garbage card, also Prince Valaran
- Explosive Shot: Could work, needs testing
- Any other minions: Don't want to clutter too much, otherwise Stitched Tracker loses consistency
Greetings traveler!
P.S. There's no "Control Hunter" available in the archetype list (lel) which is why I listed it as unknown.
Thank you for sharing your deck. I appreciate your explanations for inclusions and omissions.
I was not successful in the games I played. I like the idea, but I think the biggest issue is the one you addressed right from the get go, are there too many pieces to pull it off? Someone good at probabilities can determine exactly what the odds are. The interplay of the odds for individual cards, and the slowly improving odds with each turn make it more math than I usually try to figure out. That said, if you don't draw a particular card in your opening hand, thereafter you start with a 1 in 27 (1:27) chance of drawing Curator, and a 1:13 chance of drawing a Stitched Tracker (you have 2 in your deck); these being the three cards that can help you with the task of drawing your five combo cards. As to your minion combo cards, Alexstrasza, King Krush, and Abominable Bowman are each 1:27, and all these cards are at least 7 mana.
Your other combo cards are getting both Play Deads. Getting the first one starts out at odds of 1:13 (again, assuming you do not draw it in your opening hand), but getting the second Play Dead starts out at odds of 1:25 if you have the first one before turn 2. Odds improve with each turn, but you need so many cards.
Further, only after you've played King Krush on turn 9, or later, and then he is killed off, you still need a turn to play Alexstrasza, your other 9 mana combo card. Then, if you have the remaining 3 combo cards in hand, you can play the big combo on your next turn FTW if there are no taunt minions, no interfering secrets, and I haven't sat and thought what else. I still like the idea and appreciate the effort you put into crafting the deck and the the time you gave to us to explain it all.
Hmm so many cheap spells. Why not focuse more on the deathrattle part or elemental part without using any more beasts so Abominable Bowmandoesn't mess up the King Krush ressurection?
You don't want to clog too many minions because then Stitched Tracker won't be able to consistently discover your combo pieces.
That is true, but with N'zoth and some deathrattle taunts you have more survivability then using some spells imo.
Not a bad idea. I think at that point you may as well just commit to a full on Nzoth Hunter deck though. A lot of slots in this deck are wasted on cards that clash with it. For example you don't want to run coldlight in a Nzoth deck, you'd just be giving your opponent more resources to clear the board.
It looks like a cool and interesting deck. However, I do have a question, wouldn't deathstalker rexxar mess up your whole combo due to its hero power, which specifically creates zombeasts?
Theoretically, you could of course be able to make something even better than king crush to summon, but RNG is always unpredictable.
Yeah you wouldn't use the hero power. It's there purely for the consecrate and gain armor effects. It could very easily be replaced though. Just wanted to try it out.
Skulking Geist gg
True story
I like these idea a lot, I will definitely try it.
But I think some cheap taunts like Tar Creeper could be a great addition.
Thought about that as well...gotta be careful though because it's a double edged sword. Yes tar creeper is a great defensive card but it will mess with Stitched Tracker too. Could be worth trying out though, only way to find out is testing.