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Meatlock v0.1

  • Last updated Aug 9, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 25 Minions
  • 5 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: Discardlock
  • Crafting Cost: 7060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/30/2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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So, I had a kind of stupid idea when I first saw Meat Wagon: Could it work with Blood-Queen Lana'thel? This deck attempts to answer that question.

It runs lots of discard to buff up Lana'thel, some Elemental synergy to provide some good defensive cards and let you pick up Tar Creeper and Tar Lurker if you happen to draw your Blood-Queen Lana'thel before you get the Meat Wagon combo off, and Defender of Argus to both work defensively as a good card, and to combo with Meat Wagon to boost it up to 2 Attack (letting it pull your 1-Attack minions like Lana'thel and the Tar elementals) and giving it Taunt so it's no longer possible to just ignore the Meat Wagon and go face. Bonemare also works to pull off the combo, but can then let you pull much bigger minions such as Lakkari Felhound, or cards with discard Battlecries like Darkshire Librarian without having to discard anything. Acherus Veteran is a new addition to the deck, replacing a Glacial Shard and an Igneous Elemental, (both now 1-of cards) and is a very effective card for enabling your Meat Wagon

The deck essentially tries to win by outlasting any aggro with lots of of good Elementals for early-game and getting the Meat Wagon combo off to seal the game. It also has Lakkari Sacrifice to work against control and get you lots of value over time. Because it's a mostly minion-oriented deck, your minions that you'd be trading with against aggro can actually help push face damage against control, functioning a bit more like a Zoo in that matchup.

The main problem with the deck is the inconsistency of the combo, and the fact that it might not even be worth running when you could simply play the deck as is without the Meat Wagon, since it only really works if you draw well against exactly aggro.
If you have any suggestions for card replacements or anything of the sort, please let me know. I'm planning on actually trying this deck out in the coming days of KFT, so make sure to keep an eye out for updates by subscribing to the deck and giving it an upvote if you liked it.