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65-70% Winrate Quest Hunter

  • Last updated Jul 21, 2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Marsh Queen Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 3960
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/15/2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
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I'm one of those who purchased the hunter quest thinking it would've break the meta but all what it broke is my wallet but i did love the idea around it so i didn't give up on it and tried working on a viable quest hunter deck until i made this.

it has decent matchups against all classes if you use your resources right you can win all..

some explanation why i had these winrates:

jeweled macaw : was it to get you a 1 drop, to keep your hand filled or buff heyna jeweled macaw is a solid card.

fire fly :well he is just good for the quest purpose and for early board fight.

glacial shard :this is by far the best 1 drop ever it enables some serious combos alongside doomsayer and it gives you that breathing room against those big minions until you can take them down.

hunter's mark :well that's that tool to take those big minions down.

raptor hatchling :well i was in need for more 1 drops so that i won't fall for the tracking double 1 drop choice trap (without hatchling in the deck you can't complete the quest if you discard a firefly).

the marsh queen : DAAAAAAAAAAH

tracking :well this is a great card in this deck for many reason first it makes your deck thinner which means raptors chain incomming secondly you can choose what you need in order to keep up as hunter doesn't have back up mechanics.

doomsayer :if this triggers on turn 3 then you are just back in the game as this will compensate the tempo loss from playing the quest on turn 1.worst case scenario play this as a target to tinkmaster.

heyna :well this is a 2 case scenario card :1) that glorious turn 10 rhino 3 raptors and this or 2) early pressure with macaw,hatchling,etc... 

acolyte of pain :card draw is valuable in this deck and acolyte is almost drawing 2 cards for 3 mana while dealing some damage.

infest :well with this you will never run out of gas .

dark iron dwarf :well this is after further experiments with the deck was my choice for a solid 4 drop that impact the board. the give +2 attack is almost as good as dealing 2 dmg and with the nature of the deck of awalys having minions on board dark iron hits just the perfect spot in the deck.(he replaced dispatch kodo). 

nesting roc :mvp of the deck as that taunt is so valuable and easy to activate.

tolvir warden :almost your bread and butter but you can sometimes sacrifice one of them.

tundra rhino :this makes this deck a combo one to certain degree as it enables that turn 10 17 dmg charge raptors.

corrupted seer :this deck peaks at around turn 5 as there is no more 6 drops in the deck so most of the time you will have some minnions and your oppent will play things bigger than yours play stratigecly around this and you will be fine (i tried the 4/8 drake but it was too slow).

gladiator's longbow :well usually hunters can't deal with many big drops but with this weapon you can clear 2 with out speanding too much for it(and believe me it saved my ass many times)

over all you will play queen carnassa before turn 9 most of the time with around 15-12 cards and 20+ health. This deck if understood well can destroy both aggro and stall oriented decks (handlock, jade druid, control pally(tough)...).

i hope you enjoy the deck.

if you have any questions abut mulligans and specific match-ups write them below.