Luzkan JOKE [81% Winratio] - Jade, Overload, Ke...
- Last updated Sep 2, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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- 16 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 6860
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/14/2017 (Quest Rogue Nerf)
- Luzak30
- Registered User
- 6
- 25
- 33
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Luzkan JOKE Shaman
Jade, Overload , Kel'Thuzad, Evolve
I'll write more only if the deck gets attention, 'cause im working right now in a sad job for sad people so don't have much time for that. Considering streaming as well if in this alternative universe we all live in that deck gets tons of attention.
Oh well~
Here is a strawpoll on what the next deck should be:
Here's legendary deck for this Season
Luzkan Dudes Paladin
Synergies and Combos:
Basic combo to pull out super tempo three six mana creatures on turn 6.
Jade Chieftain is evolved into one of the strongest 8 mana pull minion. Also the jade at this point of the game will be big aswell. Card works standalone preeety good - with the cover of the taunt so you can even fit doppels into next turn for better evolve value.
Brann Bronzebeard + Jade Claws:
Brann is often the reason why I have usually 8/8 or 9/9 golems in my matches.
Brann Bronzebeard + Jinyu Waterspeaker:
Heal for 12 - great against longer matchups that wanted to keep you pressured or are awaiting burning you with cards - like mage.
Tunnel Trogg + Jade Claws + Totem Golem + Feral Spirit + Flamewreathed Faceless + Lightning Storm
Yup, the retarded overload cards that are just insane are here back again in their old fashion. Crazy strong and pulling out Troggy in the mulligan is automatical win.
There is of course much more like Brann + Jade Chieftain for crazy strong taunt/jade value on turn 10. Brann + Fireelemental for 6 damage that works wonders.
Brann have easy time in this deck being covered by tons of taunts like Thing from Below or Feral Spirits and sometimes huge minions like 4 mana 7/7's are more important to deal with so your double battlecries boy just snowballs everything in your favor.
Jinyu Waterspeaker works many times for me as the minion healer, usually on the 7/7's.
There is no 5 mana play for a reason - you are always overloaded on that turn so it would be pointless to have any card that can't be played at that time anyway.
Kelthuzad is auto win in any longer game as your controlly or midrangy opponent already burned everything to fight giant jades, 7/7's, draw cards totems and so on.
Good luck, have fun.
i think saronite chain gang is better than feral spirit 1 more mana but 2 less overload and evolving the 4 mana is better than the 3 mana evolve opinions plz?
How do you use Thrall in this deck? I only need Kel'Thuzad and i am thinking build it.
edit: I finally built the deck. It's amazing, I love it so much haha!
you can use Thrall, Deathseer on turn 10 with Doppelgangster or in combo with Brann Bronzebeard, then you can evolve Jade Chieftain to a 8 mana minion
Kel'Thuzad is a big help if you have a good board, but it's better in a Control N'Zoth Shaman, if you like Shaman, craft him or buy Naxxramas adventure
unfortunately, this deck is not performing no more as before :(
last 10 days, I'm almost 5-15 :(
All vs druid jade or priest kazakus? :(
any suggestion vs pirate warriors, I'm 0-4 vs it
Jinyu and healing wave. You can try Oozes if you are desperete against pirate warrior
Great deck !
is Fire Elemental so usefull in this deck? Isn't better a Bloodlust or a Healing Wave?
this deck is good, but not still so performing, almost 50%, but I have a lot of fun to play it
How is the deck performing now? And also can this deco work without kelthuzad?
is performing very well, Kel'Thuzad is a great help in this deck, I won 2 matches thanks to it
but I think it could works also without him, maybe you can add a Bloodlust
can we insert DK Thrall in this deck?
Looks like the list was updated as -1 Jinyu Waterspeaker, +1 DK Thrall. Personally I took out Kel'Thuzad instead, he's strictly a win-more card in my opinion.
There is no more mage that u need to heal up from. Jinyu isn't very impactfull at this moment and also doesn't soft deny with 1 overload potential of the DK. I didn't play this deck a lot latelly though.
Can I reach rank 15 with this deck?
Using this deck mostly, I am currently rank 9 about to hit 8. It counters a lot of the decks being played so I'd say yea.