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Mech Mage Rest In Pieces

  • Last updated Aug 20, 2017 (Frozen Throne)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mech Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 5020
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/8/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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A really powerfull mech mage that can bring you to rank 10/5 in some days.

Can decimate tempo and slow deck and ,if you have a good curve,even midrange.

The mulligan:you want to always have a 1 drop,or at least a 2 drop with the coin,followed by another 2 drop(or 3 drop with Mechwarper).Best mulligan cards are :Mana Wyrm,Cogmaster, Mechwarper , Snowchugger and maybe Spider Tank,against control matchups.

You want to have board control in the first turn, Mechwarper helps a lot in early,Fel Reaver in the later turns.

You can replace Loatheb with Sylvanas Windrunner ,or a second Fel Reaver.

You can replace Primordial Glyph with another Unstable Portal or a Flamecannon,or even an Arcane Intellect,if you want some draws.

Cogmaster is your best 1 drop if you start first,it can kill the enemy 1/2 or 1/3,to kill the enemy 2 drop the following turn,a lot of value trade for a single 1 cost minion.

Gorillabot A-3 help when you run out of steam,you search Enhance-o Mechano ,if your opponent is close to death,but you don't have lethal,but some tempo mech,to play the following turn is also a good choise.

Goblin Blastmage is probably the best 4 drop in the game,better than Piloted Shredder too.Use it against token and swarm deck is simply great.

Fel Reaver is a contested card,a lot of people say it have a enormous downside,but against control or better tempo matchups,is a game changer card,use it to trade minion,make pressure on the board and,sometimes,

SMORc like a hunter,sting like a bee.


Dr. Boom is Dr. Boom (or Dr.Balanced,if you want),too powerfull to don't put it in your wild deck,he even summon the 2 Boom Bots,that are mechs.

Archmage Antonidas is used with the spare parts to burst your opponent down.

Loatheb is used when you think you opponent have a huge board swipe,or lethal in hand.It saves you a lot ot time.


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