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The Best Wild Deck of All Time *With extensive ...

  • Last updated Jun 24, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 14100
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/21/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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The Best Wild Deck of All Time!


Well met! I have been a N'Zoth Paladin fanatic ever since N'Zoth came out in WoTG. It has been my favorite deck and one of the only decks I play. I have tried countless variations of N'Zoth Paladin from expansion to expansion. I've had moderate success with the archetype, consistently hitting legend and high legend in wild.

 http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20695745/hearthstone®-march-2017-wild-ranked-play-season-rankings-4-13-2017 (Schmidy, #97)

 http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20730542/hearthstone®-april-2017-wild-ranked-play-season-rankings-5-12-2017 (Schmidy, #41)

Unfortunately last month I did not have the time to grind to high legend due to final exams, but I did hit legend with N'Zoth Paladin. I ended around 200. 

After thousands upon thousands of games with N'Zoth Paladin, countless different versions, I honestly believe that I have found the BEST version of Control N'Zoth Paladin, and I believe with all my heart that this deck is a meta breaker. In the right hands this deck is unstoppable.

Why N'Zoth Paladin?:

N'Zoth Control Paladin has been consistently underrated in wild since the format was released. People found more success with other archetypes (namely Pirate Warrior), but N'Zoth Paladin has remained in the shadows, waiting for it's day in the sun. The deck was weak before Un'Goro, other decks just had better options, the obvious choice over N'Zoth Paladin was the Reno decks, due to the access to Reno and Kazakus, but now, with the release of Un'Goro I believe that N'Zoth Control Paladin has much better match ups across the board then Reno decks. Why you may ask? It comes down to the deck being able to beat nearly any deck. N'Zoth Paladin, unlike any other control deck, can have incredible tempo, value, survivability and removal all in one. Look at cards like Aldor Peacekeeper, amazing removal, highly efficent and drives the tempo game. Truesilver Champion, stunning removal that heals and can be used to push damage. Equality, the single best AoE in the game. Sunkeeper and Tirion Fordring, two of the best legendaries in the game! Stonehill defenders which can discover the two best legendaries in the game! Ragnaros the Lightlord, huge minion while still being defensive. Not to mention the fact that N'Zoth Paladin can run 2 ofs, meaning it is much more consistent than Reno decks. If you hard mulligan for Reno, you have a 40% chance of drawing him by turn 6. 40% win rate against aggro doesn't make the cut.

Intresting Tech Cards:

Kezan Mystic: I would classify Kezan as one of the greatest tech cards of all time. It counters what it counters and does it HARD. You may ask; "Why run Kezan over Eater? Eater removals all secrets?" Simply put, this cards crushes freeze mages. Freeze Mage is a somewhat popular deck on later. I would say one in ten games is against a Freeze Mage. Without Kezan, the match up is basically unwinnable, with Kezan the match up is basically unloseable. You steal iceblock, they pop you, you heal up to 21, the concede because they don't have enough damage to kill you. Running one card for a free win 10% of the time is definitely worth it. Kezan can even come in clutch against a Reno Mage, the rare Hunter and of course Paladin. In a meta that has little to no Freeze Mage this card can easily be cut for an Ooze or Tar Creeper. 

How to Videos!:


Pirate Warrior:


Control Warrior:





Mulligan Guide:


Mage is one of the most powerful classes in wild. It has three distinct archetypes, two of which are highly popular, Reno Mage and Freeze Mage. The third, Tempo Mage, is highly powerful, but loses consistently to Pirate Warrior, so it is rarely seen. If you know you are playing a Freeze Mage, go for Dirty Rats with your Stonehill Defenders.

First: Stonehill Defender, Truesilver Champion and Kezan Mystic. 

Second: Stonehill Defender, Truesilver Champion, Kezan Mystic and Sludge Belcher.


Priest is a mixed bag, with many varying archetypes. It is very difficult to know what you are playing. It could be Innerfire Priest (the most popular), Dragon Priest, Reno Priest or even Quest Priest. Since Innerfire Priest and Dragon Priest are the most common, we aggressively mulligan as if we are playing them.

First: Doomsayer, Equality, (Keep Wild Pyromancer if you have Equality), Stonehill Defender and Truesilver Champion.

Second: Doomsayer, Equality, (Keep Wild Pyromancer if you have Equality), Stonehill Defender,Truesilver Champion and Sunkeeper Tarim.


Warlock is a highly powerful class in wild, and has what is widely considered the best control deck in all of wild. This deck is easily able to outvalue the Renolock, unless they are able to get Lord J. on an empty board, early in the game. 

First: Doomsayer, Equality, Stonehill Defenders, Aldor Peacekeeper and Truesilver Champion (If you have any of these things, also keep Sludge Belcher and Elise).

Second: Doomsayer, Equality, Stonehill Defenders, Aldor Peacekeeper, Truesilver Champion, Sludge Belchers and Sunkeeper Tarim. 


Druid has two very powerful decks in wild, but they are polar opposites, Jade Druid and Egg Druid. For this reason you need to hedge your bets when mulliganing, and just go for the highly safe and consistent lines.

First: Doomsayer, Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Truesilver Champion and Sludhe Belchers. 

Second: Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Consecration, Truesilver Champion and Sludge Belcher.


Shaman is one of the classes that is tough to beat with this deck (due to Hex and Devolve), but is still very beatable. Shaman has three successful archetypes, Jade, Control and Aggro. Aggro and Jade are the most common at the moment, therefore you want to mulligan as if you where playing them.

First: Doomsayer, Equality, Stonehill Defender, Aldor Peacekeeper and Truesilver Champion.

Second: Doomsayer, Equality, Wild Pyromancer, Stonehill Defender, Aldor Peacekeeper, Consecration and Truesilver Champion (Keep Wickerflame Burnbristle and Sludge Belcher if you have any of these).


Rogue is the class that this deck struggles with the most, simply because of the Caverns Below. Rogue is not a highly represented class, but it's still out there, causing all control players to cry. FeelsBadMan. Even though this deck is not very good at SMOrcing, that is what you need to do against Rogue. Just get efficent trades and clears and then hope you can SMOrc em' down.

First: Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Aldor Peacekeeper, Truesilver Champion and Sludge Belcher. (Consider keeping Tarim and Tirion if you have a solid early hand.

Second: Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame Bunrbristle, Aldor Peacekeeper, Truesilver Champion, Consecration, Sludge Belcher, Sunkeeper Tarim and Tirion Fordring.

(BlessRNG for no Vanish).



Hunter? What's that? Hunter is the least played class in wild, it just is not as good as the other decks. All Hunters are aggro or midrange, so mulligan accordingly, but it doesn't matter because you probably won't play many Hunters.

First: Doomsayer, Stonehill Defenders, Wikcerflame Burnbristle, Aldor Peacekeeper, Truesilver Champion and Consecration.

Second: Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame  Burnbristle, Aldor Peacekeeper, Truesilver Champion and Consecration (Sludge Belcher and Equality and possibly Kezan could also be considered).


Ah Warrior, the best class in all of Hearthstone. This class was once a noble class, now it is filled with Pirate Warrior scum. Ugh. Watch this video to get a deeper understanding on how to crush Pirates! *Insert Link here.*

First: Doomsayer, Equality (Keep Wild Pyromancer if you have Equality), Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame Burnbristle and Truesilver Champion.

Second: Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Equality, Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Consecration and Truesilver Champion.


Unfortunately, you won't have many mirror matches, Paladin is filled with either Dude Paladin or secret Paladin, midrange/aggro decks, FeelsBadMan.

First: Doomsayer, Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Consecration and Truesilver Champion (keep Sludge Belcher if you have any one of these).

Second: Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Stonehill Defenders, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Consecration, Truesilver Champion and Sludge Belcher. 

Card replacements/substitutions:

I honestly believe that I have created the best version of the deck, the only flexible card is Kezan Mystic, which I talked about in depth. Paladin has a lot of choices, so here are the cards I personally considered to add to the deck:

Second Forbidden Healing, Coghammer, Tar Creeper, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Dirty Rat, Golakka Crawler, Acolyte of Pain, Deathlord, Elise Starseeker, Keeper of Uldaman, Spellbreaker, Loatheb,Enter the Colesium, The Black Knight, Dr.Boom, Bog Creeper, Ragnaros the Firelord, Ysera, Primordial Drake and Deathwing. (As well as Solemn Vigil).



This is my favorite deck of all time, I have put a lot of work into this post, so please post any questions or comments down below. I really want to spread this deck to everyone, so they could maybe have as much fun as I have.