Dragon-Spell Priest [Control]
- Last updated Jun 4, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 19 Minions
- 11 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Combo Priest
- Crafting Cost: 8020
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/31/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
- Dr_Horus
- Registered User
- 26
- 98
- 401
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
*Last Edit : added more side board options, and corrected a few typos *
*Disclaimer: This is my First Guide Ever. My noobism at guide redaction may be manifest*
*Disclaimer 2 : English is my second language. Thanks for your understanding *
Do you fancy control-play style?
Like getting tons of value out of your cards?
Don't mind longer game with decisive late play?
Then this deck is for you!
It can qualify as both a ''Lyra Combo Priest'' & a ''Dragon Priest'' archetype, combining the two to make this effective powerful hybrid.
Keep it Jiggy every(1) ..! ^^
Here's a (Skyrim) Dragon-Priest image for reference, and right under you'll find a guide:
Thank you very much guys for the interest shown. You really caught me off guard as I never thought I’d make the front page, but here I am! Sorry the guide came ‘late’ : I’m only human and was surprised to see the amount of upvotes my decklist got overnight. Also, as someone (bitterly) commented, this deck list is very similar to some other lists published on this site – which isn’t surprising considering we all play with the same pool of limited cards – but wanted to put it out there that I had no clue about those decklists; This was my humble take on this beloved Dragon-Priest archetype. Now that this is said, here’s your guide, and side board options, followed by common Q&A :
This decklist rewards your ability to quickly read your opponent archetype and adjust accordingly. It isn't an easy straight forward game plan. This deck is about owning the late game and knowing how to play around fatigue - if needed. Luckily for you, this deck also have a few tools to help you read your opponent deck : Playing 2 to 4 Drakonid Operative and a Curious Glimmerroot may improve your odds ..!
Playing against Aggro (Hunter/Pirate Warrior/ Token Druid): How to ...
When playing against aggressive deck, don’t be scare to lose a little HP early on, as you’ll stabilize later with your Priest of the Feast, and it’s also good Mindgames to play with your opponent, letting them think they have the lead – but it is part of our plan – we are in control, really. Trade effectively, keep board clean so there’s no buff option and steal those deathrattle minions (Value!)
Always keep Northshire Cleric, Potion of Madness, Radiant Elemental, Shadow Word: Pain, Wild Pyromancer and Shadow Visions to fetch what you need.
Quest-Rogue’s an different case, of aggression as your Shadow Word: Pain and Potion of Madness won’t be effective if – or once - the quest is completed – so it is mandatory to pull most, if not all, of those cards that will otherwise be corpses in your hand. Shadow Visions and Radiant Elemental are the most effective way to do so, as you may fetch copies after copies of cost-discounted spells.
Playing against Control (Paladin, Mirror Match Up, Quest Warrior):
When playing against other slower deck, I feel like this is where this list tends to shine the most, as discovering more and more value will give your tremendous edge over your opponent resources, along with playing some of their cards thanks to Drakonid Operative.
2 things to keep in mind : To be patient and mindful of your hand size.
Control Paladin is probably our weakess matchup, as we have little room to play around cards like Primordial Drake. This is when Ysera cheap generated spells come so handy. That, or discovering Spikeridged Steed, Tirion Fordring or Ragnaros, Lightlord from a Drakonid.
Quest Warrior often poses no problem and are even helpful as they may use Dirty Rat to free your hand from Ysera, Lyra the Sunshard or Burgly Bully. You just have to keep in mind that once their quest is over, you’ll always want as many renewable minions on board as you can : do not over or under commit to the board at that point and you should be fine.
Mage are notorious for stealing victory right under your nose. Make it your duty to flip the table and discover what you need out of their deck. They'll eventually run out of answers to our value-minions and won't even have enough burst for their final blow..!
Side board options :
You may want to substitute Curious Glimmerroot, or 1 Priest of the Feast in favor of a current meta tech Card : Hungry Crab, Golakka Crawler, Gluttonous Ooze or Eater of Secrets. I have a personal strong preference for that Ice Block destroyer ..!
Options that may also be consider include getting a 2nd copie : Burgly Bully, Shadow Word: Death, Dragonfire Potion or Primordial Drake – or a Gadgetzan Auctioneer but note that I never experimented with the Miracle version. Some also mentioned using Kabal Talonpriest and I would also suggest Shadow Madness to steal slightly more and bigger minions.
Questions that were asked often & assorted answers :
I don't have Ysera, what should I use?
You may want to substitute for another Dragon. Some were suggesting Alexstrasza, but I’m still not sure … Sometimes Lyra will give you all you need to finish the game as if you were playing some Burn Priest, sometimes it feels more like a silence/OTK final blow – its all about how well can you adapt. A 2nd Primordial Drake could be interesting. Other cheaper options could revolve around smaller dragon, to increase consistency and early dominance: Faerie Dragon.
I don't have Elise, what should I use? :
Replacing Elise is possibly the easiest, as I'm mostly playing her out of personal preferences. You can put a 2nd Burgly Bully to keep the value-combo gimmick going with Lyra, or get yourself an extra SW:D, or Dragonfire Potion. Kabal Talonpriest and Shadow Madness can also be useful.
I don't have Netherspite Historian and Priest of the Feast …?
They are both from Karazhan, which was a pretty enjoyable adventure that included many powerful common cards. These 2 cards, so 4 in the decklist, are pretty central to our core mechanic ... I strongly suggest saving up some gold and buy it : What’s the price of Karazhan anyway? 4x 700g, or 20$
Hand too full : how to play around ?
This is the trickiest aspect of this deck, and I had a hard time finding clear answers or tips to help out ... Think of the match as a game of chess: You must sacrifice some resources to end up on top. Be strategic when using your removals and AoE to maximise effectiveness. I feel like this is one of the most unforgiving archetype : misplay once and it may cost you the game. And that’s what I meant in introduction when I mentioned ‘’the late game decisive plays’’. Practice makes perfect?
If you are having too much trouble with Burgly Bully and your hand is getting clogged with coins, you may want to try a Miracle approach, using Gadgetzan Auctioneer instead, but that's a completely different deck.
Hope this may help.
Let me know how it goes for you, I'll try to answer all of your questions. :)
hi any updates or this listing still the best? :D
Hey there, I haven't updated the list since Frozen Throne expansion. I do think the core mecanic of the deck is still sustainable, but there's obviously some new dragon that could be considered, namely Bone Drake* & Cobalt Scalebane. But I have yet to look what I'd substitute in the deck for them, or even just testing it out again. Let me know if you did some experiment and what you think :)
It's been a month now since it was published, and Dragon-Spell Priest is still on the front(priest)page ^^
Couldn't be happier - thanks, all of you that have upvoted, commented and made it trend :)
Let's make Dragon-Priest Tier 1!! :D
Last Tempostorm Meta snapshot was the consecration for Priest into Tier 1 - not the dragon archetype tho ... - but Tier1 nonetheless! :)
Seems very strong so far, have switched out one Priest of the Feast for one Eater of Secrets, will update on success rate in due time.
What do you think of changing a holy nova for a dragonfire potion? It helps a lot in most cases, where holy nova doesnt clear, and its essential against those dirty quest rogues.
Hello! You could give it a try, but in my humble opinion, we don't really need an extra one, as we may discover copies of it using Shadow Visions. What I like about Holy Nova is that it help keeping a board presence plus drawing a few more cards if combined with Northshire Cleric, as well as providing an earlier token removal. I mean, you only need one Radiant Elemental to enable a Nova on turn 4, which is game breaking against Pirate Warriors, Token Shaman & Druids - but feel free to experiment and adapt the list to your need. Hope this may help.
Thank you for your answer! What are your winrates with this deck and how far did you go with it on ladder?
Hey again, my current win rate with this deck for this season is 62-25 (71%) and I made it as far as rank 8 on the 8th of june, but since then, been only playing wild do complete my daily quest, as I didn't had much time to play. I'm confident this list can make it to 5 without altering it, but can't say for rank 5 to legend how it would perform. Hope this satisfies your curiosity :)
Yes. That's exactly what I was curious of! :)
In case you are still curious, I'm currently at 60-21 for this season, just reached rank 10 this morning with this decklist ; out value-ing control-mages, abusing Pirate Warrior inability to compete into the late-game, stealing Jade Idol from Druids to make the no-fatigue part ''fair'' or stealing Living Mana's token to increase the mana burst and getting ridiculously great minions out of Devolve - haha!
Priest is still doing great, given you get a nice starting hand
Of course there is : just picture getting to play 3x Shadow Word: Death or 2x Dragonfire Potion, if not stealing more than 2 minions out of your opponents army using Potion of Madness.
TL; DR: Shadow Visions is such an OP well rounded card, I strongly suggest it!
Hey man, awesome deck! I tried creating a lot of anti-meta archetypes, but your raw dragon value is just so damn good.
Everything is beatable, except I can literally never win against Jade Druid. Any suggestions? :o
Hey there, thanks for leaving a nice comment regarding the deck :) , as for Jade Druid, it is mandatory to have an aggressive start. This deck usually performs better in the late game, but against infinite jade golem, you have to seal the game before it gets out of hand. Remember that they lack proper board clear and only have a few removal at their disposal : buff a twiling drake and keep it alive and keep commiting for a good board presence. Usually, if jade ever get some 8/8 for 1 mana, the game's already lost. Hope this may help, have fun and good luck!
Very nice! Congratulations!
Very happy to hear! On your way to legend, maybe? :D
Same here, ended up taking out burgly bully and added a second priest of the feast and a Gluttonous Ooze for a Shadow Word: Pain
It is one of the trickiest matchup ... if they get to complete their quest in 4 turns and flood the board before you get enough mana to cast Dragonfire Potion there's really little we may do against ... So our best chance is to stop them from completing their quest easily : stealing Igneous Elemental with Potion of Madness and to kill it into one of the rogue's minion is mandatory. Keep your Golakka Crawler for the charge'd pirates (Southsea Deckhand, or buffed Patches).
A perfect starting hand would include : Wild Pyromancer, Northshire Cleric, Potion of Madness, Radiant Elemental and/or Shadow Visions
You have to stabilize early enough, get a copy of your best AoE and force your opponent to overly commit to board, thinking he has lethal for next turn, but getting blocked (rktd) by your Dragonfire Potion. Best of luck! :)
Is this worthless without Burgly Bully? I have everything else. I totally see why it's in there and can't think what would give that sort of value as a sub.