Live Aggro 73% WR rank 5-legend
- Last updated May 30, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 17 Minions
- 13 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Aggro Druid
- Crafting Cost: 5080
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/16/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)

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Took me from rank 5 to legend with 73% winrate over 50+ games!
Don't get fooled by those "yesterday aggro druids" that play with the murloc package, this line is the way to go!
The idea of the deck is basically to mulligan for cheap minions (preferrably 1-drops ofc) and maybe a buff if you catch some of those cheap minions. The goal is then to maintain board control at all costs, this sometimes means you have to go savage roar to clear on turn 3, don't be afraid of doing that, board control is EVERYTHING with this deck.
Bad match ups include Quest Warrior and Silence Priest.
Incase you are interested in seeing me play the deck or just find out WHO I am, come by my stream:
If you guys have videos of you playing the deck feel free to share them and I'll post them here:
Kiwiiinbacon playing the deck
Hearth Share trying it out:
Kadakk playing it:
If you have any questions feel free to ask them in comments and I will answer them all!
Give it a few upvotes and I'll write a more comprehensive guide!
This is my favourite deck on Hearthpwn. Is still stands the test off time. You kept it simple just by changing one card and calling it your deck.
nice deck i reached rank5 easily. thanks.
this deck is possibly my favorite so far, i only have one living roots and no patches what would be good substitutions for these thanks in advance.
I am thinking about dropping patches. The mirror match has won me matches by NOT playing pirates and killing their pirate with Golakka Crawler and then snow balling. Double Living Mana feels necessary, I ran with just one but have been focusing aggro druid so much that I dusted some things for the second. Getting your board cleared and then able to come back even bigger has won me several matches.
If you don't have Hydra replace it with Frostwolf Warlord and if you don't have Living mana replace it with Druid of the Claw or Doppelganster and finally if you don't have hungry crab replace it with Emerald reaver.
You can thank me later.
What about replacing hungry crab with golakka crawler? I feel it would help against the mirror and do quite strongly against pirate warriors, which seem to always be quite common. Or is it better to just have the 1 drop?
You already have 2 of them in your deck? If you ment other 2 cost card I wouldn't suggest it. You need 1 drops to have a strong board presence for your buffs, its the entire purpose of this deck. I picked emerald reaver because its a beast and the active is actually pretty good because you go SMOrc. Against pirates you probably want to play your other 1 cost cards unless you have the buff.
Ah okay, I'm not sure why I didn't see the golakka crawlers at first
what about - innervate +leeroy jenkins? PLS answer :)
Personally I prefer the ability to innervate x 2 into bittertide hydra on turn one.
It's almost always a turn two concede from the opponent.
yes, thats devastating but lots of times I get innervate at turn like 7 when oponent has like 5 HP but I have no cards left and board is cleared...
Piloted this deck from rank R15-R6 so far this season (only been playing the last day).
3.1 hours played. 73% winrate.
Poor guy
Currently streaming this deck
Guys i dont have Pantry Spiders, do you have some idea i can play instead of ´em ? :) thx 4 the answer.
If pantry spider is the only card you are missing play eggnapper. if there are some more you are missing you could run murloc tidehunter with warleaders.
Better than pirate warrior.
After 2 years out tha game, came back and hit legend on last day of season after spamming this deck and farming secretards, cowardly evolve shaman, and agro murloc for a week straight :D Thanks Live!