(Wild) (D.E.) Reno Warrior is back
- Last updated Jul 8, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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- 22 Minions
- 6 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 20560
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/21/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
- NoMoRewinds
- Registered User
- 8
- 49
- 64
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Greetings travellers,
(Old Introduction)
I've been playing control warrior for 3 years now and i'm still loving it, except for the fact that I don't really like it in Standard because of the loss of Ragnaros the Firelord, Justicar Trueheart,Sylvanas Windrunner and Elise Starseeker. Those cards were key cards for a fun and strong Warrior deck. So I decided to craft some key wild cards and try this deck out with Reno Jackson. It worked really well with a win percentage of 78%. Double elises make this deck as it is, because of the power that you can generate from them. I just added some of the un'goro cards like the quest and the Primordial Drake to make this deck more powerfull than it already was. If you think there should be another card in this deck that i haven't included, put it in the comments.
I've finally changed the deck completely to a way more consistent deck. The Elise's are back on track and ready to beat up slow decks with lots of fun value. The quest has been removed for several reasons, most important one is that it's too slow to keep up with things like cubelock or any aggro deck. Removing that quest, gave a lot of new opportunities and win conditions to explore again, so i added n'zoth as an additional win condition. I'm still figuring out if any of the Witchwood cards could fit in, so stay tuned for more updates. Hope you enjoy this new version of my Reno Warrior :)
Try to look for weapons versus almost every matchup as it can help you stabilize your early game.
Also look for early minions or things like sleep with the fishes and whirlwind vs every kind of deck, because in wild you don't really know what you're up against.
1. took Dead Man's Hand out for Geosculptor Yip, feel like they were both played late game, but Yip feels more like a win condition than a game extender, which is better in most cases.
2. Both elises are back! I felt like Grommash Hellscream and Rotface are a bit too slow and sometimes just a dead play, they need combo cards and you need to be on the winning side. Grommash could be used to finish of an opponent with 10 health or less, but rarely get to those situations.
WW Updates:
Well, this change is just a small change but a very impactful one, i've removed Revenge for Warpath which gives you a turn 10, 5 dmg removal spell which is pretty important for this deck.
I've been looking through all the new Witchwood cards but I can't really find any other strong cards for this deck, so this one change was all I could think of. So I apologize, if I took too long for such a small change, but i'll still look for changes I could make.
If you can find other strong combo's or cards you added or want to add to this deck, tell me and maybe i'll change the deck a bit after some playtesting!
That's all I can say, I hope you enjoy this deck as much as I am!
I’m running a version where I like to use cornered sentry. It adds 4 1/1’s to the opposing big priest’s res pool, and is a beast against the occasional wild taunt Druid. Also, I prefer using starseeker as my win condition, and simply filling with control cards otherwise. Can u please explain why she was removed? Not criticism Ofc haha, just want to know.
Thanks for helping with suggesting cards to be added in to the deck, finally :)
But the question is which cards did you remove or want to remove for those 2 cards. Or how do you want to change to deck to be able to play starseeker, because I would love to play both Elises again, but in my build, it didn't really work.
By the way, sorry for my late response, but it didn't pop up in notification thingy
Recommendations on any replacement for Rotface? Only card I'm missing out of this list.
Sorry for the late answer, but I guess you could replace it with The Lich King or maybe Ragnaros the Firelord. These cards were in earlier versions of this deck, so I guess you could switch them back.
I just crafted boom again, and yip for the first time, probably shouldn't have with expansion coming out, but I need to have some fun in wild again. Anyways, I was just wondering if rag could find a spot in this deck, what should I remove?
I've had rag in the earliest version of this deck, he was kinda weak because of his RNG. The other legendaries are far more reliable in my opinion.
Thanks. <3
I don't have that card, so can't try it. It actually sound pretty nice, cards like Direhorn Hatchling and Alley Armorsmith are really nice to pull out. You should replace something for the card and try it, should be fun!
no change in listing please dont tell me this update was a shameless bump into expansion listings :(
There is one change, the Drywhisker Armorer, but haven't you read the updated text? I asked for help to change this deck, I have both legendaries of the expansion, but It's really hard for me to figure out some good changes. Maybe you could help :)
alrite soz for that i just get sick of bumps no change im back to playing your deck today i need 80 wins to gold :D
no tar creep :O
There's no room for that guy unfortunately, maybe dead man's hand, but that card is just so fun and is strong in many situations vs midrange/control. VS aggro it's maybe better, depends on the wild meta :)
This deck contains Fire Plume's Heart with only 9 taunts (+1 discover from Stonehill Defender). Is that worth it?
Yes that is worth it, because you control the whole game. Fire Plume's Heart is kind of your game winner and you get there by using tools like Reno Jackson and Dr. Boom. You can get taunts out of Elise the Trailblazer too, it's not very likely, but there are cards like Primordial drake, all the tar minions and Stubborn Gastropod. There's also Dead Man's Hand that could give you more taunts. It's really about getting it in the late game. And I wanted to make a Control Reno Warrior not a Taunt Warrior.
Corrupted Seer switch out Gorehowl
Abomination switch out Primordial Drake
its another way I think.because I dont have the drake haha
I get the changes, the 2 dmg to clear an aggro board is pretty strong. but you should switch Corrupted Seer for Sleep with the Fishes if you want to take out Primordial Drake or Gorehowl. Gorehowl is very strong against midrange and control decks so i don't recommend switching that one out.
Is there any place for N'zoth in this deck?
Sylvanas, Sludge Belcher, Death Lord & Direhorn Hatchling are pretty powerful minions to bring back...
Well.... that's a very hard question. All the cards in this are really strong and need to be in the deck to make this deck work. Switching out a taunt isn't a good option. I think Slam is the only card that's not that great.
Regarding your latest change: is Dr. Boom a better choice than N'zoth?