The Forgotten God
- Last updated Apr 26, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 21 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: C'Thun Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 10980
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/18/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
- user-17925220
- Registered User
- 2
- 9
- 15
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I tried everything, every possible deck and I just couldn't get control warlock to work. Then I thought about an old card called C'Thun that is hardly seen anymore. I put it in the deck and it worked, I suddenly started winning games again! I truly believe I have cracked the code now.
This is a powerful and effective deck with three win conditions. Lord Jaraxxus, Kazakus and C'Thun. I also put in Bloodbloom as there is always a spell available for it. I have won countless games versus aggro decks with a turn six Kazakus into Bloodbloom into a 10 mana spell.
The only bad match-up I have faced with this deck is hunter. I have yet to lose from quest rogue and warrior with this deck. Pirate warrior also goes well, especially when I draw Golakka Crawler.
I hope you enjoy the deck! Good luck with it
Edit: I switched Twilight Geomancer for Second-Rate Bruiser. The deck is even better now.
Very cool deck. Not sure if I am at the skill level to really climb with this, but I love Warlock and have had this deck on rotation for awhile. Thanks!
I'd take out Twilight Geomancer for Second-Rate Bruiser. Could add some nice consistency against aggro decks.
+1 for originality!
So many of the 2 and 3 drops will smash right through a 1 attack minion without dying though. Yes it hinders quest rogue and pirate warrior slightly, but the 4 attack provides a much bigger problem that will clear most early minions rather than leaving them damaged. Plus if you make it late enough into the game to drop C'Thun against an aggro deck, you've probably already won.
Awesome, glad to hear it helped!
Can't wait to get home and give this deck a try on ladder
I'll tell you what - the silence priest was not so silent with his emotes after I beat him with all of my board clears.
hi nice deck +1
violet illusionist is GREAT for warlocks- especially in combination with bloodlbloom. You should try it out! You can use that 10 mana spell for no health.
Working well for me at around rank 9, thanks!
I'm in love. I've been missing the presence of the Old Gods a lot since Mean Streets
I don't think this deck is that good right now but I really think the next two sets could add just a card or two that could really make it viable. Another useful reno card maybe, or just some more warlock control. I think this is the one to watch when the next set cards start being announced.
I'm kind of expecting a C'Thun return to end this year.
Very creative. I never would have thought of this. Well done. What rank are you playing it at?
Ok I tried it. And it isn't that good. My doubts before I played the deck were correct, kazakus alone isn't enough reason to adopt the highlander decktype. Especially when you're playing C'thun, you've added a twilight geomancer for it (that card is shit).
The deck gets completely overrun by aggro and simply outvalued by control / mid range (there is no doomcaller in the deck so no 2nd C'thun)
It was fun to play when I just crafted the deck, but after playing it for a while it got frustrating battling all the aggro. I couldn't reach the juicy stuff of the deck because I already lost.
I gave this deck a good solid 10 tries at Rank 4, and I'm glad I can't lose any more rank after 10 straight losses. I've concluded this deck is not gonna make it.
I was murdered by every Hunter I played, quest decks overrun you, Mage has too much card advantage with ways to ignore your minions, and long story short, it has no way to survive the late game if someone just goes for your face. You're essentially praying for the perfect combination of cards in order to keep control of the game, which never once happened for me.
OH NICE !!! Thx a lot Mate, I was looking for this - I just loved the old C´thun Renolock. Gonna try this out soon :)
As I never managed to play efficiently Shadowflame, I changed it with Cult Apothecary to gain some life - I loose too much times for 2 life missing.
And tried Stonehill Defender instead of Bane of Doom too slow to play against aggro.
Don't have Bane of Doom, Blastcrystal to replace it?
Is there a reason why blastcrystal is not added to the deck?
Very fun deck to play. It's one of those where you invite your opponent to overstretch and them punish them with board clear after board clear.
First couple of games at rank 9, Murloc Paladin and Elemental Shaman just didn't know what to make of it. Dirty Rat Twisting Nether combo on turn 10 is particularly brutal.
why no Reno in this deck?