Best Midrange Hunter Un'Goro
- Last updated Apr 14, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 20 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 1040
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/8/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)

- Chaouz
- Registered User
- 6
- 16
- 37
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Hi, I'm Chaouc, greek hearthstone player.
This is the best midrange list so far i hope you like it, if you did press the thumbs up.
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-You need to get 1-drops, search for them. Keep everytime Kindly Grandmother . Keep Scavenging Hyena or Crackling Razormaw if you already have a 1-drop at mulligan.
-You need to get 1-drops as always, but in this case hold on 2-drops too. If you have a 1-drop already, you can easily hold Eaglehorn Bow or Animal Companion so that you can coin them at turn 2. This is more complicated and has to do about what matchup do you face. I would keep them surely versus Priest-Shaman-Hunter, because they need to get board ealy and these cards are high value cards for the mana payment.
If you have plenty of 1-drops to start, don't play Jeweled Macaw . Choose something else, cause Jeweled can be useful later on with the card it gives and can fill a turn where you would just hero power, plus it is the most weak statwise.
Alleycat can work pretty good with Nesting Roc on turn 6.
If you got a good early hand already, like 1-drop and 2-drop, and you face warrior, mind keeping Savannah Highmane because most people play taunt warrior with the new quest and Savannah is the ultimate win condition in that matchup.
Anyone have a great suggestion to make this to Standard? I really like this one.
This deck works pretty well.
Nice deck
It's a great desk. But, what do you think about the new expansion? Do you have some changes for make better this desk? Thank you
Shame to ask, but any replacement for Savannah Highmane?
No luck to get it for 3 years >.<
Thank you.
i think starving buzzard and alleycat will make a great combo
Except that starving buzzard is overpriced as hell and a 6 mana 3/2, 2 1/1s and draw 1 card is not good at all.
I've replaced Kindly Grandmother with Stitched Tracker. So far so good.
jump straight to 15 from 20 in an afternoon and i've just played for 2 months, great deck, thank you :)
Is there any Video-Tutorial for this deck?
Hearthshare, Kiwiinbacon made videos about that deck
Kindly grandmother replacement? also I only own one eaglehorn , gimme a good replacement for the second one unti I get enough dust to craft it.
try trade 1 huntermark and horn in two fireflies and two grandmothers in two ravassaur
try trade 1 huntermark and horn in two fireflies and two grandmothers in two ravassaur
Personally, I would swap one of those cards out with either flare or eater of secrets. Killing a smug mage by destroying their iceblock is one of the best feelings in Hearthstone.
Nice deck!
I've played for less than a week, I've bought starter pack, Karazhan and 20 un'goro packs, so I was able almost kraft the deck, I only need 280 dust more, anyways, I am already reached 15. rank!)
fiery bat replacement?
You can fit in a Call of the Wild or a Rat Pack , it s more expensive but these are the cards to make the deck more successful, especially vs control matchups.
If you're trying to replace a common, you definitely shouldn't use an epic.