Trump's Un'Goro Theorycraft - Discardlock
- Last updated Apr 3, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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- 25 Minions
- 5 Spells
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 8060
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/3/2017 (Aggro Downfall)

- Trump
- Pro Player
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Trump theorycrafted this deck on stream - VOD here
Trump streams regularly on Twitch - Watch here
A variation of this deck is going to be very strong in the meta.
Fire Fly and Igneous Elemental have been underestimated by mostly everyone; especially Igneous Elemental. Having the ability to produce discard fodder so you can keep discarding trash or discard Synergistic cards while still able to play cards from your hand helps this deck immensely in the quest.
However, Trump makes plenty of questionable choices such as:
Mortal Coil: The deck doesn't like to draw THAT much. The deck is forced not to be as zoo-ey and be more control-ish; and thus Mortal Coil are being used as freaking filler in a deck that should be struggling to fit so many goodies in.
Hemet, Jungle Hunter: What is this card doing in the deck? You have all the value you want for lategame without drawing any other card. Why would you eliminate cards from your deck that could save you such as Earthen Farseer and Mistress of Mixtures?
Elise the Trailblazer: Too slow in this deck. You do draw a lot, but it's very likely you'll discard this since there's barely any time to play it. Sure, once opening the package you refill your hand for goodies to discard, but it's too hard to pull it off and your quest already gives you all the value you might want.
Also, there's powerful cards missing in this deck:
Defender of Argus: Great for defending yourself before you complete the quest, nice card to discard if you're struggling to make a board and thus can't play it, amazing way to buff 2 of your imps after you complete your quest. Natural fit in the deck. Why would you not run it?
Lord Jaraxxus: A way to heal yourself when desperate now that Reno is gone, and a way to super-secure the victory once your quest is complete since you can afford to pass turns once you're there. It's also an overwrite to your hero power that will be mostly useless once your quest is done.
Hellfire: You're a control deck with a very powerful win condition that outvalues everything but Jade. Why would you not have AoE against aggro? Heck, Doom wouldn't be overkill in this specific deck.
I just want to confirm that yeah, even watching him building the deck a lot of the decisions he made are... questionable. I don't know why Hemet, Jungle Hunter is in here. Bright-Eyed Scout was a last minute addition. He is... far too in love with Igneous Elemental, imo.
But hey, at least he seemed to know what he was doing with his Handlock =P
WTF is he doing?!
Wait wut!
Hemet, Elise, Scout... WAT!
Sure Bright-Eyed Scout makes sure the card you draw is always playable on turn 5 or 10 but I'd cut it for a Deathwing. Deathwing and Nether Portal will be your last line of offense.
Its clear elemental tokens are sacrifices for all those discards. Hemet, Jungle Hunter is to remove all cheap minions in later stage so you can bring out big minions and possibly dual discards like Doomguard and Lakkari Felhound. Bright-Eyed Scout seems unnecessary though. Because you can't play it before Hemet, Jungle Hunter. Only problem with Hemet, Jungle Hunter is it can wipe out 2\3rd of deck. So if played him you need to quickly defeat opponent before you fatigue out.
This is a joke right ?
There's literally three out of nine? cards where that would be helpful. And it only reduces their costs by 1 or 2... Then if you draw a Lakkari Felhound, that increases it by one. There has to be a better replacement for like 25% of these cards.
Why would you want Hemet in this deck anyways? If you don't have much of a hand when you play hemet, you're going to be discarding 4+ cost creatures most of the time. Finally, if you expect the 1/2 elementals to be discarded, then why would you put a cruel dinomancer?
Weird deck.
I don't think my list is perfect, but maybe moving more in the right direction
bloodbloom will have to be playtested, but I guess the worse it can be is a discard.
Crafting costs for some of the new expansion cards haven't been implemented properly - when we get the patch with new cards, all costs will be updated correctly.
Anyone knows where in the VOD does he talk about the deck?
I am surprised by many choices. Has he talked about the possibility of Curator+Deadwing?
Starts talking about it a little before the 4:38:00 mark. I believe Deathwing was mentioned at some point, don't remember what his response to it was. The deck also starts out with some different cards, and he refines it over the next 15 minutes or so.
I am so confused with this decklist
Fire fly and Igneous Elemental seem questionable
I agree, but I think the resoning behind it, is you aren't too sad if you discard flame elementals, but that also means why have cruel dinomancer? Seems bad to have a 5/5 death rattle summon a 1/2
wow, so Hemet without lategame is not questionable?)))
Those are a few I actually agree with. If you don't have garbage in your hand to discard at some stages in the game, you won't get value out of your Malchezar Imp and may discard something more valuable than these hand-fillers. Discolock will have some tough strategic decisions to make, that will still have some RNG to factor into it. Parts of the deck I don't agree with are where he is going with Hemet and Bright-Eye Scout...and Cruel Dinomancer would only make sure if you weren't also playing the neutral hand-filling elementals.
no , they dont , you need cards to discard , if you discard nothing it doesn't count for the quest.