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Super Reno Mage

  • Last updated Feb 20, 2017 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reno Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 11800
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 2/16/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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Hello everyone. Cheers for the upvotes, hope ya'll enjoying this deck!

This is yet another deck tweaked in my quest to find the one deck to rule them all, one deck to find them, one deck to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
I'm not a legend player, and I mainly play a priest, but this deck is great fun and I'm lately playing a lot more mage, so let's see if my little guide is any good to you. Credits for this deck goes to Lifecoach, I'm just tweaking it to my own liking.

Overall I find it's a strong deck. I rarely lose to another mage, and I don't feel like the deck is lacking against other classes, in fact just about every defeat is either due to very bad mulligan or a stoopid mistake I make.

:: Strategy ::
Do what you must to survive until late game then dominate your opponent with various powerful combos like Kazakus spells (board clear, resummon dead minions, buff ur minions etc.) and Medivh, the Guardian's staff, Atiesh - these are very strong together!

:: Mulligan ::
Favorable mulligan is of course different depending on your opponent, look for these cards in general(not in any particular order): Arcane Missiles, Babbling Book, Frostbolt, Arcane Intellect, Reno Jackson, Volcanic Potion, Dirty Rat, Ice Block, Loot Hoarder, Acolyte of Pain, Doomsayer, Second-Rate Bruiser and Kabal Courier.

:: Combo ::
 :: Brann Bronzebeard + Kazakus :: for 2 super spells, use em well to help you finish the game.
 :: Ice Block + Reno Jackson :: Cast Ice Block asap to get protection against aggro decks and surprise Leeroy finishers. This combo is great to have at hand, often enough I exhaust an opponents hand to zero and then throw a full heal and that's him basically defeated.
 :: Atiesh + spells :: (For example: + Firelands Portal, so you get 2 minions from a 5 dmg spell. Very powerful.) Most powerful with Kazakus 10-mana spells.
 :: Brann Bronzebeard :: is best used with Kazakus but can also be used with many of the battlecry minions, for example: a Twilight Drake (Powerful against priest: 4 ATK avoids Shadow word: pain/death), Mind Control Tech for double steal or Faceless Summoner for a double 3-cost summon.

Please post any suggestions in the comments!