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[May 2017, Legend] Miracle with Video!

  • Last updated Jun 6, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 9340
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/7/2017 (Gadgetzan)
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New guide for May


  • Backstab: this is just rogues broken combo enabler which is super strong in the very aggressive Mage, Hunter, Shaman, Warrior, Rogue and Paladin meta right now. Consider not playing this on turn 1-2 if you want to enable your SI 7 or Edwin with it on turn 3. A bit of damage might be worth saving Backstab a turn.
  • Counterfeit Coin: An extra Coin in Rogue? Hell yeah! This is probably the card I would like to have the most if I had anything to remove, because it is so flexible and has strong synergy with all combo effects and Auctioneer.
  • Preparation: The ultimate tempo card of Rogue. High synergy with Auctioneer and all spells obviously. I am actually considering to cut one Preparation for a second Counterfeit Coin to figure out if that gives me more flexibility, however, I feel that Preparation is just slightly stronger in this deck, because it usually gives you 2 mana and both are spells. Consider saving Preparation for a huge swing turn and combine it with Gadgetzan Auctioneer or Edwin VanCleef.
  • Cold Blood: Finisher and sort of win-condition of the deck. If there is a chance that your minion survives the opponents turn you should use this to deal 4 damage to the face. I would love to cut one of these from the deck, because it can get awkward when you get 2x Cold Blood in the early game, but the problem is that the deck lacks damage if you really cut a Cold Blood.
  • Southsea Deckhand: Serves as Patches caller, (anti) aggression, Cold Blood target/finisher and deals with early aggression such as Vicious Fledgling, Mana Wyrm, Murloc Tidecaller etc. I usually do not play this card on turn 1 except against Priest or Warlock which have really trouble dealing 1 damage.
  • Swashburglar: This card is just awesome value together with Patches the Pirate, because the card you get is often very useful. Class cards have higher average value than neutrals. Having an extra 1-1 on the board is great in many match ups. Consider using the body as Cold Blood target against classes that can't deal 1 damage like Paladin, Priest or Warlock.
  • Hallucination: Super flexible card that makes this deck quite skill heavy based on your discover choices. In many match ups this card is your only defense mechanism or can give you extreme outs or win you the game. Against aggressive decks, you want to use this as soon as you have a mana spare and pick fast cards. Against control decks, you want to save it for combo cards, Gadgetzan Auctioneer or Edwin VanCleef and pick slow value cards.
  • Eviscerate: Very effective removal or finisher. Use this to deal with opposing threats instead of your minions.
  • Razorpetal Lasher: A 2-2 body giving you an extra card as a Razorpetal is a natural fit for this deck.
  • Sap: Great tempo card that clears taunts for Leeroy Jenkins and Edwin VanCleef. One of the best counters of Spikeridged Steed (or other buffs), Tirion Fordring, Flamewreathed Faceless or big Priest minions (Silencend Humongous Razorleaf !) in general. If you have a great answer for a threat and Sap, check if you can gain tempo with Sap and if the opponent is likely to just replay this threat to set up a trap.
  • SI:7 Agent: Great tempo card including high synergy with Backstab, Preparation and Counterfeit Coin. You can also consider to play him as a vanilla 3-3 if your hand is bad.
  • Fan of Knives: Synergy with Auctioneer and Preparation. Make sure to consider just cycling it on turn 3, if your hand is bad.
  • Sherazin, Corpse Flower: Very strong card as the deck has tons of material to revive it: Razorpetal, Coin, Counterfeit Coin, Backstab etc. I have had games where I brought that 5-3 back to life 5x.
  • Burgly Bully: More Coins? Hell yeah! The 4-6 body is insane and the effect is just nuts with Sherazin, Corpse Flower, Gadgetzan Auctioneer and Edwin VanCleef.
  • Vilespine Slayer: Assassinate and a Spider Tank in one card? Wow! I don't play it twice, because sometimes the opponent doesn't have a good target and two of these in hand can be clunky, especially, with 2x Sap in the deck.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Your main finisher. If your opponent is low, consider keeping a Sap for a potential taunt. Strong against all Reno decks and very good in the mirror. Sometimes you have to play him and send him into a minion.
  • Gadgetzan Auctioneer: The Miracle of the deck. He allows you to sometimes cycle forever until you get exactly what you need. When to play him and when to save spells for him is key to this deck and needs a lot of experience. You have to carefully consider the match up (fast vs control games), consider the board state (almost dead, still even etc.), and the impact you are getting from playing him or playing spells before him. Good questions to ask yourself:
    • How many cards can I draw this turn?
    • How many cards will it be likely if I wait one more turn?
    • How many cards could I draw that will win the game directly or save me?
    • How likely will he survive one turn?
    • How likely can I play Edwin VanCleef in the same turn?


First video

Note that the deck list slightly changed.

More videos


Why don't you play Arcane Giant?

I think that's a meta call. I like my deck strong against aggressive and Midrange decks, such as Token Druid, Aggor Murloc/Midrange Paladin or Quest Rogue. There I found myself barely able to play giants at all. You should add Arcane Giant's when you play against Control decks most of the time.

Why do you play 2x Burgly Bully instead of 2x Vilespine Slayer?

That's what I thought first, too. Therefore, in my first videos you see me playing 2x Slayer and 1x Bully. When I realized how strong the Burgly Bully is currently, I changed the deck. The Bully just kills Mage, Priest and Jade Druid and is usually very strong against Rogue, Warrior and Paladin. Slayer on the other hand, is sometimes not useful when you can't combo it or the opponent has no good minion. Also note, that I run 2x Sap which makes the Slayer worse.


Old Guide from January:

In January, I managed to pilot a similar deck to top 50 legend. Here you can find the guide and old videos. For new players who don't know much about Rogue, this is still super valuable and highly recommended.

Small-time Buccaneer nerf Patch

As you all know in the recent patch Small-Time Buccaneer and Spirit Claws got nerfed which influences the meta quite heavily. My initial testing reveals a strong rise of Jade Druid + Jade Shaman and a decrease of Pirate Warrior + Aggro Shaman. Consequently, Reno Decks also drop a bit, since they are pretty weak to Jade Druid.

What does that mean for Rogue? I am actually not 100% convinced that you have to replace Small-Time Buccaneer, because together with Patches it still remains a decent turn 1 play. It might even stop a Jade Druid from playing Wild Growth, because he has to hero power instead. Nonetheless, here is my list of replacement candidates:

  • Argent Squire: Strong 1 drop with good Cold Blood synergy.
  • Argent Horserider: Almost the same like Squire, but better when more 2 health minions are being played. Obviously 2 mana more expensive.
  • Beneath the Grounds: Very strong counter to Reno decks and actually decent against Jade Druid, because of their card draw (e.g. Nourish). A spell instead of a minion.
  • Counterfeit Coin: Just an overall strong card for the deck, however, another spell instead a minion.
  • Buccaneer: Possible turn 1 play against classes that can't ping, however, against Mage and Druid it is more a turn 3 play. It remains to be seen if additional weapon damage is useful. Currently, there are not many 2 health minions around. Patches synergy.
  • Southsea Deckhand: Similar to Buccaneer and Argent Horserider. Potential finisher with Cold Blood. Patches synergy.

The main problem with all these cards is, that in contrast to Small-Time Buccaneer, they are not playable on turn 1 which is quite important for this Rogue. The only exception is the Argent Squire which I will test now. I started with Counterfeit Coin and Beneath the Grounds. What are your thoughts? What are you playing? Let me know what you think in the comments!

Should Patches, the Pirate also get removed? This remains to be seen and tested. A turn 1 Swashburgler with Patches in the deck is still super powerful, however, Patches is drawn more frequently if just 2 Pirates are in the deck (does anyone know the numbers?). It also depends on the number of 1 health minions around. If you choose Buccaneer and/or Southsea Deckhand as replacement, I would definitely keep Patches.


To reward readers who come back frequently to this guide, I present you my newest video where I play the deck vs Kolento (as Renolock). Enjoy!

Final Boss available now


Hey guys, my name is Tommy, I have reached legend several times, make YouTube videos, stream on twitch and give free coaching sessions. I have to say that I really do not recommend this deck for beginners who want to climb as fast as possible. Many mechanics are quite hard to understand and need a lot of experience. I try to explain all cards the best I can though. If you are looking for a cheap and effective deck, nothing beats Pirate Warrior in this regard. Enjoy my new Miracle Rogue guide.  Please like and share the guide and feel free to ask any question:

  • For 20 likes, I will add the Mulligan -> Thanks for all the likes! Enjoy the Mulligan section.
  • For 50 likes, I will describe the current match ups in detail -> Thanks for all the likes again! Enjoy the detailed match ups.
  • For 100 likes, I will give a free coaching session -> Thanks for the great support! We made it to the front page! Enjoy the video!

Why do I request likes for content?  These guides and videos take a good amount of my time. I do not get paid for this and am willing to give content out for free, but only if it gets read by many people. The only thing I kindly request for writing this is that you spread the word and make others read it. Likes help to make the deck popular and hence more people will read it. I do not want to spend hours for writing text that nobody reads or cares about.

Coaching Video

Video playlist

In the video series you can see how I hit legend with the deck. Make sure to subscribe or come back another day, because not all episodes are released yet. You can find the complete playlist here.

Proof and Stats

Revisiting stats after a complete season

Here you can see my stats after the complete January season, however, these numbers contain roughly 10-10 stats where I tried the Questing Adventurer version of the deck. Unfortunately, Track-o-bot does not allow to distinguish the decks. Furthermore, all these games where played in very high legend ranks, hence the win rate drops naturally a lot. I am a bit surprised that the win rate against Pirate Warrior stayed at a comfortable 66%. Please note that Reno Mage and Reno Warlock are also at a high win rate above 65%. Aggro Shaman dropped considerably, but is still ok with 47%.


  • Backstab: this is just rogues broken combo enabler which is super strong in the very aggressive Shaman, Warrior, Rogue meta right now. Consider not playing this on turn 1-2 if you want to enable your SI 7 or Edwin with it on turn 3. A bit of damage might be worth saving Backstab a turn.
  • Counterfeit Coin: An extra Coin in Rogue? Hell yeah! This is probably the card I would like to have the most if I had anything to remove, because it is so flexible and has strong synergy with all combo effects and Auctioneer.
  • Preparation: The ultimate tempo card of Rogue. High synergy with Auctioneer and all spells obviously. I am actually considering to cut one Preparation for a second Counterfeit Coin to figure out if that gives me more flexibility, however, I feel that Preparation is just slightly stronger in this deck, because it usually gives you 2 mana and both are spells. Consider saving Preparation for a huge swing turn and combine it with Azure Drake or Edwin VanCleef.
  • Cold Blood: Finisher and sort of win-condition of the deck. If there is a chance that your minion survives the opponents turn you should use this to deal 4 damage to the face. I would love to cut one of these from the deck, because it can get awkward when you get 2x Cold Blood in the early game, but the problem is that the deck lacks damage if you really cut a Cold Blood.
  • Swashburglar: This card is just awesome value together with Patches the Pirate, because the card you get is often very useful. Class cards have higher average value than neutrals. Having an extra 1-1 on the board is great in many match ups. Consider using the body as Cold Blood target against classes that can't deal 1 damage like Paladin or Warlock.
  • Small-Time Buccaneer: The thing you need to understand about Rogue is that you actually want to use Dagger Mastery on turn 2, because it is very strong in the early game. You get two pings usable over 2 turns in any future turns. That means that 1 drops for Rogue are more valuable than in other classes and 2 drops are less valuable. This card is a 1 mana 3-2 that triggers Patches the Pirate. What more do you want? Remember to attack first with this minion before you use your weapon.
  • Eviscerate: Very effective removal or finisher. Use this to deal with opposing threats instead of your minions. Nice synergy with Spellpower.
  • Bloodmage Thalnos: Cycle, Spellpower and a token. Consider playing him on turn 2 if you hand is awkward.
  • Sap: Great tempo card that clears taunts for Leeroy Jenkins and Edwin VanCleef. One of the best counters of Flamewreathed Faceless or in the mirror great for Tomb Pillager and Edwin VanCleef. If you have a great answer for a threat and Sap, check if you can gain tempo with Sap and if the opponent is likely to just replay this threat to set up a trap.
  • Shaku, the Collector: As mentioned before, Rogue is especially looking for playable 1 and 3 drops. This card is great and much better than Undercity Huckster, because it threatens to gain multiple value over more turns. So that means, that you get an extra removal from your opponent such as a Wrath or Lightning Bolt. Several 2 damage cards are commonly played, such as Backstab, Jade Claws or Southsea Deckhand, which means that 2-3 is an ok body currently. Furthermore, do not underestimate the fact that Shaku is stealthed and generates the card before dying. That means that you get a secure target for Cold Blood and gives you more playable options directly.
  • The power of Shaku can be seen here (I double coined him on turn 1).
  • the power of shaku
  • SI:7 Agent: Great tempo card including high synergy with Backstab, Preparation and Counterfeit Coin. You can also consider to play him as a vanilla 3-3 if your hand is bad.
  • Fan of Knives: Synergy with Spellpower and Auctioneer. Make sure to consider just cycling it on turn 3, if your hand is bad.
  • Tomb Pillager: More Coins? Hell yeah! The 5-4 body is decent and the deathrattle is just nuts.
  • Azure Drake: In my opinion, this card should just rotate out of standard, because it is in almost every deck. Card draw, Spellpower and a good 4-4 body.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Your main finisher. If your opponent is low, consider keeping a Sap for a potential taunt. Strong against all Reno decks and very good in the mirror. Sometimes you have to play him and send him into a minion.
  • Gadgetzan Auctioneer: The Miracle of the deck. He allows you to sometimes cycle forever until you get exactly what you need. When to play him and when to save spells for him is key to this deck and needs a lot of experience. You have to carefully consider the match up (fast vs control games), consider the board state (almost dead, still even etc.), and the impact you are getting from playing him or playing spells before him. Good questions to ask yourself:
    • How many cards can I draw this turn?
    • How many cards will it be likely if I wait one more turn?
    • How many cards could I draw that will win the game directly or save me?
    • How likely will he survive one turn?
    • How likely can I play Edwin VanCleef in the same turn?


Match ups

Pirate Warrior: Even though my stats are insane against Pirates, I still assume that the win rate of the deck should be between 40-45% at maximum. If the Pirate Warrior gets a strong start, there is not much that you can do, however, Edwin gives you a free win here once in a while. If you can boost him to 8-8, there is almost nothing the Warrior can do. So if you have Edwin + Combo cards, hold them until turn 3 or 4 to release a big Edwin. Else the best way to deal with Pirate Warrior is Backstab + SI:7 Agent. On turn 2, I usually just weapon up, if I have no coin. Try to kill all Pirates to avoid Buffs from Bloodsail Cultist and Southsea Captain. As long as you are above 20 health, you don't really have to worry about it, yet. Below 15, every health point is very valuable. Cold Blood should be used very offensively in this match up to start a race. Often times they have great trouble dealing with a 5-1 Patches or 7/5-2 Small-Time Buccaneer. You can turn it around quickly with Tomb Pillager. In this match up I almost never hold any Spell for Auctioneer, because then they just overwhelm you. Good Sap targets are Frothing Berserker and Dread Corsair. Swashburglar and Shaku, the Collector are also pretty good in this match up. They deal with opposing minions and can give you cards like Shield Block, Bash, or Public Defender. As always, remember to use your spells as removal instead of your minions when possible. Here you see two matches I played against Pirate Warrior:

Dragon Warrior: This match up is honestly almost the same like Pirate Warrior, except you get a few more turns to develop and they don't have that much burst. If you don't draw minions, you loose sometimes. Again, Cold Blood should be used very offensively and Edwin gives you a free win most of the time as 8-8.

Control Warrior: The goal is to keep constant pressure, but also avoid Brawl. Your board is perfectly fine with one SI:7 Agent and a Tomb Pillager (or similar). Sap is very effective against Alley Armorsmith and Bloodhoof Brave. Edwin VanCleef is not as strong as in other match ups, but I still usually go for it, because sometimes they don't have removal. However, it highly depends on the board state etc. how much I push into Edwin and I would not play him into a board that is already mine. Remember to keep Tomb Pillager and Azure Drake in the Mulligan as they represent exactly the amount of pressure you want.

Aggro Shaman: Aggro Shaman plays very similar to Pirate Warrior. You are mainly looking for Backstab + SI:7 Agent. On turn two I mostly use Dagger Mastery unless I hold the coin and can play SI:7 or Shaku already. I like to use Cold Blood offensively, but not on 1-1s, since they have Maelstrom Portal.  Try to clear the board as good as you can to avoid Flametongue Totem value. The player who controls the board wins usually, because they cannot burst you as fast as Pirat Warrior. Again, I almost never save spells for Auctioneer. Sap is obviously best for Flamewreathed Faceless and sometimes Totem Golem. Bloodmage Thalnos (or in the late game Azure Drake) + Fan of Knifes is a very good combo to clear totems and pirates.

Midrange Shaman: It is hard to figure out that it is Midrange Shaman, because they usually all play the Pirates and Jade cards. Midrange Shaman changes the Flamewreathed Faceless, Lava Burst and sometimes Lightning Bolt for cards like Thing from Below, Lightning Storm and a bit more late game. This is a bit hard, because you have to flood the board against Aggro Shaman and here you get punished by Lightning Storm. Furthermore, the 5-5 taunt is sometimes not that easy to deal with. If you know that it is Midrange, be a bit more careful with your minions. The rest plays the same like Aggro. Use your Sap only for the Thing from Below and Aya Blackpaw if you have no other choice. It is often times better to Sap a Trogg or a big Jade Golem.

Control Shaman: Control Shaman is actually one of the best decks against Miracle Rogue in my opinion. Cards like Elemental Destrucion, Jade Chieftain or Jinyu Waterspeaker give you a pretty hard time. They even often have turn 3 Hex to counter Edwin VanCleef. So what you try here is to out tempo them and hope that they have a bad draw. Luckily there are not many Control Shamans out there.

Miracle Rogue: This matchup is completely about tempo. The player controlling the board, wins the game quickly. The deck which runs Questing Adventurer and Conceal is slightly favored, but you still have a good 45% chance to win imo. Sap is best vs Tomb Pillager. Cold Blood can be used very offensively, since they have no heal. Removal is very valuable therefore I usually do not hit face with SI:7 Agent and also play them not as vanilla 3-3 unless the opponent is very low. Edwin VanCleef is strong early, because you never keep Sap in the opening. Later a 6-6 is fine because it avoids Eviscerate and Shadow Strike. Here you can see me playing some mirror matches:

Reno Mage: The only way that Reno Mage wins against you is that he deals with all your bigger threats (except Leeroy) and still has Ice Block and/or Reno Jackson left over. So all you have to do is play tempo plays, but be a bit careful with your big threats (Tomb Pillager, Azure Drake, Edwin VanCleef and to a certain degree even SI:7 Agent and Big-Time Buccaneer). The more big minions you burgle, the easier the game becomes. They have a lot of AoE which is not that good against Miracle Rogue. You have more card draw and hence better tempo. Usually, I let him do the trades unless I am very low or the trades are very good. But trading a 3-3 Agent into a 3-3 Chemist doesn't really make sense. Here you find a video where I play against Savjz (available Friday 20pm UTC+1):

Here you can see a typical situation you should be aiming for in any Reno match up. You have so much damage on the board, that playing Reno doesn't matter, because you just kill him again. This is the ideal case where I directly had 30+ damage in a tournament match, however, usually 15+ damage on the board is fine:


Reno Priest: Reno Priest works very similar to Reno Mage, but he can actually stick strong minions on that board that you are not able to deal with all the time. So the match up is a bit worse. Often times they have 3 answers to Edwin VanCleef in the deck (Kabal Songstealer, Shadow Word: Death, Entomb), but 2 are very expensive. Therefore, the earlier you can play Edwin the better. Because they have good buffs like Power Word: Shield and Kabal Talonpriest it is often times worth killing their minions, but you have to consider the complete situation. I always ignore the 1-3s or just hit them with my weapon. Also you don't have to worry about buffs when you have Sap. Some times you can run out of steam in this match up when you draw bad or he has just the perfect answers, but usually you are favored. If they play Reno, you have to kill them twice. Consequently, use your resources wisely. Buffing the small pirates with Cold Blood is not a bad idea, because its really good if the opponent has to use Death for that and small damage AoE is rare.

Reno Warlock: This plays very similar like the other Reno decks, but sometimes they have too much board presence and overrun you. However, usually the Warlock is busy dealing with your minions and forced to have Reno Jackson or just dies instantly. If I control the board, I kill his minions if the trade does not feel expensive to avoid Shadow Flame and Defender of Argus value. If I control the board, I try to avoid playing a 3rd and 4th minion to play around Mind Control Tech, AoE, and Second-Rate Bruiser. Edwin VanCleef is usually a strong play and Cold Blood can be used offensively, because they lack single target removal.

Dragon Priest: Everything is about board control, because the Priest can almost never come back. Once you control the board and dictate the trades, the game is usually won rapidly. Therefore, use your stuff to establish the best possible board presence. Remember that your Azure Drake is super valuable, because he cannot be killed by Shadow Word: Death or Shadow Word: Pain and Dragonfire Potion. Sap is perfect for minions that have been buffed and usually gains you a lot of tempo. If his board is clear, there is almost nothing he can do against Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Cold Blood can be used for efficient trades or for early pressure. Edwin VanCleef is not that strong until you have seen at least one Death. Consider playing him as 4-4, as that is hard to deal with as Priest.

Jade Druid: Jade Druid almost plays like Control Shaman, but is a bit easier to out tempo. They basically need to draw the nuts to be faster than you. They also have less effective answers against your minions and you don't really get punished by AoE too much. So just flood the board in try to race them. Use Sap for the huge taunts as finisher.

Murloc Paladin: This match up is pretty tough, as they have a good amount of heal and defensive mechanisms, you need some time to prepare your Auctioneer and get the deck rolling, and you have no answer to Anyfin Can Happen. So you basically have pressure as much as you can, hope to get lucky and finish them before they can play Anyfin Can Happen. The good news is, that there are almost no Paladins out there.

Did I miss any match up? Let me know in the comments what you are interested in!

Budget Replacements:

Here you find possible replacements for Legendary or Epic cards in the deck.


Is it worth crafting the Legendaries?

This question is super personal and I can't answer it for everyone. If you are low on dust and new to the game I would honestly not recommend to play the deck at all, because the learning curve is quite high and if you loose a lot is does not feel that rewarding. As general generic tip, I recommend to craft neutral (classic) Legendaries first, because you can play them in multiple decks. In my opinion, the deck is totally fine if you have just 2 of the 4 legendaries. You will be quickly able to find out if you like the deck or not and can craft the other 2 if you really fall in love with the deck. Budget replacements are listed above.

Will the deck be valuable after the next expansion?

Nobody can you this without seeing the cards and the predictions of (pro) players are usually wrong. Almost for all expansions, it was predicted that Rogue is dead, but someone always found a decent deck for the meta. My personal predict is: "What is dead may never die". ;)

Is better Questing Adventurer better for this deck?

The Questing deck is better vs Control. Against Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman I prefer this version. The more you play against Control, the more you should consider playing Questings. The more you play against Aggro, the more I would consider SI7 and Shaku. Note that this version still has good results in the Mirror and vs Control though. If you are looking for more information about Questing Adventurer, try the guide by Link Removed: https://www.good-gaming.com/guide/791 In a tournament meta, where the portion of Control opponents is much high, I would consider the Questing version.

Why don't you run Conceal?

Because Conceal is situationally a dead card, when you have no minions (or weak minions). Since I don't run Questing Adventurer, I dislike Conceal. As mentioned before, I think that you go for the complete Questing package or the complete SI7 + Shaku version like this.

Why don't you run Beneath the Grounds?

The card is strictly a counter to Reno decks and way too slow against aggressive decks like Pirate Warrior. Since the deck is already strong against Reno decks, I don't see the need for it. Maybe in a tournament where I know its full of Reno decks.

Further resources