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FatBoy Jack (Barnes stages "Legend")

  • Last updated Jan 29, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • 5 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 16180
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/28/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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FatBoy Jack (Barnes stages "Legend") Deck Strategy

Primary focus in the deck is seeking to maximize the three similar abilities of Barnes, Varian Wrynn, and Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound, who all put into play variants or copies of creature cards in your deck. These three are the cornerstone creatures of the list, around which everything else is built and chosen (from my available choices). To that end, and because the deck name, FatBoy Jack, was inspired by a personal association between the Naga Sea Witch and a scene with the witch Meg Mucklebones in the 1985 Ridley Scott movie “Legend”, I've meme-themed the article in that direction.

Barnes is a top 4 cost range card. His potential is disproportionately insane that early. Wrynn triples the odds of that type of impact, much later in the game. Y’Shaarj does one per turn at end of turn (EOT), with the biggest body of them all. So the major goal of the build is to synergistically maximize the value of the one-show wonder Barnes presents on stage, Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound’s turn by turn act-closers, and Wrynn’s army of extras.

To max synergy with the cornerstone creatures, every other creature in the deck, will be better than simply a 1/1 when Barnes presents them. Most of that focus is on end of turn effects, which Barnes and Wrynn both benefit from, even if Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound does not. Some, such as Hogger and the Obsidian Destroyers, and several ‘extras’ without EOT effects, add taunt presence, to help protect their summoners and any pre-existing board. All w/EOT effects add value beyond their own numerical board presence.

Secondary focus is on creatures and weapons (Especially Violet Illusionist with weapons).  I will go into that more in the creature descriptions.

Creature Selections

The following creatures were chosen, with explanations given:

Barnes is the director of Hearthstone’s stage production of Legend, but he also plays the role of Blix, being really good at waving a unicorn horn shaped wand and summoning little versions of big baddies.


“Black as midnight, black as pitch, blacker than the foulest witch… Higher, higher, burning fire, making music like a choir!”

Naga Sea Witch: One of the most important cards in the deck for its ability to let you bring Wrynn out earlier than turn 10, even as early as turn 5 (if NSW is coined or Barnes’ed out on 4). As a lynchpin card to accelerate Wrynn, the Naga Sea Witch inspired the deck’s name by reminding me of Meg Mucklebones in the 1985 Ridley Scott film “Legend”, taunting the hero:

"What a fine fat boy you are, Jack!"


Meg Mucklebones

Meg Mucklebones: What a fine fat boy you are, Jack!

Jack: You don't really mean to eat me, do you, ma'am?

Meg Mucklebones: Oh, indeed I do! [Cackles]


With two Meg’s in the deck, and Barnes able to bring a 1/1 out before either 5/5, you get three tries to make her stick. Although the early taunts can improve her odds of survival, it is usually best to drop her ASAP even if she is both unguarded and you have no fatties in hand to ramp into. There are enough expensive cards in the deck that the odds of drawing into one are good, and the reward of drawing into a droppable Wrynn is worth the risk of not.

She is also a good vanilla drop as either a 1/1 or 5/5 because of the soft taunt she usually becomes. The threat she represents is similar to a living Brann Bronzebeard or Emperor Thaurissan, which makes them creatures that will draw fire almost as consistently as taunt forces it. She’s in that class of soft taunt that can even help cause the less attentive to miss lethal (though that isn’t exactly a strategy, lol).

She can occasionally be clunky if her presence will slow your low drops, but the curve of this deck is such that it’s not often a 'large problem'. The occasional loss due to this type of issue is far more frequently compensated for by the ramp.

Emperor Thaurissan also helps accelerate Wrynn or Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound and all the other high cost cards. His first turn impact can be had twice on the curve if Barnes’d out first, then drawn soon after. More than twice if he ever lives to see a second end of turn. He is another card that is thrilled if a taunt minion has his back. He also has the interesting effect of lowering cards that Meg has at 5 casting by one, to 4 (and lower over additional turns).

Ragnaros the Firelord is a top pull for any of the three cards. His EOT effect will get its chance to please or frustrate you for two of the three cornerstone creatures. Aside from those tricks, he can be Naga’d out as early as turn 5, or Emperor’d out on turn 7. Ragnaros the Firelord doubles as the Lord of Darkness.

“What is light without dark?”

Sylvanas Windrunner needs little explanation. One of the best 6 drops in the game alone, the three cornerstones are all happy to see her arrive when they bid her. Barnes becomes a way to bring her into each game twice. And as always with warrior, she is great insurance when Brawl is played. Sylvanas is Barnes stand-in for ‘Dark’ Princess Lily (after she’s been dressed by the Lord of Darkness in her bridal gown). "

You've stolen all my dreams away."

Twilight Summoner is one of the few death rattle cards sprinkled in. He helps with the curve, works well with Brawl, is an ok pull for any of the cornerstones. He is on the tail end of the cards chosen, and as such is in what amounts to the tech slot, so if you have preferred substitutions, this is one place to consider a swap.  I have used both Burgly Bully and Cairne Bloodhoof in this slot with success, too.  I like TS a little more than Cairne because as a 1/1 from Barnes, she is better than Cairne, but hard casts for two less, which matters as top heavy as this deck is. I wont argue that Cairne is better in general; for me this is a just a better fit on curve. TS is Barnes’ stand-in for Screwball.

“I vote we run like hell.”

Grimy Gadgeteer is here for his EOT effect, which buffs a random creature in hand at EOT. The deck is creature heavy enough that he will hardly ever have no effect. Like many of the other creatures, he benefits when there are taunts in play (or coming into play) to help protect him, but makes an ok play on tempo even if he has to wait to buff something.

Violet Illusionist synergizes with both the three creature cornerstones, and the decks array of weapons, which includes the two Fiery War Axes, two Fool's Bane (to double Warrior’s board clearing capabilities), and one Arcanite Reaper, for either removal or finishing power. She is one of the few creatures with no EOT effect, rattle, or taunt, but like taunt, her ability is constant, and (better than taunt) a game state changer. She basically extends your life in a way that improves your weapons. As such, this also gives her a soft taunt aspect when opponents realize the threat she can be.

Violet is Barnes stand-in for Oona.

"What care I for human hearts? Soft and spiritless as porridge!”

Brann Bronzebeard occupies a tech slot for me currently, but I am really enjoying what he brings. There are only two battlecry cards in the deck, but they are two of the three cornerstones, and Brann doubles what they already do insanely on their own. As a turn 3 drop, he is an awesome set for a Barnes spike. And even though he has no EOT ability or taunt, the constancy of his ability gives him a soft taunt quality that does make him better than just a 1/1 when Barnes’d out, same as it does when the other two cornerstones might present him. While he usually has to live a turn to have a chance to impact Wrynn, he can be dropped on the same turn first if Naga is in play; there will only be room for four creatures (at best) to drop, but you will also get any draws, which may be worth it. This isn’t going to happen often, but it’s an interesting extra possibility.

Brann is Barnes stand-in for Brown Tom.

I second the motion.”

Huge Toad helps with the early game, and does add a small rattle effect for when Barnes’d out as a 1/1.

Huge Toad is Barnes’ stand-in for Blunder. “Look! Ugly one-horned mule!”

Lorewalker Cho is one of my favorite cards, and highly underplayed because of people’s preference for spells. This deck has only two spells in it (both the Brawls), partly as a deliberate choice to make Lorewalker Cho more playable, and partly to support the cornerstones creature primary focus and Illusionist/Weapon secondary focus by increasing the numbers of supporting creatures and weapons at the cost of spells. It all works to make Cho a better option in this list than most.

Decent as an early play, he really shines as a cornerstone drop to make the opponents’ counterstrategies tougher; especially good when Wrynn or Y’Shaarj are snowballing. If he gets Barnes’d out, he can come out on his own later, either for a second time, or as a second copy in play.

If you have coin, it is often a good move to coin him out on turn one and follow with a fiery axe removal or a taunt. If you don’t have coin, but can drop him before they play theirs, you might add another ramp mechanism in addition to any other spells they may cast. There is still the catch that you want to try and hold any spells gained for after Cho is gone, and smart players will occasionally leave him out hoping you will be forced to play them back to them. But this is the hearthstone equivalent of a first world complaint; just don’t hold spells that might buy you time for fear of returning them.

I don’t, but you can always consider this a tech spot, and play something else (I am not going to suggest anyone craft Cho for this, and he is one of those legends more likely to have gotten dusted along the way), but he is good here. I particularly like him against miracle lists. Against miracle rogue, I may hold Cho until just before I suspect the Auctioneer will drop. He’ll still die quickly, but you usually get some removal out of it at least, and can usually use it right away.

Cho is Barne’s stand-in for Honeythorn Gump. “I know everything, Jack. Yet I do not understand what has happened today. Suppose you tell me, Jack?”

Obsidian Destroyer, Hogger, Fierce Monkey and Sparring Partner all bring the taunt to the yard, even as 1/1s, directly or indirectly. Sparring Partner may occasionally have to out someone hiding behind one of your other taunts, but this has not been something I have had any issue with. If you do, consider Pompous Thespian instead.

These guys are just ‘extras’, although Hogger does bear a resemblance to Pox.

“You only got the shot in 'cause the Princess was there! Wrong! 'Twas Beauty led the Beast to bay!”

Varian Wrynn being summoned by Y’Shaarj or Barnes is a big whiff, but try to take heart that even then, at least he is a body. There are few whiffs possible, so this is fortunately rare.

Varian Wrynn is the Jack in the deck.  

"I did it for Lily. I did it for love."


Mulligan for the cheap stuff and Barnes. You might keep a Naga/Wrynn hand if you have coin and any other early drops. This deck usually gets steamrolled by agro (Shaman and Warlock being its two worst matchups), but has a decent chance against anything slower. Don’t play it if you don’t like losing to agro. Sharing it because I am having a lot of fun with it, and hoping some of you might actually film a game or two and post them. Maybe offer your tweaks, if you find some that work well for you. I probably am missing some cards I could craft from the new set than might make good sense in here.

The tech slots for me are Brann Bronzebeard and the Twilight Summoner and if you have suggested swaps, would love to hear them. One card I had in for them before was Burgly Bully. I like its constant effect (works as a Barnes 1/1 nicely) to help with more ramping, but the coins can sometimes work against the Cho ability. They were good though, too.  Another was Cairne Bloodhoof (see comments under Twilight Summoner above),

I personally like the added speed of the Arcanite Reaper over Gorehowl, but we can experiment.


This is a deck that I enjoy grinding wins out toward gaining my Golden Warrior, at lease during the teen ranks. I have already golden heroed Hunter & Mage (two of the shorter game duration classes), as well as Paladin. I am focusing on Warrior now. Mainly because of my 6 non-golden heroes, it is the one I am closest to gold with (approaching the 100 win countdown). Obviously there are widely popular Warrior archetypes proven viable to play if you are seeking legend this season, which I am not. Pirate is flooding the meta, effectively, dragon warrior lists are still strong, and warrior can still choose from a variety of control lists. If I wanted warrior wins with short games, I would probably join the pirate fleet. If I wanted higher win efficiency for long control games, I might play something more proven than this, but I enjoy playing this list enough for the aesthetics of its dynamics, the interaction of its parts, that I will sacrifice some win efficiency or game speed, in favor of the different focus this deck takes to achieve a reasonable win percentage in a monthly 20-5 endeavor, and just enjoy the way it wins when it does.

My win percentage with this since Gadgetzan came out has varied from the low 70s in the bottom third of the 20-5 ladder to the low 60s closer to the top of the second third (from 15-10). I switch daily between this and whatever other classes I need to knock out challenges, and my win rates with most of those are lower.  I like to experiment with home brews a lot, so they drag my ranking efforts (with this one) down some, and tend to keep me in this range. If I stuck with this (or my Reno Lock deck), I believe I would get higher faster, but having fun getting wins toward golden warrior is more my goal (after the gold grind) than laddering right now, just to make it clear that I am not trying to convince you of some proof of anything else.

Thanks for reading this far! Constructive comments and upvotes/likes appreciated!  If it gets any attention, I will edit/add knowledge gained and answers to suggestions/questions, maybe go into stuff like stats and/or matchups in greater detail.