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Fish Hat Paladin

  • Last updated Dec 26, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Murloc Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 5240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/21/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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Welcome to my (VERY rough) guide for what I've fondly been calling Fish Hat Paladin!

I'm sure there are quite a few similar decks floating around, but this is a mix I've personally been homebrewing. I've hit a point where I feel like there could be potential, so I figured I'd share it with the community in hopes of some collective refinement.

Card explainations:

x2 Grimscale Chum -- where the deck gets its name.  Good if you find yourself with the Murloc start as opposed to the combo start.  Fodder for early game trading/stalling.

x1 Mistress of Mixtures -- This deck is more mid-range/combo than aggro (you want to control board state typically before going face, think Zooloc), this will help you last the first turn or two before you can combo.  If you find yourself getting outrushed often, you could probably find a space for another.

x2 Murloc Tidecaller -- This card can reach outrageous levels quickly.  Remember Undertaker 1.0?  Yeah.

x2 Smuggler's Run -- One of the most important pieces of the deck.  This along with Outfitter helps Murlocs rise above their typically fragile state.

x2 Vilefin Inquisitor -- Amazing card.  Gets tutored with S-TR, a 1/3 body is great for a 1 cost murloc, and turns your hero power into a potentially huge threat.  Not replaceable.

x2 Bluegill Warrior -- Aggressive for smorc, doubles as removal, scary when buffed.

x2 Equality -- Speaks for itself.  Gets rid of taunts, helps restore order after your combo turns.

x2 Grimestreet Outfitter -- Same as Smuggler's Run.  Must have.

x2 Loot Hoarder -- Cycles, gives you  something to trade with pre-combo.

x2 Coldlight Seer -- You would be surprised how many times you'll play this card as a 4/5 that boosts your entire board.

x2 Divine Favor -- I struggled a lot with the draw engine at first, as this can sometimes be anti-synergistic with STR.  After the complete removal of Meanstreet Marshal, this became a definite x2.  Sometimes you'll be forced to run a more aggressive Murloc strategy, this will save your match in that case.

x2 Murloc Warleader -- I shouldn't have to explain this one.

x2 Small-Time Recruits -- Ahh, the bread and butter.  Always keep this in your opening hand, mulligan everything else for a hand-buffer.  This is what makes your turns 4+ so devastating.

x2 Murloc Knight -- Hand-buffing mechanics make this fellow a true nightmare.  An already solid card, Murloc Knight can really shine now.

x2 Truesilver Champion -- Board control tool, smorc tool, probably the best stand-alone weapon in the game.  Loads of Oozes in the meta atm to counter Pirate Warrior, so make sure you net a little value.

x1 Finja, the Flying Star -- The strongest non-hard boardwipes hit for 5 right now (Dragonfire in Priest, Warlock Flask in Renolock), Finja can easily be buffed to 4/6 and save you an otherwise lost game.  You really can't replace this card.

Running out of time for now, so I'll just give some general play tips:

Mulligan for ST-R and a hand boost, aim for something like a Loot Hoarder or Grimscale Chum to trade with/stall.  Some games you'll want to smorc hard (Jade X), against control you'll really want the combo.

If S-TR isn't in your mulligan, you can still pull off a heavily pressuring Murloc opening a large portion of the time.  Make your calls right, if you decide to go smorc, don't back down when you need total commitment.

The deck can be very complicated to play, though players of Zoolock will likely pick it up more quickly.  I'll elaborate if it turns out there's not something too similar already out there, or if there's decent interest!