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Inkmaster Reno Mage - Easy rank 5

  • Last updated Dec 23, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reno Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 12000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/16/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • Battle Tag:

    petomartinez #1221

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Inkmaster solia

Hello everybody! I'm Peto Martinez, Hearthstone and MTG player from Argentina.

Inkmaster Solia is one of my favorite cards of the new set that's why I built this deck in order to get the most value of her.

+10 likes - Mulligan guide
+30 likes - Combos
+50 likes - Screenshots
+80 likes - Card Replacements
+100 likes - Tutorial video
+150 likes - Inkmaster Reno Mage v2.0

Thanks for the first 20 likes! We achieve our first goal, let's keep it up and try to reach the tutorial video.

This is scalating quickly! Thanks for the 30 likes, I will give you now all the combos that the deck have.

Thanks for the +50 replies! You're awesome!

80 likes and going! Let's look for some replacements!

100 likes! We've reached our objective! Thank you all!

Mulligan Guide

Against Pirate Warrior, Aggro/Jade Shaman, Pirate Rogue:
Keep Arcane Blast, Frostbolt, Volcanic Potion, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Doomsayer. If you already have one of these you can keep Ice Block or Ice Barrier.

Against Reno Warlock, Reno Mage or any Reno deck: 
Keep Arcane Intellect, Babbling Book, Kabal Courier, Kazakus and Brann Bronzebeard.

Against Dragon Priest:
Keep Frostbolt, Forgotten Torch, Polymorph, Fireball and Arcane Intellect.


Arcane Blast + Azure Drake/Bloodmage Thalnos: Try to play Thalnos only when you are going to kill an important guy or clean the board. 4 damage for 1 mana with Arcane Blast is all you need to keep your board in a good position.

Brann Bronzebeard: This card is amazing in the deck, it has a lot of sinergy with most of the minions in the deck. Babbling Book, Kabal Courier, Kazakus, Mind Control Tech & Azure Drake are always good targets. Obviously what do you want to do is play Kazakus with this card. Never play Manic Soulcaster with it, I have lose a game because of this.

Inkmaster Solia + Kazakus: Revive 3 Minions and Draw 3 cards having a 5/5 extra minion for 7 mana sounds good, isn't it? Almost every combination of 10 mana spells works perfect with her.

Ice Block + Reno Jackson/Alexstrasza: This secret let you play in a more comfortable way if you have Reno in your hand. Try to worry about getting the more card advantage as possible and Ice Block without getting triggered. If your opponent tries to kill you he will have to commit a lot of board and if he doesn't he will give you all the time you need to stabilize the game.


Here are some screenshot when I reach rank 3 without losing a game.

Against Aggro Shaman:


Against Dragon Priest

Against Pirate Rogue

Against Pirate Warrior


Epic Cards

Arcane Blast: Any cheap spell that make damage like Forbidden Flame or Arcan
Ice Block: Irreplaceable
Cabalist's Tome: Ethereal Conjurer
Doomsayer: I can't find a good replacement for this. Maybe you should play another 2 drop.

Legendary Cards:

Inkmaster Solia: Archmage Antonidas
Bloodmage Thalnos: Kobold Geomancer/Loot Hoarder
Brann BronzebeardIrreplaceable
Reno Jackson: Irreplaceable
Alexstraza: Ragnaros the Firelord

Just try to have an harmony beyond all your cards, e.g: If you're playing Archamage Antonidas play cheap spell.

Tutorial Video

I want to give special thanks to kiwiinbacon for this incredible tutorial video. He's a great player and the video is so fun.

Here you have a second video of a Latin American player like me. You have a lot of matchups and you can see how the deck works from another perspective. Follow Cythe O2 in his channel.

A third video from a nice guy called FraggedByDay, follow him on his channel!

Inkmaster Reno Mage v2.0

I have made a few changes to improve the deck against aggro decks, here they are:

-1 Emperor Thaurissan
-1 Manic Soulcaster
-1 Forbidden Flame

+1 Mirror Image
+1 Mistress of Mixtures
+1 Refreshment Vendor

It's still having some issues against Jade Shaman but it gets a lot better vs any Warrior and Rogue deck.