Dirty Goons - Updated Deathwing
- Last updated Mar 18, 2017 (Aggro Downfall)
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- 26 Minions
- 2 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 17660
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/15/2016 (Gadgetzan)
- strudel_hs
- Registered User
- 8
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Total Deck Rating
Hello! I came back to hearthstone with the new patch and climbed to rank3 with an aggro buffadin decklist, tilted back to rank5 and started playing my old Dirty Goons deck but I had to make some adaptations to beat the current aggro / control decks with a more agressive playstyle in the late game. I am very happy with this new decklist and I am climbing back to my old rank with solid wins and mach fun with surprising cards like Leeroy or Deathwing / Wrathion in a midrange pala deck.
Maybe you want to give this updated list a try :) Have fun!
+1 Deathwing
+1 Curator
+1 Stampeding Kodo
+1 Shifter Zerus
+1 Wrathion
+2 Acidic Swamp Ooze
+1 Leeroy Jenkins
-1 Keeper of Uldaman
-2 Second Rate-Bruiser
-2 Ivory Knights
-1 Big Game Hunter
-1 Grimestreet Protector
-1 Fight Promoter
More detailed explanation:
We are playing a midrange deck with some combo mechanics.
The matchplan is to take back the board on turn 3,4,5. They will start flooding the board or use hard removals to answer our buffed 3,4,5 mana minions. Flooding the board will get anwsered with value trades or MC-Tech combination. Hard removals are limited in numbers and our ragnaros or tirion will feel safer if they use them early.
Deathwing is our one trick pony against control decks and is a nice way to finish games after Leeroy Jenkins / Tirion plays. Wrathion and Curator are helping to reach the late game and provide some usefull card draws.
Leeroy Jenkin is our 2nd unexpected card and is a beast with some buffs and someitmes his summoned dragons help us to activate our MC-TECH.
Shifter Zerus might be too weak and can be changed with Mixteres oder some other early drop but I like him because he beneftits from handbuffs and sometimes he wins us games.
Questions and answers:
Why do you not play Grimestreet Enforcer or Doppelgangster?
In my opinion these cards are too slow/greedy in the current meta. They can work but I started to build a deck without them and this deck is my current favored paladin deck.
Cards explained:
Sir Finley Mrrgglton solid card vs aggro (firebolt, healing ), vs controle ( warlock, shaman, firebolt), can be replaced with Grimestreet Informant or Mistress of Mixtures. (depends on the decks you are facing)
Dirty Rat good against aggro decks and winning wombocombo mind-control-tech+brann against control decks
Big Game Hunter won many games for me because people don't play around it.(read questions/answers section)
Argent Horserider our conceration compensation and very solid card after 1-2 handbuffs
Brann Bronzebeard MVP of this deck, the combination with Mind Control Tech, Dirty Rat, Ivory Knight are winning turns.
Aldor Peacekeeper he helps us with value trades /surviving the early game or increasing the enemy minion number for future MC-Tech turns.
Keeper of Uldaman uur hard removal. perfect in combination with buffed Argent Horserider / Truesilver Champion
Mind Control Tech we need him to swing lost games (vs aggro) or to finish the opponent after their last attempts to get back board control. Best use case in combination with Dirty Rat + Brann
Tirion Fordring solid finisher, has always been an autoinclude in pala control decks
Ragnaros the Firelord good card on empty boards or in combination with our buffed taunts
Wickerflame Burnbristle alias "little Tirion" is a matchwinner against aggro decks after they ran out of steam and is a solid card vs control. I love this guy!
Grimestreet Outfitter solid card for the early turns and helps us to get more value later with better trades.
Truesilver Champion sometimes we need a weapon and Truesilver Champion was always a great card for the midgame an helps us to deal with most threats in the game. Use his charges wisely.
Smuggler's Run our only spells in this deck and great value. don't use them too early on turn1 if you don't have to do it.
Brann + Dirty Rat + MC-Tech are winning combinations
Average turn 1-2-3-4: Pass/ Smuggler's Run or Grimestreet Outfitter / Acolyte / Aldor or Truesilver
Turn1: Pass / Sir Finley Mrrgglton / Smuggler's Run
Pass: We don't have many 1 mana cards and we hardly will use our coin to play Grimestreet Outfitter because the lack of hand cards and his weak body.
Sir Finley Mrrgglton: Great body vs pirates. Firebolt/Warlock are the best ones. Firebolt helps vs Aggro and activating our Acolyte to increase card draw, warlock card draw helps vs controldecks getting key cards earlier + increasing hand card buffing value. Shaman is decent because of the taunt totem. Healing/Armor good vs facedecks. Druid/Rogue underwhelming because our lack of healing.
Smuggler's Run: is only a Turn1 play if we have coin + 3 drop ( argent horserider , adlor peacekeeper ) and we face aggro decks ( pirate warrior) or we also have Grimestreet Outfitter for turn2 and we are facing aggro decks.
Turn2: Heropower / Grimestreet Outfitter / Coin + 3 Drop / Smuggler's Run / Dirty Rat
Heropower: If we play vs aggro it is sometimes our only play, don't use heropower vs priest if they played their cleric
Grimestreet Outfitter: played vs aggro to plan ahead for strong turn3/4 turns, sometimes it is better to play him on turn3 + Smuggler's run if you don't have Acolyte in your hand and you are facing a very slow deck.
Coin + 3 Drop: Our winrate is higher with coin, coined out 2/4 Acolyte, 3/2 Argent Horserider or 4/4 Aldor are good against any aggrodecks
Know your opponent decks and think about their 3 / 4 mana turn. If we are holding Truesilver Champion we might want to save our coin for turn3.
Smuggler's Run : Sometimes it is better than heropowering, we haven't played it on turn1 because we want more cards for buffing and we win because our buffed 3+ mana drops and not because a turn2 1/1 dude who might give the opponent some advantage ( frothing berserker, backstab combo, wrath card draw, coil card draw )
Dirty Rat: 99% of the time I don't play him on curve. slow decks are no threat on turn2 and we need Dirty Rat to activate our Mind Control Tech or taunt up in the late turns vs high dmg minions. even against aggro decks it is a bad idea - warriors often have 2-3 pirates on the board after turn1, if we play dirty rat and they get frothing berserker or any other +4 health minion we are screwed. buff him in your hand and wait. turn5 is the first time we can combo him with MC-Tech and most of the time he will be a 3/7+
Turn3 Aldor Peacekeeper/ Argent Horserider / Acolyte of Pain / Second-Rate Bruiser / Mind Control Tech / Brann Bronzebeard / Wickerflame Burnbristle
Aldor Peacekeeper: We only play him to answer dangerous threats ( mountian giant, jade golems etc...) or to help trading / buying time for later MC-Tech plays.
Argent Horserider: Our Turn3 weapon/hard removal vs aggro. Think ahead if you need him for later turns in combination with Truesilver Champion or Uldaman.
Acolyte of Pain: Sometimes too slow against aggro warrior but most of the time the best 3 drop for us. opponents will waste removal spells to minimize our card draw. in comibnation with turn 4 Aldor / Keeper of Uldaman / Dirty Rat , 2 card draw are almost guaranteed.
Second-Rate Bruiser: MVP in the current meta, very good drop to slow aggro decks down, against control he will cost most of the time 5 mana and helps us to put on some pressure with a big minion ( 5/6+ most of the time )
Mind Control Tech: MVP² , he will bring us back in the game, someitmes it is possible to play him on turn3 as a buffed 4/4 and you get controle of one of the pirates or shaman minions. most of the time we will wait for more value in the late turns.
Brann Bronzebeard: Only play him vs aggro warrior if you don't have any other 3 drops.
Wickerflame Burnbristle: Best card vs Aggro and solid vs control because of the divine shields. I wait for 3/3 4/4+ stats to use him on the later turns
Turn4 is similar to turn3 + Truesilver Champion / Keeper of Uldaman
Truesilver Champion: Best card to answer Berserkers, Brann, Emperor, Azur Drakes and some other threats. People think paladin plays no spells/ weapons nowadays and don't play around it.
Keeper of Uldaman: Best hard removal in combinaiton with Truesilver/ Argent Horserider and should be used wisely vs controle. agaisnt aggro it sometimes is our only card to take back control if they don't kill our board minions. most of the time 4/5+
PS: Thanks for the upvotes and comments. I love the input from deck discussion and have to thank the community for new ideas after card discussions/deck explainations.
I don't have fight promoter so I replaced it with lay on hands and I've been able to get to rank 10. do you have any suggestions about that? I kinda want to include eadric. overall it's a really fun deck.
Hey, sorry for the late reply just went back into hearthstone after the new patch and hoping to complete the dirty goon journey without aggro pirates :)
Lay on Hands should be fine because fight promoter was hardly played on curve but it was an extra body for buffing value and the turn8+ heals was often not fast enough so i decided to go with fight promoter
Eadric is a nice card and with some buffs he becomes a beast itself but sadly I had not much success with him. Reno decks lack board minions, shaman totems get buffed and still benefit from flame tongue totem... only against jadegolem decks he might work but I never had problems to finish them fast enough before jadegolems become a huge problem.
It's a good idea behind it but hard to achieve in practice. Very inconsistent in ranked and that's mainly because you can't really count on the dirty rat + mind control combo.
Where you Want brann-bronzebeard???
Sry i am not sure if I understand your question. Are you asking why am I using Brann or when?
Most of the time you want to combine Brann with Dirty Rat , Mind Controle Tech in the same turn.
Unbelievably fun and "hard to play well" deck, but auto-lose against dragon priest. Dirty Rat is just insane sometimes. Thanks for sharing, will try to climb ladder with it next month.
Thanks for sharing your card changes :)
I always feared Soggot the Slitherer is too slow vs aggro and too risky against kazzakus sheep potions but maybe I was wrong. He for sure is a very difficult card to counter with only minions.
I will try to record the next season ladder climbing, hope it won't be too late for you :)
What are your thoughts on including Lorewalker Cho? With the low amount of spells and the hand buff mechanic, it seems like a good idea on paper. Have you done any testing with cho?
Did some testing at the beignning of the addon and my first thought was " he is underrated" but in the end he wasn't helping too much against all the pirate warriors who only play mortal strikes but games vs druids/rogues were realy funny :)
Now we face more shaman or reno decks and he is worth testing. Thanks for the reminder. I will play him instead of 1 Ivory Knight and hope for a comeback of Cho!
I'm liking Cho in a different sort of Buff Paladin deck I'm running. Even just dropping him as a 0/4 behind a taunt can end a game vs. most Mages, Druids, and Rogues, and he does some work vs. control Warlocks. I only wish he wasn't a one-of because the games where you want him you may not get him.
Have you been tracking your games? would like 2 see the breakdown and win rate numbers?
rogue winrate should be nowadays lower because they are using now a better decklist.. first rogues I met were testing some strange decks.
Since i had dust, I crafted [card]Wickerflame Burnbristle[/card] and Tirion Fordring . I am just sick of playing shomens and renolock. Hope this will be like a fresh air for me
ahahahah opponent (warlock in jaraxus form) holding to some cards for quiet a bit. I knew he had sylvanas shadowflame but not leeroy faceless combo. I had no way to play around sylv shadowflame so he stole my minionw ith it. Almost lost but dirty rat pulled out his leeroy, MC tech stole him and i had exact lethal with consecration i discovered with ivory knight HAHAHAHAHHA.
That pretty much sum up hearthstone.
My best moment was vs warlock too. He had 7 minions, I lost everything to shadowflame. My only winning move was a Dirty Rat gamble into his Doomsayer.. the sound of summoning Doomsayer via Dirty Rat battlecry was my best moment in hearthstone since beta. Sadly I didn't record it :(
Amazing deck, I love it and it's tons of fun and different.
The only change I made was BGH for leeroy. It gives that extra burst to finish off a close game. He also gives Extra synergy with MCT and Dirty rat. Can be used as removal in a pinch
In rare occasions you can use him to fill up the enemy board then combo with dirty rat to mill your opponent.
Also thinking of replacing an ivory knight with slvyanas. for more dirty rat synergy.