Kripps - Jade Shaman Perfected
- Last updated Dec 14, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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- 20 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 9500
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/14/2016 (Gadgetzan)
- Kripparrian
- Pro Player
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ive reviewed this deck for the second time, its still great!
What do you think of Sylvanas and Thaurissan instead of White Eyes and N'zoth?
Edit: Possibly keep White Eyes and N'zoth if you put in Sylv, for more possible value? N'zoth has been helping me in games even when White Eyes and Aya aren't dead, because like one of the other comments said, N'zoth really just help bring back your hoarders so you can keep pumping out the Jades.
I can't agree with Loot Hoarder, Mistress of Mixtures and Acidic Swamp Ooze. I understand they are for [card]N'Zoth, the Corruptor[/card] but most of the time you play N'Zoth in the very late game where you don't need that much card draw due to fatigue and mistresses are mostly low impact. It is enough to have just [card]Aya Blackpaw[/card], [card]White Eyes[/card] and [card]Bloodmage Thalnos[/card]. So I subbed them for Spirit Clawsx1 as you have 3 spell damage minions+hero power to get huge value from it, Thing from Belowx2 as you are going to hero power a lot every game and it's an amazingly strong card+taunt, Lightning Boltx2 to fight for early board better and Harrison Jones as it is a better ooze most of the time imo. Not a tier 1 deck but it's pretty fun to play and build. Went 8-3 with it on rank 4.
Cannot call this deck a gem or even close.
Nonconsistant. Will all my respect to author. This nowhere close to topdeck.
Agree that this deck is great! winning vs all agro pirates (unless they get god draw and we get crap starting hand).
Losing to jade druids, so took out -1 ooze, and added +1 bloodlust - got a few wins on druid now and other matchups still same.
Sylvanas is good, Cairne is pretty slow in this meta
Im having great winrate with this deck, but having trouble dealing with Jade druids, any tips or just a hard match up?
It's probably the worst matchup in my opinion. You need to out ramp their Jades by mulliganing for them.
Thanks, will try that :).
This is a fairly decent deck. Just ran 9-1 with it, but I added the most valuable shaman card: Bloodlust. I deleted Maelstrom... I tend to prefer a more top heavy deck but then again I think I may be doing it wrong
Hello guys!
I have been playing this deck for a while and I was trying to get a legend with it but without success. I would like to as you if you could watch it a look for some certain missplays or some situations where you would go for a different play. It helps me a lot to get better and maybe I could hit legend :)
Thank you for watching!
That coin Jade Claws play made no sense whatsoever, your mulligan was greedy too.
I think the coin jade claw was the right move, but agree the mulligan wasn't good. Should have only kept jade claw.
Thank you guys for answers :) It helped =)
From my experience, this deck is a counter of Renolock and performs well against Pirate decks. It is weak against Miracle Rogue and Druid deck due to its slow nature.
End of season.
and you right.
This deck is decent.
Has a game against most meta decks and only loses to non meta decks (Evolve shaman, buff Paladins, eggs Druid etc.)
The numbers are correct and the only card to cut if u want to try other variation is -1 ooze.
This deck has 1 game plan only - Jade
The card draw is there to try and hit Jade synergy cards. If by turn 14 your jade can generate 4/4 onwards you are in good shape. Jade is primary win con. If your jade produce 6/6 onwards opponent usually can't handle the oppression anymore. The other cards are all support to get you to carry out the jade game plan. The key is how to utilise the support cards to effectively trade resources with opponent until you can oppress with jade cards.
Nzoth only helps to maintain board parity and is never an actual win con. Don't feel bad to cast nzoth even though Aya or white eye is not dead. Jade is the primary win con and those hoarders are there to dig deep to the jade cards.
There is no budget list. All the legendary are too important and not irreplaceable. Better off playing other decks if u want to replace
I am having so much trouble using this deck because Pirate Warrior is a thing
I had no problem with aggro-pirates warriors. Almost won every game except 2 cause i had a very bad hand.
Keep Portal and Storm in hand, along with claws too.