Kun C'Thun Druid by Senfglas
- Last updated Dec 12, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: C'Thun Druid
- Crafting Cost: 10920
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/12/2016 (Gadgetzan)
- RegisKillbin
- Deck Architect
- 7
- 46
- 42
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My name is RegisKillbin, a regular legend player, video maker, and writer for TempoStorm.com. Here's one of the latest decks for which I've made a video.
Kun C'Thun Druid by Senfglas
Now this just isn't fair.
Is Twin Emperor Weklor a key card?
Not worth it. This deck may be good against control, but you'll be trashed by aggro before you ever make your finishing play.
Edit: After a massive losing streak, I finally got the combo off... and it's pretty darn satisfying. So for that alone, it might be worth making if you have everything. Wouldn't ladder with it, though.
Just add a [card]Youthful Brewmaster[/card] and you'd be set.
Seems underrated i enjoy it a lot though...
This deck sucks against aggro...
is aviana worth crafting?
I don't think so really. I like the character, but other than this deck I'm not sure what decks she would be good in.
and shes rotating out soon. silly me thought she was a classic card
Played this deck a couple games last night. I don't know how well it will do vs super aggro decks since I didn't run into them, but I did have one game where on turn 13 I had only two more cards to draw, and hadn't drawn Kun yet. Happily drew Kun (other card was second Disciple of C'Thun), and then from an empty board to:
Aviana > Kun > Brann > 18/18 C'Thun > Twin Emperor Vek'lor
That was fun, lol.
how good is lunar visions? worth crafting? or can I run loot hoarder or acolyte or azure drake instead
Loot Hoarder and Azure Drake are already in the deck.
I just crafted 2x Lunar Visions and started playing this deck, so maybe I can answer your question soon.
Definitely not worth crafting.
No Brewmaster?
Insanely good deck! Thanks!
This deck is excellent for laddering, primarily because it's basically the very well tried and tested C'thun Druid - which gives it an advantage over newer and unrefined decks - but it's added a handful of very strong MsoG cards (and Aviana, which has been given an enormous buff due to the combo with Kun)