Savjz #1 Legend Reno Mage
- Last updated Dec 7, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Reno Mage
- Crafting Cost: 11520
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/5/2016 (Gadgetzan)

- Savjz
- Pro Player
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Well this deck has certainly gotten popular! I made it as I couldn't find this exact deck from one of Savjz's clips. All credit for the deck goes to Savjz, I shall just attempt to do a quick write-up!
Reno decks as a standard are played with the late game in mind, spend the early game fighting for the board and trying to stop those pesky aggro decks (ahem Pirate Warrior) from overwhelming you too much early.
Try and get the most value out of your mana, try and plan a few steps ahead so you don't waste removal on a turn before a Flamestrike for example.
Aggro: You should be trying to pick up your cheap removal spells like Arcane Blast, Frostbolt, Forgotten Torch, Forbidden Flame and Volcanic Potion. Make sure to keep a hold of Doomsayer and for weapon classes don't forget to hold onto Acidic Swamp Ooze.
Control: Against control keeping onto some early removal isn't too bad an idea, but you can be a bit greedier and hold onto cards like Arcane Intellect, Polymorph and Kabal Courier.
Mage Cards
Forbidden Flame - Removal at any point of the game, scales over time.
Arcane Blast - Combos with Bloodmage Thalnos and Azure Drake very nicely.
Babbling Book - I really like this card in control mages, and Pavel put it to good use at this year's Blizzcon! Can be combo'd with Brann.
Frostbolt - 2 mana, 3 damage and a freeze, need I say more?
Arcane Intellect - Great card to keep early vs control matchups, helps you get to your Reno faster and provides decent card draw.
Forgotten Torch - Decent early removal and shuffles a second cheaper Fireball into your deck.
Frost Nova - Good for holding a board of Jade Golems at bay and can be combo'd with doomsayer.
Ice Barrier - Gives you sufficient stall to extend those games vs aggro.
Ice Block - Works very well with Reno Jackson as it gives you a safety net to rely on, so you don't have to worry about if they can kill before you can Reno.
Manic Soulcaster - Great card to shuffle a second Reno Jackson or Kazakus into your deck, can be combo'd with Brann if you get a tick over Emperor on Brann, Reno or Manic Soulcaster.
Volcanic Potion - Great early boardclear to get rid of totems or to ruin zoo's day.
Fireball - Best card in the game.
Polymorph - Great for getting rid of Raganros, Sylvanas or Ysera.
Water Elemental - Fantastic card vs aggro and weapon classes.
Cabalist's Tome - Take a spin at the casino and roll for some new cards!
Blizzard - Great for halting a board of Jade Golems or clearing those pesky totems!
Firelands Portal - Nice tempo swing removal.
Flamestrike - Speaks for itself.
Neutral Cards
Acidic Swamp Ooze - Great card for stopping Pirate Warrior and Secret Hunter, though can be used to remove Ashbringer and Blood Fury
Bloodmage Thalnos - Don't get put off by the stats, +1 spell power and deathrattle card draw are some insane bonuses for a 2 mana card.
Dirty Rat - Quite possibly my favorite card from Mean Streets, I've plucked Reno Jackson, Jaraxxus and Alexstrasza from so many people. Combo with Mind Control Tech or Flamestrike to get some people salty. Ideally you want to use this as part of a combo, so don't mulligan for it.
Doomsayer - Great at soaking up damage or if you get lucky, removing their board. Can be combo'd with Blizzard or Frost Nova.
Brann Bronzebeard - Used to combo with the several battlecry minions spread over the deck, use your imagination!
Kabal Courier - Find that extra removal, or a second Ice Block.
Mind Control Tech - Very good vs aggro and can be used with Dirty Rat if they are trying to play around Mind Control Tech.
Kazakus - New card from Mean Streets, design yourself a spell which has crazy effects, can be quite powerful and swing the game in your favor. Versus control matchups I don't tend to choose card draw as it means you will fatigue first.
Azure Drake - This is like the bigger better brother of Bloodmage Thalnos, staple in any deck that uses a lot of removal.
Emperor Thuarissan - As you generally have a large hand, Emperor enables 10+ mana combos previously impossible. If left on board can snowball out of control and outright win you a game.
Reno Jackson - Staple of the deck, combo with Manic Soulcaster for another full heal.
Alexstrasza - Can be used defensively and offensively if you are ahead on board and have some removal left in hand you can turn into face damage.
Alternative Cards
Arcane Missiles - Can replace Arcane Blast
Cult Sorcerer - Can replace Bloodmage Thalnos
Flame Lance - Can replace Forbidden Flame
Ethereal Conjurer - Can replace anything really it's just a good card
Inkmaster Solia - This is nice card that fits into control mage well
I replaced Alexstrasza
fun deck!
Hey i need some help, i don't have Alexstrasza and i don't know what to replace her with.
I'm thinking off Malygos, Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, Medivh, the Guardian or Archmage Antonidas
Some opinions would be appreciated.
If you guys had to choose would you pick arch mage antonidas or Alextrasa in this deck ? Thinking which to craft . Seems like there arnt many finishers in this deck but it is very fun to play . Antonidas seems like it can give you that finisher you need but alextrasa is really good also . Suggestions ?
There are very few deck with Archmage Antonidas in it. To be honest the last time I saw him was when he stayed in my hand for few turns while I was looking for a chance to get some value from him.
I like him and want to see in meta again, but now he's too slow.
At the same time [card]Alexstrasza[/card] can be played at least in freeze mage's deck or even in some dragon deck.
So if I were You, I would craft [card]Alexstrasza[/card]. But it's up to You of course.
You can also try to use Medivh, the Guardian.
Any replacement for dirty rat? Its the only card I dont have
Golden Dirty Rat
Did you mean, Golden Dörty Rat?
Amazing deck
Can't win against Jade Druid. It's not even close.
TLDR: i strongly recommend you swap firelands portal for antonidas.
When I made my 1st msog renomage I had the very same problem. Then I realise this decks doesnt have finisher. Something to close you the game. So i started make changes and ever since i almost dont lose to jade droods (generally started winning more). I have strong hate for firelands portal (suicide squad, naga sea witch, corrupted healbot, battlecry minions, just dont get me started) so i immediately swapped it for antonidas which is 100 times better 7 drop. Such a MVP card, I win at least one third of my games thanks to the extra fireball/s.
Now against druid. They have 2x swipe, wrath and feral ¿ ( idk the name choose one - 4 attack or 8 armor). Force them use swipe earlier. Great way to do it is to drop brann at t3 even w/о having card to combo it, they'll swipe it for sure. Next is water ele + some cheap minions, u need to press. Dont be scared to play mc tech w/o condition. This is not a value match since they have jade idol. Force them use their removals. When you drop toni and freeze the board (i tend to look and keep freeze spells from my book, tome and courier) you almost always win the game. Especially behind ice block. They dont have heals but clever guys pick 8 armor over 4 atack. Generally they have hard times removing Toni. Another advice is crafting 1 mana pot from Kazakus so you combo with Antonidas. Pick freeze effect and cards draw. Alex can help you greatly if you manage to draw and use it in time.
Atm i play w/o emperor and manic soulcaster but second rate bruiser and burgling bully. Bruiser is great for aggression and bully is just so awsome card im testing it atm and it is so good, giving me coins to fuel antonidas, people just never expect it and if they remove it by spell u still get 1 coin.
Soulcaster is way too slow for me and emperor is just not always that good, cmon we're not wlocks 100% of the time with fat hand.
Thanks for this, I'll give it a shot!
I'm missing Kazakus, Soulcaster and Forbidden Flame but still, this deck is baller.
Here's a fun little game I had against Pirate Warrior.
The only thing I'm seeing at ranks 1-2 are Aggro Shaman, Renolock and Reno Mage. Few Warriors and no Priests and Druids. I haven't played this deck but I've faced it a lot, and I must say it's a good one. Much better against Rogue than Renolock, and I think it's better against Shaman as well. What I don't know is how it works against Pirate Warrior (in case they start to flood the ladder again). I would think that it's a bad matchup given that Pirate Warrior is the fastest of all pirate decks. Also, how is it against Priests and Druids (again, not in my meta right now, but want to know just in case they appear again)?
Tempostorm says reno mage is tier 3.
TEMpostorm says reno mage is tier 3.
Can't we win over Jade Druid with this deck?? I almost have all the cards for this deck.. But, seems that i keep losing Jade Druid.
And, how can this deck hit legend? When there are so many jade druid on ladder??
Some alteration I have made, -Ice Barrier with Potion of Polymorph and -Arcane Blast with Second-Rate Bruiser.
Any advice guys?? Thanks
Fun deck to play, a lot of times I go Fatigue. I don't recommend playing Manic Soulcaster combo'd with Brann Bronzebeard as You are shuffling 2 copies into your deck. therefore being unable to play Reno or Kazakus until You draw one of that copies
That is why you use Manic Soulcaster with Brann Bronzebeard on Reno Jackson AFTER you used Kazakus. Then you can have 2 Reno Jackson's in deck and when you draw a Reno Jackson , your deck has no dupes.