[Legend Day 3] - Dragon Priest - S33
- Last updated Dec 31, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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- 22 Minions
- 8 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Dragon Priest
- Crafting Cost: 4100
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/4/2016 (Gadgetzan)
- Zananananan
- Registered User
- 8
- 13
- 44
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Hey Guys!
My name is Zananananan (https://www.twitch.tv/zanananan), a competitive player for SFD-Gaming (http://www.sfd-gaming.com/). I just wanted to share my Dragon Priest with you, I hit Legend with it on the 3rd day. Drakonid Operative is just insane - one of the strongest cards in the game.
[MOD SNIP] No advertising in deck descriptions
Dragon Priest makes use of dragon synergy to establish a board of minions with above-average stats. The deck tries to snowball off of an early-game board, which leaves it with fewer comeback mechanics. Powerful on-curve plays from early game to late game is what makes Dragon Priest so strong.
- Always keep Twilight Whelp, Northshire Cleric and Wyrmrest Agent
- Keep Kabal Talonpriest and Drakonid Operative if you have a good hand; Twilight Guardian is also fine
- Shadow Word: Pain obviously against Aggro
slightly unfavored - The Gameplan depends on your starting hand. You can just rush them down if you have an aggressive hand. Keep Hellfire, Shadowflame, Felfire Potion and Twisting Nether in mind. Some people aren't even running Felfire Potion orTwisting Nether, you are heavily favored in that case.
You can also win in fatigue by taking it really slow if they aren't running Lord Jaraxxus. You can get so much value with Brann Bronzebeard + Netherspite Historian or Drakonid Operative. Don't play more than 3 minions at a time to play around Mind Control Tech and AoE.
This Guide will be continued in the future. I would appreciate an upvote.
This is my second compilation about one of my favourite deck, Dragon Priest, this deck bring me to rank 5 this season :)
maybe after watch this you want to play this deck XD
very love the concept of dragon and priest especially tyrande lol
maybe there is some card different from deck because I change a little but the main deck still the same
First compilation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If2-ysaJcwk
Very nice deck, dragon priest bring me from rank 8 to rank 5 in about 1 hour :) streaks never lose
+potion of madness +1 Twilight drake +2 Argus +1 Holy nova -songstealer -2 dragonfire potion -acidic -book wrym
This is compilation of it, enjoy! :)
I love you deck man. This deck is even better than the discard lock deck that you got famous for. are you trying to keep the cost down or is this the optimal set-up?
Replacement Brann?
Why aren't Sylvanas Windrunner, Chillmaw or Justicar Trueheart used ? I've seen them in a lot of dragon priest decks but not here
I play both of them 2xholy 2x potion because is to many aggro decks now :)
Are you still playing the same exact list, or have you made some changes? I would really appreciate knowing before i start crafting the pieces! :)
Hey, Dragon Priest is fun right now and I am playing a similar list. I'm not running Kabal Songstealer. The difference between my deck and this is I'm running: 1x Holy Smite. I'm thinking of changing this to 1x Mind Blast instead though. On many occasions I've come up 1 - 5 HP short of lethal, then my opponent drops Reno on his next turn:).
You're concerned about crafting pieces, but you shouldn't be. There are many versions of Dragon Priest, all different by one or two cards. With a deck like this, you can win many match ups. A good Tier deck with a good player will beat you most of the time though. But you will have fun on the ladder and you're opponent can't make mistakes against you because this deck will make them pay. You're the under dog against tier 1 so enjoy the fight for what it is.
Something funny just happened had to reply to my own reply :). As i said, i was considering changing to Mind Blast from Holy Smite. So i made the change and took the deck for a spin. First opponent is RenoLock. On turn 6 my opponent is down to 14 health, I have two Blackwing Corrupter in play, opponent has no Taunt. On my turn I'm hoping to draw Mind Blast, i draw something else. Anyway, I bring him down to 4 health and play Drakonid Operative. Get from his hand Doomguard. With 4 health remaining opponent plays Reno Jackson of course. Anyways we fight for the board and he eventually clears my board leaving 1 of my minions 3/4. I still have Doomguard in hand with two other cards and draw Mind Blast. I play Doomguard, my two other cards are discarded leaving Mindblast, with that I get lethal. I know it's anecdotal and it's just one example, but under other circumstances, the fight would have been extended, and most times my hand gets exhausted or outclassed by my opponent's deck
Sounds great tbh, especially since they don't expect it. I greatly appreciate the help and suggestions. Thanks - will give it a go! :)
So you and a lot of others know something I don't. Ever since Old Gods Northshire has pretty much been impossible to garner the value from. The card's only value I've seen so far is absorb 3 damage and I rarely get any draw value out of it. I'd gotten to the point of nixing it entirely and running a single Acolyte (which is an admittedly weak card) in most of my old priest decks.
What was I doing wrong?
Are you playing it as a 1 drop on 1? Almost all decks have some sort of removal for it on 2, so don't expect the value you're getting from dropping it at the start of the game to come from drawing. If they don't have an answer, you either prevent their 1 drop or get value by making them use removal on a 1 mana card.
Know your matchups. If it's a aggro, tempo style deck, you're probably not going to have time to drop it and heal a minion for 3 mana later. If it's a control matchup, save it for some card draw (but don't fatigue!). Just some general tactics that hopefully help you get value from the girl.
Replace for Twilight Whelp × 2 ?? :/
Do you not have Blackwing Corruptor? You get it the same way as Twilight Whelp.
If you wanna be efficient with your spending then you don't have either Whelp or Corruptor since they cycle out in 2017 sometime.
Replacements are hard to find for those cards because they act as a 1-mana 2-drop (class-specific and hard to find) and removal respectively.
I can coach you no problem :)
You'll need the dust for those, FOR SURE. If you want this deck to work into midrange/aggro you'll need at least one copy
For the time being, spend some money and get Excavated Evil but you'll soon be missing out. D-fire potion lets you keep some board while wiping out the rest. Exc Evil clears the board but not nearly as well when you're dealing with anything later than turn 4
It is good enough. I know it'll suck to spend the dust but you'll be happier in the long run with the deck.
If you think about it purely in a numbers sense, when you wanna clear board you should have a 3/6 Guardian and a 5/6 drakonid op (These are MUSTS for this deck as well since they give you a free card). Possibly an azure drake. The idea behind D-priest is value advantage through stats, draw, or both. Playing excavated evil puts a lot of your good drops to 1-3 hp range which makes them very easy to remove relatively cheaply and you lose board. (this is the reason they're not running Chillmaw)
Just take a mental note every time you're holding Excavated Evil instead of a D-Fire potion and see how often you would have come out ahead with it. Dragon Priest is the answer to midrange shaman and maybe even Secret Hunter.
Looks OK, I would replace Kabal Songstealer with Chillmaw and replace 1x Dragonfire Potion with 1x Holy Nova which synergies good with Northshire Cleric and your drakes-spellpower and it can sometimes save you from death.