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[Day 3 LEGEND N°1] S.Cifka's RenoLock [39-8 rec...

  • Last updated Dec 8, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 10140
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/3/2016 (Gadgetzan)
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General Mulligan

This applies to all matchups,

Kazakus : ALWAYS KEEP, he will be important in each matchup, the only moment when you don't keep him is when the rest of your hand has no reactive spell and you want to increase your chances to draw more impactful early cards

Reno Jackson : ALWAYS KEEP, don't even think about shipping him.


Class Specific Mulligan :

Keep in mind that this adds up to the general mulligan.

Mistress of Mixtures : Life gain and trades with early minions

Mortal Coil : Depends on the rest of the hand, keep it if you already have Reno, Kazakus, Doomsayer or Mistress of Mixtures

Acidic Swamp Ooze : Destroys Warrior weapons, no matter what variant.

Doomsayer : Play it turns 2 or 3, they can kill him usually with weapons+minions, worst case scenario he's 7 life gain

Shadow Bolt : Kills all relevant minions and gain tempo

Imp Gang Boss (Only with coin) : Trades pretty well and leaves a body to contest 1 health minions, a bit slow without coin can be kept if the rest of the hand is good enough


Acidic Swamp Ooze : Destroys Shaman weapons, no matter what variant.

Doomsayer : Play it turns 2 or 3, play around weapons and Flametoung totem, worst case scenario he's 7 life gain and tempo

Shadow Bolt : Kills all relevant minions and gain tempo

Imp Gang Boss (Only without coin) : Kills totems and leaves a body to contest 1 health minions, very good to play on curve

Hellfire (Only with coin) : Very good early AOE, pretty slow without coin and can't kill Totem Golem


Doomsayer (With coin) : Good tempo and helps to get rid of early swarm of Jade golems, with coin to enable lifetap+ Doomsayer on turn 3 since Druid usually spend its turn 2-3 for ramp

Shadow Bolt : Kills all relevant minions and gain tempo.

Twilight Drake : Druid can have hard time killing it.

Mountain Giant : Hard to kill for druid, contest every minion they can play on early game, use it to deal damage and race the Jade Golems


Doomsayer : Good tempo and helps to get rid of early minions, Dragon priest has a lot early interaction, if they spend their Shadow Word: Pain it's a good thing, otherwise it's a good tempo gain

Shadow Bolt : Kills all relevant minions and gain tempo.

Twilight Drake : Priest can not shadow word it, Drake is a nightmare for them.

Mountain Giant : Can be pretty useful for control matchups like this, he can help maintain board control or hit face very soon


Mistress of Mixtures : Life gain and trades with early minions

Mortal Coil (Only with coin) : Useful to finish minions damaged

Acidic Swamp Ooze : Destroys the weapon vs secret hunter.

Doomsayer : Play it turns 2 or 3, they can kill him usually with weapons+minions, worst case scenario he's 7 life gain

Shadow Bolt : Kills all relevant minions and gain tempo

Imp Gang Boss : Trades pretty well and leaves a body.


The mirror is pretty hard, it relies mostly on who makes the first mistake, stay focus and make your decisions wisely

Doomsayer (with coin) : If opponent has an explosive start play it, otherwise can be kept to tempo later, for example try to prevent Emperor Thaurissan on turn 6 or Bran+Kazakus value if they have 7 mana

Twilight Drake : Very hard to kill and helps to maintain board control.

Mountain Giant : Useful for control matchups

There's not many Paladin on the ladder, treat it as any other aggro matchups

Mistress of Mixtures : Life gain and trades with early minions

Mortal Coil : Useful vs Paladin's hero power.

Doomsayer : Play it turns 2 or 3, they can kill him usually with weapon+minions, worst case scenario he's 7 life gain

Shadow Bolt : Kills all relevant minions and gain tempo

Imp Gang Boss : Trades pretty well and leaves a body.

Mage burst can kill from nowhere, but with that many heal it can not handle the card advantage

Mistress of Mixtures : Life gain and trades with early minions

Mortal Coil : Useful to finish minions damaged, keep only if other cards in hand are useful

Doomsayer : Huge tempo vs mage.

Shadow Bolt : Kills all relevant minions and gain tempo

Imp Gang Boss : Trades pretty well and leaves a body.

Mistress of Mixtures : Life gain and trades with early minions

Doomsayer (only with coin) : Good tempo , pretty hard to kill

Shadow Bolt : Kills all relevant minions and gain tempo

Twilight Drake : Very hard to kill and helps to maintain board control.

Mountain Giant : Rogue struggles to kill very big minions, and it usually use its weapon which can make 8 damage a lot to take for rogue


Replacement and card tech :

Dirty Rat : Punish midrange and control matchups when denies Battlecry

Mind Control Tech : Great to use with dirty rat or even alone.

Big Game Hunter : Can be useful if there are less pirate warrior

Abyssal Enforcer : Yet an other AOE, can be used to add some removal redundancy.

Ragnaros the Firelord : Kills any slow insect.

Twisting Nether : Slow vs aggro matchups but mandatory in the control and Jade Druid matchups.

Lord Jaraxxus : Same as Twisting Nether, depends on the speed of the matchups.

  • Is there a replacement for Kazakus ?
    -> No, he gives too much versatility in every matchups, AOE+Shield for aggro, Resurrect for control or anything you want whenever you need it, he is as important as Reno


Sebastian's (Netera7) Gameplay video

Furo's Gameplay video