Gadgetzan Dragon Priest
- Last updated Dec 7, 2016 (Gadgetzan)
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- 21 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Dragon Priest
- Crafting Cost: 5740
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/29/2016 (Yogg Nerf)

- Duran8
- Registered User
- 2
- 20
- 26
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Total Deck Rating
Mass Dispel can be changed to holy nova; I'm using it as a tech card to deal with potential Grimy Zoo
Mulligan thoughts:
Keep a Dragonfire Potion against everything except control
Try to keep a dragon in hand to activate your early game cards
Piloting thoughts:
Against control you want to combo Brann Bronzebeard with Netherspite Historian (or Drakonid Operative if you must)
Couple replays so far:
1. vs Shaman 1
2. vs Hunter, showing off Drakonid Operative
3. vs Shaman 2
Edit 1: -2 Northshire Cleric, +2 Kabal Talonpriests and -1 Entomb, +1 Wrathion
Edit 2: -1 Shadow Word: Pain, +1 Book Wyrm
Edit 3: -1 Blackwing Technician, +1 Kabal Chemist
(For more Dragonfire Potion)
Edit 4: Rolled back Edit 3.
can we get a status update, how is doing now?
Wrathion sucks. It's less than a 1 in 3 chance to draw a second card.
OMG. Love Wrathion, it's usually gains at least 2 cards. Statistically it must be bad cause we have only an 8 Dragons. But it works.
hey I don't have Blackrock any choices for replacements
Maybe use fairy dragons instead of whelps. Not much works as well as the other two blackwing cards you're missing, but you could just try to fill in the 3 and 5 mana gaps with similar costed minions.
Wrathion won't work in this deck. Go back to last week's Dragon Priest. Use Deathwing instead.
With only 7 Dragons Wrathion won't make the cut. You need at least 8 for consistent dragon synergy anyway and in order to make Wrathion worthwhile you should probably play between 9-10.
I recommend changing one SW:P with another Bookwyrm, it adds another dragon and you dont need that much early game removal in dragon priest. Also you could consider running Northshire Cleric, maybe one and cut both SW:P or the second Kabal Talonpriest, depending on how well he works though.
This is something I had thought about too. The 2nd Bookwyrm was cut because I'm not sure how many targets there will be for it to kill later in the game in Gadgetzan meta.
But at that point why would you run a SW:P in its place? Later in the game, you would much rather have the Book Wyrm, because without a target SW:P is just a dead card where BW at least has a body. Or am I missing something?
No, I think you're right. Good advice!
Why is mass dispel here? It's better to get another aoe or another card
Yeah well its just theorycraft, since we are expecting some grimy goon decks it could severely cripple them. Imagine a paladin puking his whole hand on the board four 1 drops all buffed +3/+3 and then you silence them. It is also strong against deathrattle decks. I would love to see this card being played but honestly its hard to imagine and I doubt that it will make the cut.
You hit the nail right on the head here.
You discover the big dragons off of Netherspite Historian.
Awesome! Those are definitely flavor/tech choices. What are your thoughts on them?
The current dragon priest list on TempoStorm only runs 8 dragons. Its something to consider though.
No wrathion?
I would run the kabal talonpriest instead of northshire.
I agree with the Wrathion addition. I'll likely try this deck with talpriests, then with northshires, or a combination of the two.