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S32(Top 50) Legend Dragon/Aviana Druid

  • Last updated Nov 14, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Ramp Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 20340
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/9/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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Hey Guys, TheCantelope here. (NEW** If we get this deck to 100 upvotes I'll write a more detailed guide)

I used this deck heavily while climbing to legend this season. It's effective, and gave me some of the most fun moments I've ever had in hearthstone. Opponents have almost no idea how to play against it, and when you make your swing turns, I guarantee you'll see more insta-concedes than you've ever seen in your life. One of the best parts of this deck are the multiple win conditions:  Here is a video of me pulling off an insane game breaking Aviana turn to win a match - Aviana+Innervate=GG

1)High roll with Barnes.

I advise only playing Barnes on turn 4 if you have a coin, or an innervate in hand in case you high-roll an Aviana. This is important so you can play out your other big minions before the 1/1 Aviana gets killed off. If no coin or innervate, play Barnes on turn 5. You can high-roll a Deathwing Dragonlord and instantly get all your massive dragons in play, or get a Y'Shaarj copy and pull a huge minion out of your deck. Your chance of high-rolling a helpful minion are 11/14, and sometimes can outright win the game for you.

2)Ramp, Ramp, Ramp.

Your most likely win condition is to just hard mulligan for ramp at the beginning of the game, so you can create your game breaking swing turns. 

3)Giant Dragons

Deathwing Dragonlord can pull out Ysera, Deathwing, and Chillmaw. Nuff' said. 

4)Aviana is Bae

This deck can be very difficult to win with if you don't plan out your Aviana turns. Many times you have to play very patiently to get out a big burst of giant minions onto the board. See video linked in intro.

Mulligans:  Ramp, innervates, and Barnes are your best friends. Aside from maybe keeping an occasional wrath against against an opponent you know is playing a very aggressive deck, hard mulligan for the above cards in all situations.

Special Points and Considerations: Make sure to plan your turns very well and exercise patience. Saving Wrath and Swipes  to use with Thalanos(if possible) can be game saving. Soggoth is also an absolute game changer against spell heavy decks. Against control warrior, Nature's Idol out minions for extra threats. Shoutout to the man, the myth, the legend:  MiniTitan87!!!!

Bad Matchups: Zoo can be very difficult without a lucky power turn, or heavy early ramp.  

Contact for help: Feel free to come by my stream any weeknight and ask me questions directly about the deck/ how to play it. Twitch.tv/TheCantelope