Thijs' Midrange Secret Hunter - BlizzCon 2016 G...
- Last updated Oct 20, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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- 14 Minions
- 14 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Tournament
- Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 4860
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 10/20/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
- ThijsNL
- Pro Player
Tournament Decks:
Ladder Decks:
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Just wanna says thank you for this deck! It help me climb ladder from rank 14 --> rank 10 very quick.
A "good" replacement could be sylvanas / cairne / Hogger / Ysera / Y/shaarj maybe.
He talked a good game taking time and being patient, but in his match he was to aggro.... He sucked with this deck. So yes sylvanas would be a great replacement
This or leeroy version now?
Remember, don't play Snipe and Freezing Trap against a 1/1 if you want to win.
exactly XD
Just tried it out.
Changed Snake Trap to Explosive Shot, cause i do not have it(and don't want to spend dust before expansion:) )
Started from rank 15(eu). 8-1 so far, rank 13, only lost to a Discardlock.
Fun deck, really like it! :)
Thoughts on replacing Horserider for Unleash? Same mana cost, usually has atleast the same amount of damage, but Unleash is so much better against mid-shaman than horserider.
mulligan guide pls
amazing deck, thx
I'm replace Ragnaros the Firelord on Call of the Wild.
P.S. After first loss i switсh on wild :D
Fingers crossed you don't roll Houndmaster off Barnes.
Seems a bit weird. There aren't many beasts anyway, double wolf + single houndmaster should be the more logical pick. But I'm sure they chose this for a reason. Probably the guaranteened synergy with cat trick.