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[90% WinRate!!] Fastrank 25-10 Paladin Dragon T...

  • Last updated Oct 27, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 4320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 10/18/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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Do you ever want a deck that is zoo, aggro, tempo, midrange and control all at the same time? Look no more, this deck has it all, and it can be anything! Depending of what you are up against. Compared to other Dragon Paladin, this deck has almost no dead turn, almost all your cards (80%) can be played on curve, only 2 to 3 reactive turn if opponent plays a threat that can be neutralized easily with our 26 minions. They have extremely powerful synergy with each other, and able to control the board with only your minion efficiently. With 2 spell and 2 weapon only at your disposal, this deck has a pressure of a Midrange Shaman. (yes! I'm no kidding, given you played your cards perfectly on curve).

Equality and Wild Pyromancer is not included because we always want to have minions on board. Having the feeling that when enemy just simply flood the board while we only cast hero power and pass turn with alot of unspend mana? It sucks. And suddenly out of the blue, you cleared the board without ever play a thing on turn 2-4. The combo is unfun and uninteractive for both the player (play nothing and suddenly pyro equality), and for the opponent (all effort building board is meaningless and no interaction with us at all).

So we trade their minions with our minions (more interactive), use Consecration or Truesilver Champion, or even neutralize their minions with Aldor Peacekeeper and Keeper of Uldaman that combo with Book Wyrm easily. Including more control card will only hurt our board and our tempo. Remember that we are playing tempo, always put your minions on curve, maximize your mana usage and trade efficiently will lead you to victory!

Competes with enemy board since turn 2 instead of hero power passing, becomes totally in control in trading, prevent enemy floods. This will threatens enemy everytime, then force them to play reactive card instead of playing minion and we'll become the aggresive one!

And I assure you this will be hell lot of fun

Just a tip: 1. Dump everything in mulligan that cost more than 4 mana. 2. Always coin 3 drop followed by another 3 drop if possible. 3. If lethal is near (enemy<12hp), ignore enemy minion and go face (except if there is threat like rag or Flamewaker). Let them do the trade. You are most likely to find/draw lethal. 4. Don't be afraid to play Netherspite Historian to fill the void so you know what dragon you will play next if you didn't draw Brann Bronzebeard yet.

P.S. For serious ranked climber, read the details in this guide until the very end. 

IMPORTANT: TRY ATLEAST 10 GAMES  WITH THIS UNMODIFIED BEFORE JUDGING THE DECK IN THE COMMENT, then you might make changes or substitute any cards you wish into the deck depending on the meta you face.

In early you always want to look for 2-3 mana minions and a dragon will come naturally with draw. Your zoo card: Faerie Dragon, Nightbane Templar, and Blackwing Technician is what you are looking for in early game (even Netherspite Historian is totally fine on turn 2 if you are up against 1 health minions like Loot Hoarder). Coin our powerful 2 drop (Faerie Dragon) is strong if you are playing second especially if you are up against non-weapon/non-tempo class that cannot easily handle magic immune minions, or pass then coin 3 drop is very powerful play too. Coin Faerie Dragon can represent 9-15 damage during the whole game if you trade efficiently and opponent's lack of answer or area of effect which is powerful for such 2 drop, allowing you to aggro pressure enemy hitpoints very hard.

Twilight Guardian is not used in this deck, instead we use Twilight Drake and Defender of Argus which is strong since we have more minions on board that can benefit from +1/+1 taunt (trade more efficiently or buff to play around area damage like Excavated Evil/Lightning Storm, even protect our weaker ones). 4 attack with more health on turn 4 is stronger and can even trade with opposing Azure Drake that they play on curve when Twilight Guardian with only 3 attack can't do the same (we have overloaded 3 attack minions early), thus giving more flexibility.

On turn 5 we preferably to play Dragon Consort for even more tempo rather than playing Azure Drake, because 2 mana less on next dragon is crazy strong on tempo, 5 attack is also stronger and can bait enemy Shadow Word: Death to protect our stronger dragon. You can even play another consort on turn 6 and another dragon, or save it for turn 7 to play a 9 mana dragon earlier, thus even more tempo and pressure at the same time (Nefarian, Ysera, Alexstrasza that we discover from Netherspite Historian earlier can be dropped on turn 7! Is this real life?).

Unless there are no better plays, I prefer saving Azure Drake to combo it with Brann Bronzebeard or Consecration. On turn 6 we have our underestimated yet powerful 6 drop from karazhan! Book Wyrm is very neat against another 3/6 minions (like Thunder Bluff Valiant), especially to handle opponent's Acolyte of Pain and Doomsayers. You can also play Ivory Knight on curve if you have no better play for the sake of curve, or save the knight against freeze mage or other combo burst deck when you need healing the most.

Below I will show you strong combo and synergy of Midrange Shaman-like Tempo Dragondin. All of this combo can be achieved only with the help of our beloved friend, Brann Bronzebeard

Forbidden Dragon (6 mana): Brann Bronzebeard + Nightbane Templar. Instantly become zoo paladin with 6 mana! Instead of 6 1/1 token we have 4 1/1 dragon,a 2/3 and a 2/4. Very neat! Use this against another zoo, or classes that struggle to deal 1 damage to minions.

Blessing of Moonsilver Portal (7 mana): Brann Bronzebeard + Defender of Argus. Becomes more resistant to enemy Flamestrike and Excavated Evil with this sweet combo! +4/+4 split into adjacent minion, with 2/3 and 2/4 on board, use this when you have atleast 1 other minion, trade more efficiently and make your enemies pressured (like a Midrange Shaman pressure) really hard.

Dragon Fiesta (7 mana): Brann Bronzebeard + 2 Netherspite Historian. If you are up against control, discover a Deathwing, Dragonlord, Ysera, Alexstrasza, and Nozdormu is crazy strong in the late game, even if you don't have them in your own collection! This combo give you chance to play luxurious dragons for free.

The Dragon (re)Load! (10 mana): Brann Bronzebeard + Azure Drake + Netherspite Historian. Against control after the event of board clear (such as Brawl or Frost Nova Doomsayer when you dont have bookwyrm). Discover 2 dragon and draw 2 card, let the dragon rampage continues!

Burgle Paladin (10 mana): Brann Bronzebeard + Nefarian (7 mana, after last turn Dragon Consort). Instantly become rogue! Refill your hand with other class card (from your opponent's class) which is way too fun to pass up if you have the chance. Let Paladin forsake the light! (And Sacrificial Pact their Lord Jaraxxus)

Not So Forbidden Healing (9 Mana): Brann Bronzebeard + Ivory Knight. Lay on hands against freeze mage and combo decks with this sweet healing burst and 2 spell cards that can protect you from enemy lethal, or even get you a card that gives you lethal. By the holy light!

Fat Drake (7 mana): Brann Bronzebeard +Twilight Drake. Look! A 4/13 drake! I must entomb/execute/hex/polymorph this xD. Great fat drake to control those azure drakes, or bait enemy removal to waste. Even better than Klaxxi Amber-Weaver!

Tempo Uldaman (4-6 mana): Keeper of Uldaman + Silver Hand Recruit (or your other 1 attack minion). A 3/3 and a 3/4 for tempo? That's a 6/7 worth stat of Boulderfist Ogre in 2. Such tempo, much wow!

Tempo Consort (8 mana): Brann Bronzebeard + Dragon Consort. Play your next dragons for free with this sweet discount on your dragon! Or even drop 9 mana dragon like Ysera with just 5, what a deal.

[Removal combo]

None May Steal Our Secrets (8 mana): Keeper of Uldaman + Truesilver Champion. Your enemy druid just dropped Ancient of War and blocking your dragons to smorc face? Yes, just takedown that annoying high health minions with your face! Only 1 damage is taken compared to 17 damage that your dragons do.

The Fireball (8 mana): Brann Bronzebeard + Blackwing Corruptor. Sudden 6 burst of damage out of nowhere? And it can even be used to secure lethal? How convenient, mage are not only that can do that, paladin's too xD (or any other class that has dragon, brann and a wing of blackwing)

The Hex (9 mana): Aldor Peacekeeper + Book Wyrm. Goodbye C'Thun, grom, giants, etc. (Can use uldaman too)

DragonQuake (9 Mana): Azure Drake + Consecration. Deal 3 (4 if you have another azure on board) to every enemies. Flamestrike their face! We don't need Equality and Wild Pyromancer due to this, and we don't want our dragons to be gone (pun intended), sweet! 

Cards you can consider to be in this deck are Ragnaros, Lightlord and Tirion Fordring. They are not added to this version of TEMPO dragon paladin, along with wild pyro equality combo due to the fact that they add nothing to the tempo (especially early game), are not dragons, slow (due to not discounted by Dragon Consort) and not battlecry that can combo with Brann Bronzebeard. You can still add them but i don't know what card to substitute for them because all the cards here already have strong synergy with each other and removing the synergy can be hurt.

I run this deck going from rank 18 to rank 12 in just 10 game, that was fastest ranking of my hearthstone gaming. This deck only weak to Midrange Shaman (all decks do, huh) because everything this deck do, they do it better. Thanks, I hope you enjoy and try it and experience the best and fast ranking of your life! I will add proof and record soon.


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