(87% Win Rate) Sylvanas's Dirty Little Secretes...
- Last updated Nov 28, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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- 14 Minions
- 14 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Secrets Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 10120
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 10/10/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
- TheSlavik
- Registered User
- 9
- 44
- 65
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Good day to you all,
So today, I decided to venture out and try a new class, that I never play... A hunter
After encountering many Secrete Hunters, I have decided it would be fun to try it out. Boy, was I smart in making that decision. I started off with Soda_Was_Here deck, thanks man, I really appreciate you make such a bad ass deck... (If you are not sure who I am talking about, here is the ORIGINAL DECK http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/635135-legend-top-10-secret-midrange-hunter)
I added a little spice to the deck and added Sylvanas and Rag.... Boy, when you through out Barnes and Rag or Syl are summon, what a huge difference. Also I added Questing Adventurer because its a solid 3 cost minion and each card gives you a +1/+1... What can go wrong. Also, trying to play 2xCotW.... way to slow.
So after playing 20 games with this deck, I lost 2.... Stupid ZooLocks.
ZooLocks were the only problem I ran into.
All credit goes to Soda_Was_Here
without him, I would not of thought about creating this deck.
For a great guide, I promise you, go to the link I shared. Very helpful
Well to start off with, never really made a guide before… so bare with me please.
To start this guide off I want to put empathizes on this…. THIS IS NOT AN AGGRO DECK, DO NOT TREAT IT AS AN AGGRO DECK. DO NOT PLAY EVERY TRAP YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND ALL AT ONCE. Be patient with the deck. I play this deck very similar to a control style deck but with some added tempo. Not sure if that makes any sense…
So, what cards should you go for at the beginning?
I recommend most of the 2 cost and below. If you have more than 1 secrete + Secretkeeper then you can keep Cloaked Huntress
Do not keep Snake Trap in your mulligans.
Currently, all you play against are Aggro Shamans/Dislocks… I recommend this hand for all match ups.
Without coin: Snipe + Secretkeeper + Freezing Trap
With Coin: Snipe + Secretkeeper + Freezing Trap + Cloaked Huntress
So you swap your cards and you just get really high cost cards…. DO NOT PANIC. Your cards will come very quickly. Just keep up the pressure with you HP. If you have high cost cards, 3+ mana, make sure you keep at least (1) 3 cost just so you can play during turn 3.
Final bit of advice, do not burn all your cards in your hand… do not rely on the river…
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
I am on a serious roll right now. 50 matches in now, Mostly rank(20-10) but many with friends and boy.... I can't even focus at work. I am really destroying it now. Um, oh yeah, 50 matches in, 4 loses only.... you guys, This is a 92% Win Rate.... 92%
I can officially say, this is my best deck. I have never been as successful. Note to those who will be using this deck.... Tempo Mages are a pain in the ass. Take them out quickly.
UPDATE (AGAIN 6:30 pm 10/10/16):
Final update for tonight.... Due to playing this deck, I am behind on my project for work.... I finished off 58 games, 54 wins today. 93% win rate. I had people add me and praised me for such a quick win. I have people add me today, and raged and raged and raged. Both types of messages made me very very happy. Best message yet, "You lucky P***y, you must be a regular Aggro Player. Go suck a big hairy C***. You are worthless. I bet you were adopted you little S***. You have no skill."
So great.... Well, if you have any questions about this deck, I am free. PM me or just comment below.
UPDATE (Once More 9:10 PM 10/10/16)
A fellow Hearthstone player is using same exact deck. He is currently 10-0 with the deck. He keeps wanting to change Questing Adventurer to another card. I told him, I am keeping it because "Why Fix it if it is not broken."
UPDATE (7:56 AM 10/11/16)
As of right now, I am not playing very hot. I have played 3, lost 2. Both loses being Reno Locks. The win was a Control Warrior. I am back to Rank 10 with 4 Stars.
-1 Questing Adventurer
+1 Bear Trap
UPDATE (3:03 PM 10/11/16)
Holy shit, 3k views already. Much appreciated everyone. So I have some substitutions for you guys: Bear Trap
I am getting messages about what to replace this trap card... Honestly, *whispers* I already switched it out....
So anyways. I put in 1x Arcane Giant
but other replacements for the Bear Trap:
Harrison Jones
The Curator
FINAL UPDATE (10/11/16 5:33 PM)
Finally discovered the missing link, The Curator
I was very against it at 1st, but after putting it into the deck, I have not lost in a good bit. I was demoted to Rank 10, 1 star... No I am back at 9 with 4 stars.
There seems to be a lot of confusion. I did not say that I won 50 matches all in ranked. I would be ranked 1 or legend if I did. What I did say was I climbed from 20-10 and played with friends and unranked. READ BEFORE YOU MAKE AN IGNORANT COMMENT! MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE THE FOOL WHEN STARTING AN ARGUMENT.
Also, I am trying out Harrison instead of Curator, seem to be very successful with him as well.
UPDATE (10/21/16 12:50 PM)
-1 Curator
+1 Tundra Rhino
Purposely started at Rank 10 0 stars.
Starting the Climb. Won 5 in a row, 1st match of rank 8 lost to a Aggro Shaman. At 2 stars in rank 8, lost to Reno Lock. At Rank 7 3 stars, lost. So as of right now 84.61% win rate from 10. Time to keep climbing
UPDATE (10/28/16 11:21 AM)
Due to work, unable to actually get time to play. Rank 5, 2 stars was my ending for this season. 84.3% win rate. TITLE HAS BEEN CHANGED. Guide will come by the end of the month.
UPDATE (11/2/16 9:41 AM)
Removed 1 King Elk and put in 1 Kindly Grandmother. GUIDE WILL BE UPLOADED TODAY
UPDATE (11/7/16 12:23 PM)
Boy can I just start off by saying F**** you Midrange Shamans.
Okay with this update, I realize we run into MANY Midrange Shamans and that 5/5 taunt or 2x 2/3 Taunt cards really slow us down from winning.... So this update
-(2) Quick Shot
+(2) Kill Command
-(1) Snake Trap
+(1) Powershot
Power Shot is one that I feel WE NEED against these damn Totems.
I removed Snake Trap because.... I hard use it.
UPDATE (11/12/16 9:01 AM)
I actually decided to go back to an original style deck and have had a lot more success with this.
UPDATE (11/28/16 12:45 PM)
-1 Azure Drake
+1 Emperor Thaurissan
-1 Cloak Hunter
+1 Infested Wolf
Realized Barnes summoning a Azure Drake is not that useful because it doesnt allow any card draws. Having Emperor summon, you can at least get 1 turn with him. I also feel that having an extra hunter is a little to much so a Infested wolf being summoned for 1/1 and dying summoning 2x 1/1 is helpful
Went from 17-10 within a hour... 3 loses after using new deck
UPDATE (11/28/16 4:43 Pm)
I think I finally found it... The "Meta Breaking Deck."
I have yet to lose to a shaman since editing the deck... This is huge.
Destroyed Control Warriors (very close matches... most down to last 10 hp)
Creamed Dragon Warriors
Rez Priest stood 0 Chance
DisLocks concede after turn 5...
Everything is falling into place.... IT IS INSANE.
I hate Midrange Shamans.... but I am feeling sorry for them now
Now I do have to mention, I haven't rank this deck in a long time. Thank you for checking it out.
Okay, any specific purpose why you put thaurissan there?
So I threw in Thaurissan.... what a huge impact it had. If you have Rag in hand when Baron summons Thaurissan, that is 1 turn early. or heck CotW is back to the original cost.
Basically, I began to throw out cards earlier and began to keep up with Midrange Shamans, which was one of the biggest problems this Meta.
I could have put something else in but I prefer being able to play a card earlier than later.... If that makes any sense
I honestly don't see a point for Drake... It has never really helped me.
-1 Azure Drake
+1 Emperor Thaurissan
-1 Cloak Hunter
+1 Infested Wolf
Realized Barnes summoning a Azure Drake is not that useful because it doesnt allow any card draws. Having Emperor summon, you can at least get 1 turn with him. I also feel that having an extra hunter is a little to much so a Infested wolf being summoned for 1/1 and dying summoning 2x 1/1 is helpful
Went from 17-10 within a hour... 3 loses after using new deck
ahh okay, thanks for explaining it to me. I just wonder why you put it there. Also, can we make room for kill command in this deck? or do you think its a waste
I would say
-1 Secret Keeper
-1 Snake Trap.
+2 Kill Command
I see my secrete keepers being taken out REALLY QUICK. So having 2 is kinda pointless.
Snake Traps... Well all you see now is Midrange Shamans and Tempo Mages/Frost MAges... They never go for minions unless its targeted by spells
To many spells, not enough minions.
yea, i think switching 1 snake with 1 kill command quite enough after few testing myself. Thanks for confirming this too
What do you think about swapping a Snake Trap for a Skill Command to close games more easily ?
So what's the recent rank with this deck?
+ 1Hunters Mark
-1 Cat Trap
Damn midrange shamans and their 5/5 taunt
Why no Kill Command?
I keep Quick Shot because eventually, you hand becomes very scarce and if you have quick shot, then you also have that draw card
While I have to agree your statistics are not accurate if they're not based off any Ranked game play, I have to say I have enjoyed the deck. To be fair I have played secret hunter a whole bunch in different variations, so this wasn't something hard to figure out. People who play the deck and lose 5 straight because of user error just need to continually play hunter decks. This isn't a face deck. Anyways, good job... Got the usual season rank five earlier this month with this guy.
Played it for 6 hours from rank 4 1 star to (max) rank 2 5 stars. Now rank 3 4 stars.
60% winrate (26-18)
Druid 5-0 (3 against maly, 1 against token, 1 against beast)
Hunter 1-5
Mage 1-0
Paladin 0-1 (against dragon)
Priest 2-0 (against dragon and ressurect)
Rogue 2-2 ( Win 2 against miracle, Lose 2 against Maly)
Shaman 9-5
Warlock 3-2 ( Hand 2-0, Zoo 1-2)
Warrior 3-3 (Control 1-0, K`Thun Control 2-0, Dragon 0-2, Pirate 0-1)
Good deck. Just unluck streak.
With Shamans, my only advice is to control and overwhelm them 1st. Harrison isnt much use for shamans... try Curator. Gives you that taunt and draw 2.