Thijs Reno Lock
- Last updated Oct 5, 2016 (Yogg Nerf)
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- 21 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Renolock
- Crafting Cost: 13540
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 10/5/2016 (Yogg Nerf)
- ThijsNL
- Pro Player
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Deck played by Thijs for climbing from rank 6 to rank 2.
Score: 23-7
All 30 matches at (5 hours video):
Is there any good replacement for Leeroy, or any cards that would fit in this deck that I could use in place of him?
A good replacement would be reckless rocketeer but you need emperor thaurissan to discount 2/3 combo pieces instead of 1
- Sen'jin Shieldmasta x 1
+ Faceless Shambler × 1
- Soulfire × 1
+ Sunfury Protector × 1
I got 12 win heroic brawl with renodeck XD
any replacement for jaraxxus and mountain gaint?
Yeah, Mountain Giant is sort of irreplaceable.
If you bought Kara, maybe try Arcane Giant? Not sure how well that would work though...
Jaraxxus on the other hand, you could swap in Alex as said below.
I've found that I wind up using Jaraxxus less than 10% of the time. The deck is just so good that games don't get that far.
sweet deck. 0-8 so far. Let's see how far I can take it
I don't have Refreshment Vendor and Mountain Giant I wonder what's are the best replacement??? Thanks..
Crafted Lord Jaraxxus last week to play this and I have not had this much fun with a deck in a long time! Matches are on the slower side, but my win rate is better so far. I've even beaten a number of mid range shaman though it was a close call a few times. Jaraxxus really carries his weight! One of my new favorite decks!
Great deck having fun with it and climbing slowly. What you think about adding a Deathwing as another "oh shit" card if leeroy or reno didn't cut it?
Room for BGH? Fucking hate Rag
Theory, in turn 8 your enemy is Dead. So dont need it.
Amazing deck, been playing it since WoG launch and took a small break from the Reno decks. but now that the meta has settled again i can easily see wht i loved this deck in the first place. once you master the deck you know when to chip health to 20 or play defencively. so far at a sollid 8-1. the only loss was my dirst game cause i had no answers and bad draw. +1 from me!
Went from 13-9 with this in 10 games, lost 1 game. 90% win rate. deck is great once you master it.
I really like this deck, climbed actually to rank 6 with it and trying get higher, especially good against that new great midrange shaman (ye, that was strange for me too), I haven't lost to him even once by now.This one defenitely got potential, the worst matchup for me is priest, cause of shadow word death and entombs + sylvanas usually, and its not that easy to get priest down to that 20-24 hp without early pressure.
Defenitely upvoting this one, thanks Thijs.
Just went to craft Lord Jaraxxus and already had it hahah don't know how that snuck under my radar ..will post how i go after some games ..looks good . cheers
if you won 1 in 28 in casual with this deck how many did you play to make golden 2 million?
Wouldn't Alexstraza be a good card in this deck?
Put opponent straight o 15 health can Faceless+Leeroy combo next.
Or am I missing something?
so this is jus regular Renolock that has been around since old gods? Why is this suddenly relevant again?
Answer: The meta shifted and it's very playable in the current environment. Oddly enough it's very good at beating various forms of shaman decks. It's also very good at handling Warrior especially the fatigue versions.